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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: FINALLY Back to the Q!
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06/02/2011 12:44PM
Ha, nope. I am excited as well.

Maybe see you at PP!
06/01/2011 06:43PM
Good to hear! Have a great trip! We are headed into Suzanette from Bottle River next Wednesday...loop back to Black Robe Portage....hope it doesn't rain too much! ;-)
06/06/2011 10:24PM
Congrats man! I like your trip plan too. You'll have to get me the scouting report for next year. I have a little over two weeks until our Q trip. Can't wait, but first, I need to get work all squared away.

06/01/2011 06:53PM
enjoy! i hope to get back up there in septemeber.
06/02/2011 09:18AM
Happy Trails T, I always enjoy reading your post trip reports.
06/02/2011 12:09PM
Thanks everyone----am I the only one that feels like a kid waiting for Christmas after scheduling a trip?

I bet not ;)

06/03/2011 07:20PM
quote timatkn: "Thanks everyone----am I the only one that feels like a kid waiting for Christmas after scheduling a trip?

I bet not ;)


Nope your nope.

Have a great trip!!!!
06/04/2011 10:20PM
Have a great time Tim. I took last year off as well and will also be heading up that way in September. Marj, Joyce, Burt, Suzanette. Yep, I'll be there. Looking forward to your notes and pics!
06/01/2011 03:43PM
Timatkn, Good for you guys! I'll be soloing around that same time in the Quetico-Jean area. (I read there's a meteorite shower around that time, too.) Hope you have a great time, and get the young ones out there soon as they're able. --Goose
06/01/2011 04:22PM
Thanks--We are trying to do the Woman lakes. Sara, Marj, Joyce, maybe Suzannette---might spend time on Burt but throws off the woman idea.

Already have the 4 year old addicted---last time I took him out he begged me to stay out longer. But for a Q experience I need some more time camping and hiking before I think he is ready (plus we are being selfish as we want to travel hard and fast)---but I hear what you are saying wait too long to get them going pretty soon they don't want to go.

06/01/2011 03:22PM
After a 1 year hiatus my wife and I are going back to the Q. just booked for Sara Lake on July 30th. We had a baby last year right in the middle of the Summer. Too pregnant to go early in the year and baby too much to handle to go later :) My parents stepped up to watch the soon to be 1 year old and my 4 year sons. I am working with the older boy but not ready for a week long trip yet.....

Ho Ho
06/01/2011 06:09PM
Good to hear it! Don't forget Paulene (Paulette) and Irene . . .

06/01/2011 10:44PM
Good to hear you and your wife are getting back into the Quetico experience. Your four-year-old will soon grow up and be a companion.

I've had so many good experiences in Quetico with my son, Ted, who is now 40. We will be going to Kawnipi in August for at least our 20th trip together.