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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Man Chain
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04/29/2011 05:18PM
We went Carp-Sheridan-That Man. As i recall we were able to pull through the stream along one of those portages - maybe two on the way through here to Sag - though maybe the ones between That Man and This Man. It was a nice surprise. Great route. We continued through Falls Chain.
04/30/2011 06:18AM
We did same route - up to Kawanipi and down through Agnes.

We don't fish so no help there.

We stayed on That Man - about 3/4 of the way down on north shore - fine but unremarkable. We were in Sag next night and loved our little island site across and south of Dead Man's Portage. Stayed two nights.
04/29/2011 06:54PM
We are also planning on continuing through the falls chain and returning via Agnes lake. I am trying to determine which lakes in the man chain have the best camp sites and fishing for lake trout.
04/28/2011 08:36PM
I am heading up the Man Chain via Prarie Portage and Carp Lake on May 21 with my son. I am hoping to get into some Lake Trout. With ice out in early May (making an assumption)I am looking for advice on which lakes to target. Any advice on good campsites, fishing areas etc would be appreciated. If you want to send me an email my address is

Since I have never fished this early after ice out and we have not had much experience with lakers,I would also appreciated any tips on how deep we should be looking to fish in what depth of water.

Also I see that you can get to This Man from Sheridan, Carp, or Emerald Lakes. Any suggestions on the best route to take would be great.



04/29/2011 01:27PM
Just troll with pretty much any diving plug, and you will catch trout that time of year. Long-casting with spoons works well, too. There will be plenty of action in water shallower than 20 feet.