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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Zephira Lake-East of Cache
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01/14/2012 11:51AM
Posted this on the regular quitico board,hope it is o.k. to post here.Thinking of heading into Cache Lake this summer,and was thinking of Bushwacking into Zephira Lake from there.Does anybody have any info on this lake at all.I guess my main question is concerning the fishing.Is it a lake that is capable of holding walleyes?
07/25/2012 08:15PM
quote Bushwacker: "Walllee, did you make it? I've been waiting on this report ;)"Not yet. Planing on late sept. Just got back from Badwater tonight. Decided to try Zephira later in the season, cooler temps, less bugs, and color. Also I think the Huge Northerns that I hope are in there will be putting on the feed bag then.
01/14/2012 05:08PM
I don't know about holding fish though I do know that thoughts of Zephira channeled a damn good poem through Stumpy.
02/07/2012 06:36PM
Bushwacker, thank's for the info. I was thinking of the exact route that you pointed out on the map. I do like the idea of having several waypoints marked on the GPS in case we have to detour because of terrain issues. I am sure there will be a lot of dragging the canoe and many other issues to deal with. Getting some detailed elevation info that will help me also.
02/07/2012 08:02PM
Assuming that water levels are decent in the creek (an iffy call this year), I doubt you will be spending a night in the woods. The bushwhack should take several hours, maybe most of the day, though.

I'm glad you will have a GPS unit, because it might be easy to miss Zephira altogether if you are meandering through there by compass in that featureless terrain. The Cache Lake area is a giant spruce bog, as I recall.
10/20/2012 10:00AM
Late Sept. seems like it would require extra poundage with warm gear and all but if that's the only window...Hope you guys make it next year.

07/18/2012 06:53PM
Walllee, did you make it? I've been waiting on this report ;)
02/07/2012 06:05PM
Wow, I'm extremely jealous! When I checked it out I thought I would try to make it to the point I circled in yellow and make a straight bee line for Zephira. I would definately mark a way point in your GPS at the intended departure point from the creek and the most northerly shore, southerly point and shortest point at the Zephira Lake shoreline. That way you have a range of options enroute to Zephira if the terrain makes you alter course. I'd also try to set up your canoe/equipement for dragging with rope harnesses for you and your partner. If you find yourself in high stepping boggs, dragging can save your energy big time. You may want to consider going with hammock style sleeping quarters since there may be no suitable tent sites. Can't wait for your report!

02/06/2012 08:14PM
O.K....I have decided to make the plunge.I have a partner that has decided to go in with me..not an easy sell but he owes me a favor.I have looked at many satelite sights and came up with the route I would take to reach this remote place.What I am asking you guys,is what route would you take?I am thinking about heading up the creek on the northeast side of cache,and then bushwacking 1/2 mile or so into Zephira.I need all the advice I can get.I no this is going to be a tough bushwack,and I am not counting on making it in one day from Cache.I am planning to film this trip and hopefully will have some footage of some huge fish.

rtheast end of Cache and then bushwacking in to the northwest corner
02/06/2012 10:34PM
goals...a good thing. just to get in and out of cache is a goal i have. solo.
10/20/2012 10:26AM
Yes it will require some more gear, but my job does not let me go any earlier then mid July. I do not want to take a chance on 90 degree weather and buggs. So , Sept. is my time of choice.
10/19/2012 03:55PM
Well Walllee? Do you have a big adventure to tell or a sad story about why you didn't make the trip? ;)
10/19/2012 05:14PM
I'm afraid it is a sad story. My tripping partner could not go because of work related issues. I was set to do it as a solo, but my wife was concerned with me doing it alone. She is never the type to try to stop me from doing any trip I want to do , but I could tell she had reservations about this venture. She is a wonderful women , and I did not want to go and have her worry about me the whole time I was away. She said If my buddy can not go next year, she would be willing to tackle it with me. So as of now I am planning a late September trip for next year.
10/19/2012 06:54PM
I had some plans also which met with difficulties. On day 2 of my trip I injured my knee and we had to greatly reduce our trip plans. We did get to Montgomery picto from Buckingham. Another trip memory is getting to the fire tower north of McKenzie. We did stay at the campsite that is near the creek that you would head up to get to Zephira but my knee was too sore to even give it a look.

07/25/2012 10:37PM
All right, I'll continue to wait patiently. If I could go I'd be bugging you to let me tag along.