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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Have a Smoke portage
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03/19/2014 06:07PM
quote Kiporby: "If you hop past the rock garden at the top of Split Rock Falls you will find a safe put-in away from current flowing into the brink. You shouldn't have any issues here.

I'd worry more about the falls from K-Creek to Kawnipi. The put-in at the top of those falls in right at the top of the brink and you have to paddle like mad through swift current once you put in to get to calm water. Good for getting the blood rushing!!"

When we were there last spring the rock garden was under water and there was an upstream sweeper that required us to angle across the current to get around. Only stuck out twenty feet but with newbies in the bows I was not comfortable as there was little margin for error.

As for K-Creek, don't we miss that if we go through Montgomery?

03/20/2014 12:52AM
quote Thwarted:

As for K-Creek, don't we miss that if we go through Montgomery?


03/18/2014 09:42PM

quote arctic: "The top and bottom of Have-A-Smoke Portage are far enough from strong current to be quite safe."

Agreed! I never considered it an issue regardless of water level.

Hans Solo
03/18/2014 03:38PM
Planning a last week of May, early June trip through here heading from Pickeral to Kawnipi. Last year in the same time frame we were stopped by the water at Split Rock Falls. Just did not feel safe getting in at the top of the falls. This year we will go through McDougal if the water is high. My questions is: should we expect the water at Have A Smoke, to be any more manageable than Split Rock? I ask this because the water from Shelly enters Keats at two points. From there we will go through Montgomery and should be OK.

03/18/2014 08:00PM
The top and bottom of Have-A-Smoke Portage are far enough from strong current to be quite safe.
03/19/2014 04:56AM
Thanks all. At least I know that once we are past Split Rock we should be OK. How we deal with Split Rock will depend on water levels and the crew.
03/18/2014 04:28PM
I can't answer the question, but I have a comment. You don't have to use Have a Smoke portage to Shelley. A little to the south is Snake portage which puts you into a river-like flowage, and after another short portage you are in the narrow arm of south Shelley. This is the way we went, going in the opposite direction. (Since water exits Shelley in two places, maybe high water actually has less effect than in Keats where there's only one exit -- Split Rock Falls.) If you fish, be sure to fish below the falls in this area. We lost a walleye below SRF that was probably 27-30 inches. Water levels were "normal" when we were there; hope others have some high water insights. --Goose
03/18/2014 06:22PM
Portage from Mcdougall to Keats is very steep on the Keats end can be quite slippery if rainy. I felt much safer using split rock falls portage. just my two cents. Anthony
03/19/2014 06:14AM
If you hop past the rock garden at the top of Split Rock Falls you will find a safe put-in away from current flowing into the brink. You shouldn't have any issues here.

I'd worry more about the falls from K-Creek to Kawnipi. The put-in at the top of those falls in right at the top of the brink and you have to paddle like mad through swift current once you put in to get to calm water. Good for getting the blood rushing!!
03/18/2014 11:05PM
Agreed ... do Split-Rock ports. You should be fine at both end ... might have to do a little rock hopping to the safest spot above the falls.

If you do decide to do the McDougal to Keats portage, bring a good rope so you can repel your canoe down to the put-in on the Keats side. Just be glad you are head TO Keats.
