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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Jeff Creek Water Levels
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06/10/2011 01:17AM
I paddled the Jeff creek route in mid October of 08. Water levels were normal to low through out my journey and I had no real difficulty paddling from North Bay to Agnes. A couple of pull throughs and overs and some degree of surprise at the narrowness of the passage. It is a beautiful route and I look forward to the chance to do it again.

jeff lake route report.
06/10/2011 01:18PM
Thanks Banksiana, and thanks for sharing the trip report! Looking forward to taking this route, sounds like a beautiful area (but I guess what part of Quetico isn't beautiful). Decided on this after you suggested it in another thread/email, appreciate the advice. 22 days to go!
06/09/2011 12:38PM
I posted this in the other Quetico forum but thought I'd put it here as well to cover all bases....

Thinking about deviating from our original route a little bit (thanks to advice from a few of you here) to possibly include staying on (or maybe just paddling through depending on how far we get the 1st day) Jeff Lake. We'll be coming in from West Lake headed towards Agnes....Going north on Agnes, not back towards Meadows. Trying to avoid those beast portages this year, but I'm not sure if those would be any worse than mud sloggin' through Jeff creek if it's low.

I did a search and have found some good info on the area, now I'm just wondering if anyone has paddled it yet this year? Still have 4 weeks to go (EDIT, 3 weeks now!) so I know a lot can happen with the water levels between now and then, but figured I'd put this out there now to get a head start. Seems like with all of the rain this year the creek should be pretty easy to paddle through??

As always, thanks in advance for your help!