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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: New Prairie Portage Ranger
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07/11/2012 10:51PM
I hear ya. He can be a great guy. But I have to go back to the customer service thing again. I had a guy who was THE BEST in my department with 90% of the customers, I mean awesome with people, but that other 10% of the time he was horrible to people--that 10% was unbelievably bad. You just can't operate a business with someone like that. You give them chances (that 90% great gets ya more chances for sure), you coach them, then you have to cut your losses at some point.

IN my short experience, your comments and others Jason seems to remind me of this guy.

In his defense he is in a job where he isn't really going to hurt the business too much. There really isn't much of an alternative or competition.

Me personally---I'd be shocked if I ever have a problem with him. Just making comments on the internet to make ya think :)


08/31/2011 08:38PM
The day before my son, Ted, and I left on our Quetico trip this year one of the employees of the Outfitter where we stayed mentioned that the ranger, Jason, at PP wasn't very personable. He actually called him a bad name (AssH....). In the bunkhouse that night, Ted and I had a couple beers and we got to laughing about maybe the most formidable obstacle to our trip would be next morning's encounter with the dreaded Jason. Normally, we go in at Cache Bay, which has the best ranger who ever worked in Quetico, Janice. So, we had been spoiled. Oh well.

The next day the wind was up a bit, but we weren't worried about the waves on Baley Bay. We were worried about Jason. But, when we got to PP and checked in, we were met by Cathy, who said she was new to the post, and we were delighted that she was so friendly and helpful. It was one of the quickest and best entries I've ever experienced. It was an unexpected bonus for our trip.

I'm posting a picture of Ted and Cathy and one of our beloved Janice over at Cache Bay last year. Also a picture of Ted laughing about the obstacle to our trip we had anticipated the night before.

07/11/2012 10:20PM
I may have mentioned this before. A few years ago we arrived at PP and my brother discovered he had forgotten his rod and reel. Jason overheard the conversation and offered to lend him one of his poles for the week. That was customer service at its best. Granted, I had talked to him several times a year since he had been there but it was still awfully nice of him to make the offer. My brother accepted.
09/01/2011 02:05PM
Just heard from some folks on another thread that Cathy is not new. The subject should have been "Different PP Ranger."
09/01/2011 09:59PM
Old Jason is not a bad guy, just a little reserved. I will tell you this: My older brother somehow discovered at PP that he had left his rod and reel in our vehicle on Moose Lake. Jason stepped forward and gave him one of his own rigs to use on our trip. He did not have to do this but went above and beyond what his job required.
Ho Ho
07/11/2012 08:19PM
I think TimA is right, but I also think that if you are going to PP, it's best to keep in mind that Jason can be a really nice guy, he is a human being, perhaps a flawed one like most of us, and while he's not the best choice for customer relations, it's best to be friendly and he will respond in kind.

I would have said that Cathy looks familiar as the other ranger who has worked there for a while, but maybe that's not correct. It was, however, my impression that the other ranger at PP in the past, who was a woman, was Jason's boss and set the tone, and was pretty stern.

07/18/2012 09:38PM
Cathy's been around quite awhile and both she and Jason can be grouchy, at least when we see them at 7:45 AM, but if you've got all your papers together and keep your mouths' shut they lighten up. We purchased our fishing licenses ahead of time this June and always pay the bill with one credit card (vs. everyone paying separately) and I think they appreciate that. It would only take a few disorganized, obnoxious groups for me to blow my cool, and there always seem to be a few of them going in or out of PP when we're there.
07/11/2012 05:40PM
I am sure Jason isn't a bad guy, but lots of nice people fail at their jobs. Customers shouldn't have to "get him to talk", that's not the customer's job. I have had 2 interpersonal experiences with him and both have been just fine, but I have seen him lose it on a few groups for no reason. Twice he has yelled at groups to get out of the office becuase he was issuing a permit. They were shopping in the store area and not creating a distubance, did not disrupt our experience gettign a permit at all, yet he just unleashed on them yelling. It is kinda a joke now with my wife and I on who he will yell at next, but the first time it was unsettling, my wife jumped. Seemed to come out of no where as he was talking to us about our permit.

Let me put it this way, I employ people in customer service and I would coach him up and give him a chance, but I wouldn't conintue to tolerate the behavior I observed for very long.

07/13/2012 12:35PM
Jason is a good dude.
07/10/2012 07:46PM
Let me weigh in on my man Jason. He can be a bit impersonal at times but he is very knowledgeable and I have got him to talk and found him to be a nice guy. On my trip in June this year he was very courteous to me and my partner. ~JOE~
08/03/2012 05:09PM
Janice is the best!

In May, Jason seemed a little stressed on our way into the park (he told us to wait outside while he assisted the customer before us as well, LOL), but after the trip is was very kind and even offerred us a refund for the last night of our trip since we exited a day earlier. I wasn't even aware they did refunds.