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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Trip Cancelled
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06/13/2011 08:52AM

Sorry for your loss, my father in law passed away as well, on June 2nd. Good, very quiet man, raised 6 girls, giving man who shared all he had with his family. Long hard battle last 1.5 years, he is not suffering anymore. Best to you and your family. Memories will keep him around for a long time, hopefully.
06/04/2011 08:58PM

the Quetico will be there for you the next time you are ready.

The days leading up to my trips are always filled with concerns about a phone call or crisis that could prevent my going to the wilderness. I leave for my trip in five days and I'm holding my breath.

I was on a non-wilderness vacation two years ago when a call came to me that my brother-in-law had passed. The next 7 days was a blur an I turned a vacation into a funeral.

06/04/2011 07:10AM
My sympathies to you, Murray. Tough thing all the way around, but family is important and I'm glad you'll be there for them.
06/08/2011 01:47PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kim :+]
06/04/2011 06:33AM
Thank you, gentlemen for your condolences. I know going to my father-in-laws funeral is the right thing to do and I wouldn't dream of not doing so.....however, man, you plan and dream all year for this trip so it does take a little wind out of your sails when it gets called off at the last minute. It was really hard taking everything all laid out and checked off the list back up to the attic. Anyway I am quite sure we will go later in the summer - just have to see when my daughter can get some free time again. Also my son, who used to go with me, is coming off shoulder surgery from a kayak accident and might be healthy enough to go as well later. That would be sweet.

Thanks, Fishguts, for leaving me some fish even though I know William is fished out I was hoping to catch a sunfish or two in Ted.
06/03/2011 09:08PM
My annual trip to the Q with my daughter had to be cancelled this morning as my father-in-law passed away suddenly. He was a fine man and always good to me so I will honor him at his funeral. There will be other trips to the Quetico but only one funeral for him.

We hope to get rescheduled later in July. Ted and William Lakes will have to wait for us.
06/03/2011 09:45PM
Sorry for your loss, but it is the right thing to do. At least with Quetico there are still alot of permits left for later opportunity if you have some time later in the summer.

06/03/2011 10:07PM
Sorry to hear of your loss, you are doing the right thing and are a good example for your daughter. We'll leave a bunch of fish in Ted & William for you.
06/05/2011 04:59AM
Murray, sorry for your loss. honoring his life and his place in your life is important. He'll be paddling with you on your canoe trips from now on.