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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Northeastern Quetico
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03/10/2014 02:48PM
Was about to send a PM, but... I cannot seem to figure out how to do that on this message board. I've been a member of a bunch before and never had this problem. How do I do that? I can't see any ability to do so.

03/10/2014 05:45PM
Thanks for a great report! --Goose
03/08/2014 02:56PM
For anyone who might be interested in paddling some of the lesser paddled waters in the park, including Saganagons/Boundary Point up to Mack, the Wawiag and Cache Rivers, as well as McKenzie and Ferguson Lakes, I posted a detailed, two-part trip report of the paddle my son and I did through those areas (and more) last July.
Quetico 2013, Part 1
03/23/2014 11:16AM
Great report
03/10/2014 09:26AM
Thanks for posting and linking, good stuff.

By the way, the McKenzie picto, I believe the "X" you refer to (I have pictures), probably looked more like a "Y" maybe? Because that is Migizi, the Bald Eagle.

About the bones and grave site... we stumbled upon a rock-covered grave near the portage from Kawnipi (McKenzie Bay) into McKenzie, but it was intact - no bones or the like. Where is this skeleton? Is it on that creepy island in the NE corner of the lake?

I've always favored the NE quadrant of the park, for many of the same reasons you noted - feels more remote, more empty, and a little bit mysterious. McKenzie in particular has a magical feel to it, difficult to describe.

03/10/2014 12:35PM
DancesWithTrees: PM me for the grave location.
03/12/2014 10:14AM
Oh, you mean email - OK, will do, thanks!

The other boards I post on usually have a messaging tool within it, that just stays on the board, that people refer to as "PM" or "DM".

03/10/2014 10:11PM
quote DancesWithTrees: "Was about to send a PM, but... I cannot seem to figure out how to do that on this message board. I've been a member of a bunch before and never had this problem. How do I do that? I can't see any ability to do so.

Below my user name there is an icon that looks like an envelope. Hit that.