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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Trip booked!
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05/27/2011 06:10PM
Sit down ahead of time with the group members, and identify each person's goals/ideas for the trip, such as:

Amount of fishing time
Amount of paddling/portaging per day
Food preferences
Early/late starts
Distribution of group gear
Level of experience tripping in adverse weather
Appropriate amount/type of personal gear
How group decisions are to be made

06/02/2011 09:09AM
quote timatkn: "Just booked for Sara lake entry on July 30th, might be in line wiht you at Prairie :) When I talked to the reservation people Saturday was still wide open but nothing was available for Sunday. I thopught that was strange. Anyway have a good trip.


You will most likely be ahead of us inline :) Not sure we are the earliest of risers! But we are planning to take a tow boat.

I am pushing for all to get fishing license before we enter to speed up the process a bit.

06/01/2011 03:19PM
Just booked for Sara lake entry on July 30th, might be in line wiht you at Prairie :) When I talked to the reservation people Saturday was still wide open but nothing was available for Sunday. I thopught that was strange. Anyway have a good trip.

06/01/2011 08:37PM
We paddled down Kahshahpiwi a few years ago. For some reason I thought that Kahshahpiwi would be a rather uneventful lake. I just thought that a narrow lake would also be shallow. Boy was I wrong. It's a beautiful lake with a lot of cliffs and a few spectacular campsites. I'd tell you which one was a 5 star but I can't remember which one it was.

All I remember is we were not too far down the lake, maybe half way when we stopped at a campsite for lunch. It was so beautiful that we just stayed there.

The portage close to Sarah is breathtaking. You will see. Ahh such fond memories. I have more to say but I'll let you find out for yourself.

06/01/2011 10:34PM
Quetico is a unique and beautiful experience. There's nothing quite like it in the world. You will probably be intoxicated with the experience, but, then again, maybe not. Thunderstorms and wind can be quite a challenge in this environment. But, then again, maybe you will be lucky with the weather.

It sounds as if you have experienced partners for this trip, and this is important. Arctic gives you the best advice. I couldn't improve on his pointers.

Enjoy the trip, and post a report. I'd like to know how it comes out.
05/27/2011 08:36AM
Super excited, first time to Q. Permit is through Kahshahpiwi. Leaving Saturday, July 30th. The lovely lady on the phone told me dates for reservations were still wide open.

This will be an interesting trip for us, all of us are friends, but only one guy and myself have tripped together. However, the others all have large amounts of experience, one of the guys coming along has guided for 13 years (he is a teacher so its his summer employment), and this is his first personal trip since he started guiding.

Any hints for group dynamics, we are normally "leaders" when we do our own trips? It might make for an interesting experience!