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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Woodland Washout
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07/20/2012 05:19PM
I have also been on several of those WC lakes.....some times it rains....oh well!
07/19/2012 07:16PM
Although it isn't exactly BW/Quetico topical, I thought you would enjoy my early June Woodland 18 day solo misadventure. Not anywhere near the route I planned here is where I went:

Onnie, Hjalmer, Telescope, Stuart, Edgar, Optic, Glenn, Hansen, Rostoul, Hammerhead, Gammon, Royd, Kennedy, Donald, Carroll, Hammerhead, Rostol, Hansen, Glenn, Optic, Edgar, Stuart, Telescope, Embryo, Upper Hachett, Hachett, Douglas & Johnson

Here is a summary of my misadventure:

Well I survived 18 days in WC but just barely. The first two days were nice and sunny. Then it rained for fifteen straight days and I don't think I saw the sun for more than five minutes at any one time. Furthermore the weather got cold and windy to go along with the dampness. The portages were wet and flooded and even all the moss on the rocks was soaked and extremely slippery.
> To make matters worse and here's the irony: on day four I wanted to turn west via a creek which would open up all sorts of trip possibilities but it was bone dry (not any more!). So instead I headed north and did a lot of my trip backwards. I also decided to turn back to Undisclosed Lake where I had absolutely great walleye fishing.
> To talk about the weather further may seem pointless but I will anyway. When I say it rained I don't mean some piddly little drizzle. It literally cloud burst and had thunder and lightning for hours.
I don't think I ever seen so much rain in my life except for Bali during the monsoons. Thank god I had a great Hubba Bubba tent which kept me and most of my clothes dry. Also for the first time I used gaiters with my Quetico Trekkers and boy was I ever glad I did. My feet were nice and warm the whole trip (except once)while my boots were never dry.
> My worst moment was on Gammon Lake when I put the canoe down near the water and went back to get my packs. Well it pouring and windy and the wind lifted the canoe right into the water. My only alternative was to jump in the water with all my rain gear on. I got the canoe but then I had a hell of a time getting out of the water with slippery rocks and using my hands to hold onto the canoe. The rest of the day was spent in totally wet clothes but as long as I kept moving I didn't freeze to death. It took another whole day to dry out my clothes under the tarp and it was sun but the wind which did it. ( I had one day where my tarp was 7 feet above ground but when I went out in the morning it actually touch the ground from the amount of water it was holding.
> I did see some animals on the trip although no caribou or bear. Moose was my prime source of enjoyment as I had five sightings two of which were a ma and junior. I got within 20 yards of one of the females so I should get some good pictures. Also I saw a martin, otters and many beavers. Birds were in plentiful supply and started to chirp incessantly from 4:30 am on.
> The fishing had some good moments and was a lot better than last year. I caught over 100 walleye and some them were good size at least for me. Northern pike were also plentiful but I only caught two large ones but I did have a couple that were so powerful that they simply swam away. And I only found one lake trout. Overall I was reasonably happy with the fishing but the weather was so bad I didn't fish a lot of nights because the monsoons were on.
> My first day portage of about 600 yards nearly killed me as my packs were so heavy. For the rest of that day I got cramps in my inner left thigh, my right middle toe, my left lower arm and my right index finger. After that I had no health issues except a couple of fishing cuts.
> The bugs were miserable at times and especially the first night. The back of my neck was like the lunar surface for the first week. But it rained so much there were plenty of breaks. And the mosquitoes weren't too bad because I didn't deal with dawn or dusk very often. Since it still light when I got to bed and wood was always wet fires were not a major requirement unless I got cold.
> I finally lost it on day fourteen. Up until then I acted like a human being and had a lake bath every day but it then go so cold damp and windy I just couldn't do it anymore. So for the last five days I couldn't stand myself or my clothes. But what else could I do! That is the only problem with the gaiters they can really smell.
> It wasn't a solitude trip like Quetico. Because I stayed on the large walleye lakes I ran into a lot of fly in fisherman or heard their boats or their planes. I believe I only ran into three other canoe groups one local and two from Minnesota. I really don't like dealing the fisherman as they are loud noisy and hog portage entrances.
> All and all and despite the weather I am glad I did the trip as it was a real test of personal fortitude. With out sun light and being constantly damp really pushes your buttons but the country is beautiful and canoeing is reasonably easy and generally speaking the wind was not a major issue on most days. If I ever go again I would stay away from the large walleye lakes and make an effort to find lake trout. No matter how hard I try I just don't feel at home like I do in Quetico.
If you are interested in my pictures let me know and I will send you the link.

I leave on August 16 for my 19 day solo Quetico trip which will be my 32 trip into the park over 35 years. Here is the route:

Beaverhouse, Quetico, Conk, Jean, Little Jean, Cyph, Albert, Burnside, Clair, Bentpine, Jack, March, Sturgeon, Walsh Bay, Sturgeon Narrows, Heron Bay, Fred, Nam, Camel, Eag, Cub, Baird, Metacryst, Heronshaw, Kahshahpiwi, Kawnipi, Keewatin, Agnes, Dack, Bird, Anubis, McVicar Bay, Murdock Lake, Kawa Bay, Mckenzie Bay, Kawnnipi, Montgomery, Alice, Chatterton, Russell, Sturgeon North, Ram, Antoine, Twin, Dore, Pickeral and French.

Hope to see you in Quetico!!!


07/19/2012 08:31PM
kudos for sticking with it! did you have a book or anything besides fishing to distract you from the rain?
looking forward to photos of both this trip and the upcoming Q trip.
safe paddling
08/07/2012 02:06PM
John, Congrats on surviving the WC trip. I'd like to see the pics. Good luck on the Q trip too --you will have better weather (we will be in Aug. 23-30 down on the Man Chain.). Been on a lot of your proposed route and wish I could get to the others. --Goose