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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: September trip, LLC tow then to Robinson, loop up and back . . .
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02/27/2014 06:05PM
Have you considered a tow to Back bay on Basswood L and doing portage to Pipestone and heading down Basswood river? It's a very nice way to head to Robinson and points north.
02/27/2014 06:20PM
quote old_salt: "Have you considered a tow to Back bay on Basswood L and doing portage to Pipestone and heading down Basswood river? It's a very nice way to head to Robinson and points north."

Or taking Kett to Robinson.
02/27/2014 07:32PM
Nothing is set. Just talking at this point. We went in at Bottle before and paddled the border to Gardner Bay. Loved Curtain Falls, and unfortunately, skipped a visit to Rebecca Falls. My initial thought was duplicate 2009 with visit to Rebecca, then head all the way to east Crooked and go into Robinson through Bart-Craig. (We went north from Gardner Bay to Brent via Elk and Cone before, but not thru Hurn, Ted, etc.) I think Joe really wants to get back to the Darky River from Darky to Minn again, hopefully when it's not raining like before, but I'm not sure how important that is. I had NOT thought about a "Back Bay" tow -- how does that work? (Is it from Moose, through PP?) I've read the "reviews" of the Kett portages -- I think HoHo was quite generous in his favorable comments about them. Any advice is welcome. Basically we have NOT been in any of the area between eastern Wm./Brent/down to Gardner Bay and Kahshapiwi/Isabella/Ranger Bay on the west. Please give me any more feedback you have. (Note: Joe really likes the steak dinner and big breakfast at Zup's.) Any trip reports with info on tow to BB? --Goose
02/27/2014 09:13PM
Kett portages are somewhat long but not difficult- some beautiful walking along rock trails on the longer one. The low sections can be mucky in a wet year, but nothing that will steal your footwear (save that for Robinson to Craig). Route from Kett to Robinson via the ponds is rugged and beautiful, very remote feeling for so close to the border, a bit arduous but well worth it.
03/03/2014 11:44AM
quote PineKnot: "quote OldGreyGoose: "Pineknot, Thanks.....(Is the 1070 meter portage n/o Friday Bay the one that's "primeval?")...--Goose"

The "primeval" portage is the 160-rod from Sunday Bay to Argo. Mostly uphill to Argo, but it is one of my all-time favorite portages in the Q. The other one from Friday Bay heads into a mudpit halfway to Argo that in wet years can be really really wet..."

Beavers have made the mud pit into a pond of many obstacles. Plenty deep to paddle, perhaps some back and forth if you have a straight tracking boat.
03/03/2014 05:15PM
Everyone . . . Here are my plans A & B, which I will present to Joe. (I prefer A -- it's all new territory.) Because he does so much of the actual work, and enables me to take this kind of trip, his "vote" counts more than mine. +++Option A: Tow to Back Bay, Pipestone Bay, Basswood Falls/River, Moose Bay.//Moose Bay, Tuck River, Robinson, McIntyre Creek, McIntyre.//McIntyre, unnamed, Brent, Darkwater R., Suzanette or Conmee.//Conmee or Suzanette, river, Burt, Paulene, McIntyre.//McIntyre, Deer, Cecil, Dart, Tuck, Sarah.//Sarah, Side, etc. to North Bay.//Layover @ N. Bay--if not already used.//N. Bay to PP pickup
+++Option B: LLC tow to Bottle portage, Bottle, Iron, Crooked, the Rolands, Argo.//Argo, river, Brent (paddle halfway or more).//Brent, unnamed, McIntyre, Paulene, Burt.//Burt, river, Suzanette, Conmee, William.//William, river, Darkwater.//Layover on D’water, --daytrip to Ballard/Wicksteed.//D’water, river, Minn, McAree.//McAree, Black Robe portage pickup. (// = camp) I appreciate every contribution that you all have made, even if we cannot use all of them. The "A" plan is pretty "streamlined" and if chosen there are lots of options for adjustments, and the majority of your comments have been noted on my maps. Thanks again to all! --Goose

02/27/2014 01:53PM
I'm doing a solo in June out of Beaverhouse, but recently talked with my son-in-law (who didn't get to Q last year) and he wants to go back in from LLC and see more of the Brent area where we went in 2009. He cannot go until early September. I'm thinking I'd like to see Robinson, McIntyre, Suzanette, and more of Brent than just the west end. Should be able to take 8 days, and will NOT be concentrating on fishing, but just covering some "new" water. (Probably fish near each campsite in the evening/early AM.) Exploring, photography and just enjoying that part of the park will be the focus. Any suggestions? --Goose
02/28/2014 06:25AM
Robinson Lake
We stayed at PCD J9. It was a 4.5* site. The campsite had a decent landing, plenty of room, and a nice fireplace. N48 11.333 W91 39.932
PCD JR is an expansive site with trails all around the island. We would have stayed there, but it was occupied when we came in from Sarah. There were some moose and deer antlers by the fire pit on the south east side of the island.

There are remnants of an old ranger or trapper cabin on the northern shore of the bay going toward Dart Lake (between Robinson and Cecil). The cabin is back from the shore maybe 50 yard, but it is hard to see from the lake. N48 11.349 W91 39.336

The fishing was very good at the flowage coming out of Dart Lake. The flowage was loaded with smallmouth bass, some walleyes, and northern pike. The northwest bays (northwest of JR) were loaded with smallmouth bass and northern pike. We portaged into the unnamed lake just south of J9. We killed the smallmouth bass on top waters between 7 ~10PM, but that was in June. We fished the north east shore moving clockwise around the lake. It was very shallow.
02/28/2014 10:11AM
Now considering tow from Moose to Back Bay (EP 51 - Basswood R.) then "down" river - Moose Bay - Tuck R. - Robinson - Cecil - McIntyre - Brent, etc, to be determined; possibly coming out via Kett, then paddle out to Mudro in the BW (EP22/23), or just back to Back Bay for pickup. What are the pros/cons of something like this? (8 days) --Goose
03/01/2014 07:05PM
Oops....I'll post some info in a bit....
03/03/2014 11:35AM
quote OldGreyGoose: "Pineknot, Thanks.....(Is the 1070 meter portage n/o Friday Bay the one that's "primeval?")...--Goose"

The "primeval" portage is the 160-rod from Sunday Bay to Argo. Mostly uphill to Argo, but it is one of my all-time favorite portages in the Q. The other one from Friday Bay heads into a mudpit halfway to Argo that in wet years can be really really wet...
03/03/2014 11:54AM
We have not been to Argo, and if we go in from LLC (to be determined) I would definitely not want to miss Argo (again) and probably would take the primeval one. (Unless Joe wanted to go via the Rolands for fishing opportunities there.) The other portage/beaver pond paddle sure sounds like "fun" though. =) --Goose
Ho Ho
04/10/2014 05:19PM
Somehow I missed this whole thread before. Looks like you have gotten lots of answers, if there are more questions I can help with going forward I will try to do so!

04/11/2014 06:20PM
quote Castaway: "There is a message jar on McIntyre, although it may be a bit south of your planned route. I've not stopped at the site but Fishguts can give you the details, preferably via private email." Castaway, if we make eastern Brent on day 2, we may dip down into McIntyre then through Paulene to Burt. (I had a grandfather named Burt.) So I will look into the message jar location closer to trip time. Thanks. --Goose
02/27/2014 03:32PM
If the water is warm (and not too low) take the route via McIntyre Creek from Robinson to McIntyre- it is beautiful but does require a willingness to wade.

Looping through Ted and Earl is also much advised. Ted, Earl, Hurn and Milt are personal favorites. The routes from McIntyre to Ted and Brent to Ted are challenging, beautiful and not often traveled.

The lakes that lie between Brent and Crooked may just be my favorite area of the park.
02/27/2014 04:38PM

Hear is our guess at where we are going in June.....but since you will be in Suzanette, one of our favorite areas was up the Darkwater River to Burt, then across Paulene to McIntyre. Paulene has Largemouth Bass.
02/28/2014 11:11AM
We did the reverse of your route on our way in.

We did not fish much on the way out during the day. Tuck River was cool little falls about half way. Moose Bay is supposed to have good fishing. The pictos were the best I have ever seen in the Q. The only other place I saw better ones was under an overhang outside of Sedona. We stayed at PCD G2 (not far from the pictos). I think it is rated a 4* on PCD, but I thought less of it. Not much to say about the site, heavily used. The Lower Basswood Falls were raging. We paddled to an island to fish under the falls. Caught several nice sized northern pike. Lower Basswood Falls portage was straight forward. There was a group camped on the BWCA side below the falls. The site looked decent from the water. The had a dog, and at one point it went bisserk about something in the woods while we were fishing. Everyone looked, but never saw anything. The dog eventually calmed down. The Wheelbarrow Falls portage was a slick clay mess. We missed the actual portage at first. It was much closer to the falls than I had expected. The other portage around the rapids has a little elevation gain, but nothing ridiculous. Horse portage was just long and flat.

We did not go back into Ranger Bay. We stayed at PCD MD maybe a 4*. The site was up high on an island. It had great views and we caught a bunch of bass from shore. The landing was on a rock face on the west side of the island toward the southern point. The campsite was actually on the southern quarter of the island. We went to Kings Point and checked out the old ranger station.
02/28/2014 02:30PM
Thanks for the replies so far. I am really starting to think highly of trying to "fill in" what lies between our trip down Kahshahpiwi,etc. to King Pt., and the trip that hit the lakes just east of Argo/Darky.(Darkwater) That area includes the Basswood River and its falls, and a big wedge to the North. Heading North, I can see lots of ways to come and go, and if needed, because of weather or whatever, it seems like an area you could more easily make route adjustments on the fly. One more question, though: are there any particular places that might be affected by September low water? Or other thoughts? --Goose
02/28/2014 01:29PM
Another option is taking Greer and Wilson into (or out of) Kett. Wilson is a nice dark water lake with some high shores and very old campsites being taken back into the forest.

Portages between Greer and Wilson and Wilson and Kett can be difficult to locate and (in the case of Kett/Wilson) keep track of.
03/01/2014 07:27PM

My son and I have done a couple trips from PP tows to these areas you mention. My thoughts based on your info with fishing not a big priority. Tow from Moose to Washington Island and then paddle/portage through Basswood falls and find campsite after last portage out of falls area or slightly further. Continue west on the border route, visit the “Buick” site and find very nice island campsite on Q side of Friday Bay (great bass and walleye fishing). From island, paddle west and take one of the most scenic and primeval, soft uphill portages ending with a campsite on Argo. From there, you have two options. n

1: Head through Cone/Elk/Hurn/Elk to Ted message cache site. Stay on one of the SW campsites on McIntrye and try to entice some lakers. Then head to Robinson via Cecil. Spend last night on Kings Point via Kett portages (which will not be bad after a several days of getting stronger and your food pack will be almost done by then). Paddle next morning to PP for tow back to Moose. You’ll find great scenery, minimal crowds after the Basswood Falls area, and some good fishing near the campsites.

2. More ambitious. From Argo, head via Cone to Brent to eastern side. From there, go to Suzanette (a couple of options present itself). Then head down to McIntyre via Paulene and exit via Robinson and Kings Point (via Kett portages).

If I only had 8 days, I'd prefer Elk/McIntyre/Robinson...since I like a layover day or two for fishing.....

You could go all the way to Kahs from Suzanette and exit via Isabella, but with 8 days, that's a haul for all but real seasoned trippers....
03/02/2014 10:02AM
Pineknot, Thanks. "Buick site?" (I had to research that one.) Think Argo's a little too far west coming in that way, but definitely in the mix if we decide to go in from LLC. (Is the 1070 meter portage n/o Friday Bay the one that's "primeval?") Your exit plan appeals to me; was thinking camp on Kett then King Point for lunch and last camp closer to PP. (Love King Pt.!) Or possibly coming out via Sarah, Point, Nest, to Neil Island area and avoiding Kett/King Point. Lots of choices. Plan to get together with Joe every few weeks or so until April, then make a choice of EP. Thanks again. --Goose
03/02/2014 11:02AM
Hopefully, we'll be going through some of that area in May (the 4 Horsemen). Proposed May 2014 trip
We discussed hitting more southern stuff (Robinson etc), but opted more to go north and hit some stuff we missed last year. Also, looking forward to the leg from Mac west through Earl, Argo.
We'll see if it happens and can provide some info Goose.
03/02/2014 01:58PM
Cowdoc, thanks. Linkster -- think there may be 2 portages, southern one longer and easier sloping downhill towards Sarah. LINK LINK 2 --Goose
03/02/2014 03:55PM
Banksiana: Don't mid wet-footing at all, but I thought the creek was often too low to paddle and made that route a 600+ meter portage that might be beautiful but pretty tough, with some nasty rock garden footing. (Maybe better with all the snowmelt this year . . . ?) --Goose
03/02/2014 04:30PM
Not much in the way of rocks, just sand and sticks/logs. I was through there in August and liked it so much I went back in September last year- probably paddled 2/3's waded 1/3.

Some alder to paddle through and a couple of weak beaver dams near Robinson.

03/02/2014 03:27PM
If water temps and wet-footing are not a problem I prefer the McIntyre Creek route between Robinson and McIntyre- a beautiful route. The creek is sand bottomed and very clear, the first drop from McIntyre holds a beautiful falls.

Definitely two portages between Sarah and McIntyre- as noted the southern portage longer and flatter.
03/02/2014 06:42PM
Sounds more like the creek on the Man Chain that avoids a portage. We loved that one. Guess lot has changed since the 2005 review of it that I remember. Have you ever gone the other way -- through Cecil/Deer? Thanks. --Goose
03/02/2014 11:25AM

Which way are you looping (clockwise or counter clockwise)? I took some of that route last year and the portage you have highlighted between Sarah and McIntyre is almost straight up hill. Going from McIntyre to Sarah almost straight down hill. We took the southern most portage. It was a little longer, but pretty flat. I will be coming out Kahshahpiwi through McNiece, Armin, Grey, Shade from Kawnipi.
07/19/2014 10:45AM
This trip may not happen this year. My son-in-law tore a calf muscle on July 4. (But at least his Achilles tendon is ok.) Doctor has him in a boot for at least until July 23rd when he gets re-evaluated and possibly starts some therapy. Apparently these injuries are slow to heal, so we don't know when he will be able to walk "normally" much less portage. Starting to consider some alternate plans . . . --Goose
08/12/2014 12:44PM
Bummer. Joe's doctor has "shut him down" for the rest of 2014. His calf is healing and feeling better, but he has not had any therapy yet and these injuries apparently are very prone to re-injury. I considered doing another solo instead, but decided not to out of respect for Joe who is disappointed enough by not being able to go. We may end up down in Southern Illinois car camping/fishing for a few days the week he has vacation. --Goose
03/02/2014 04:37PM
quote linkster: "Cowdoc,

Which way are you looping (clockwise or counter clockwise)? I took some of that route last year and the portage you have highlighted between Sarah and McIntyre is almost straight up hill. Going from McIntyre to Sarah almost straight down hill. We took the southern most portage. It was a little longer, but pretty flat. I will be coming out Kahshahpiwi through McNiece, Armin, Grey, Shade from Kawnipi."

03/02/2014 08:51PM
Went from McIntyre to Robinson in 2010 on my first trip. We checked out McIntyre creek but being the first trip and all, decided against it. Safe but sorry. I'll do the creek if I get back there. Deer and Cecil were nice smaller lakes. Make sure to take the right bay out of Cecil, we took the left bay and there is a portage there that goes up to a ridge and tee's. Turn left and you head downhill into a bog. After backtracking back up the hill, the right leg of the T intersects the portage path from the right (correct) bay.
03/02/2014 09:12PM
I have gone the Cecil/Deer route quite a number of times, generally in the later half of October when wading does not seem so fun.. Nice lakes, some great fishing and a couple of cool camp sites for small groups. The tee portage Castaway mentions is due to a bad location on the Fisher Map- folks are persistent if the map says it's there it's gotta be there. Got me once.

Many years back I went up McIntyre Creek in early May during one of the driest springs I've ever seen. Pulled the canoe most of the way but it was still fairly easy.

03/02/2014 09:38PM
Guys, "right" bay out of Cecil, when heading southeast to Unnamed Lake, correct? (Not at the north end of Cecil.) McKenzie incorrectly showed it in the "bottom" bay, and I have it drawn as starting n/o the campsite in upper bay. New question: what about campsites on Tuck Lake -- between Sarah and Kett -- and the portages between Tuck and Kett? --Goose
03/03/2014 01:01AM
On Kett the site KZ is "main" spot people stay. Some nice views, and you can hike to the elevated point just a little to the west of the site (the other "twin" point). Last time I was through (August of 12) it looked a little well used for my taste. I don't know for sure, but I think KR entry might be referring to KZ. I can vouch for the existence of the other sites, but not their quality. I stayed at KU which was very primitive (but quite beautiful in my opinion)- the fire pit was filled with moss and for the most part the site scarcely existed. Paddling solo I don't require much and tend like it simple.

Nice view though

I've only camped once on Tuck, on LT in April 2012. It was a decent, though well used site, good views and most importantly shelter from a fierce north wind. As an aside that day I paddled from Robinson to Tuck via Kett, a somewhat long and difficult day that could have been accomplished in an hour or two by heading directly through "Dart" Lake. The route to Robinson through Nub is highly recommended.

The last portage from Kett to Tuck is trickier in that it runs along a swamp and you keep climbing away from the swamp and then back to the edge of it. Portage from pond to Kett can be hard to locate from Tuck side- put-in is along side a steep slant of rock that can obscure portage entrance.
03/03/2014 07:04AM
We fished Tuck on the way from Sarah to Robinson. We caught some nice lakers trolling from PCD L5 to the portage into Dart. They were stacked up in front of the peninsula directly across from the northwest side of the island that PCD L5 is on.

We had lunch at PCD L5 (N48 10.600 W91 37.848). It is a little south of where it is marked on the map. It was elevated and you had to hike up a bit of a rock face. There was a great view looking west. You are up on a small cliff. There were a couple of tent pads. Not much of a fire pit. It did not look like it had gotten much use. I am looking at my GPS track and we paddled by L$, but I do not remember much about it. I know there were some sunken islands etc. in this area.
03/03/2014 09:11AM
Good stuff! Banksiana: the steep slant of rock sounds a lot like HoHo's description of the portage on the NW in/out of Kett towards Nub, if I recall. Linskster: L$ = L4? --Goose
03/03/2014 09:34AM
Typo L$ = L4. Correct on the portage descriptions from Sarah to McIntyre (south portage at N48 13.360 W91 35.929 to N48 13.333 W91 36.130).
03/02/2014 09:53PM
First portage from Kett to Tuck is relatively long but straightforward, beautiful black spruce swamp that you cut through. Rocky pond is cool with weeds but tall steep shores. Tough parking in and out of the pond. Portage to Tuck is trickier, up and down along the edge of a beaver swamp. Put in to Tuck can be difficult if wind is howling from the North. Lots of camp sites on Tuck, many looked quite fine. Tuck is very clear with lots of reefs that you can watch soar towards the canoe as you paddle.
03/02/2014 10:17PM
Banksiana: Good info. "Trickier," huh? Portages seldom-used? (I was wanting this info for a possible exit through Kett to Basswood.) BTW, none of the 8 sites on Tuck are "rated" in PCD, but one on Kett is. --OGG
03/03/2014 11:39AM
Portage from Kett to first pond towards Nub ends in large slope of rock (with fire ring) into the pond. On the second portage from Tuck to Kett the portage does not cross the steep slope of rock, rather you pull your canoe along side it, like a poorly designed steeply canted dock.
03/07/2014 03:22PM
Hey QAs, are there any other message jar sites in that area, besides the one on Ted? --Goose
04/07/2014 03:42PM
Option B -- well, at least the Bottle Portage entry -- has won out. Have contacted Zup's and are going in on Sep. 4 or 6. (Working on getting a "grouped" tow to save bucks.) Anyone have a fresh perspective on the portage(s) from Darky to Brent? --Goose
04/07/2014 06:09PM
There is a message jar on McIntyre, although it may be a bit south of your planned route. I've not stopped at the site but Fishguts can give you the details, preferably via private email.
04/07/2014 05:34PM
I don't know if it's fresh, but we have always taken the back-door portages from Darkwater into William thru Cloverleaf Lake. One of these portages is a cake walk, the other two are interesting but not terrible. Once you get to William it's a short down hill portage into Brent. We always go to William for the fishing, so we stay there at least one night at the "Hilton" campsite.....if it's open.
04/07/2014 06:08PM
Sorry, I was thinking of the "more direct" way from Darky/Darkwater southwest to Brent, not through "Cloverleaf" and William. After I posted the question, I found an old BWJ article (2011?) where Stu mentioned going that way, and saying it "wasn't too bad" and better than his usual way, through Argo to Cone, then Brent. (There are 3 portages, separated by paddles on a narrow half-mile no-name and a pond.) --Goose
04/09/2014 04:55PM
Goose here is a video of my trip from Bottle, through the Rolands, Argo, Darky, Brent, McIntyre, Deer, Dart, Robinson, Tuck River to Lower Basswood Falls.

From LBF we exited Quetico (BWCA-Canadian Permit) via the Horse River into Horse, Tin Can, Sand Pit and Mudro and skipped the Tow and VNO Picked us up at the Mudro Landing in a Van.

Once of the most scenic trips I have ever taken.

Send me a email and we can connect with some unlisted campsite info and other recommendations

Quetico Journey 2011
04/10/2014 04:45PM
Thanks, Bojibob. We're booked in Bottle and probably out Black Robe Portage. (McAree) Joe really wants to see the river between Darky and Minn again, hopefully with the sun shining. We also want to get the area of Brent, Suzanette, possibly Burt and Conmee on this trip, so the area south of there will have to wait. (McIntyre/Robinson/ LBF/etc.) Haven't had time to watch the video yet, but will do soon. Thanks again. --Goose