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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Photo in Spring BWJournal
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03/25/2014 03:04PM
Love it!

I haven't read my issue yet but that looks like Basswood or Crooked?
05/06/2014 09:22AM
Lots of people have flipped and lost gear at that spot below Curtain Falls. Stu wrote about one of his group flipping when the were filming a Grand Slam film for TV. We hit that spot on our first day, and I would rather be safe than sorry.
05/05/2014 09:33AM
HEY FG, have you had other photos published in the BWJ?
05/05/2014 10:11AM
quote fishguts: "11.....Amazing Huh?"

I've been published in 14 different BWJs, but no pictures. Stu has some smallmouth pictures of me that he will probably use with my next article that is coming out soon. He said maybe in the Summer issue, if not then the Winter or Spring issue. The article is called The Bronze Trophy. I should know by the end of the month if it will be in the next issue. He also has another poem of mine called " Grand Slam " that he said would be in the Summer issue. He told me that last year, so who knows when any of it will get in.
05/05/2014 10:19AM
Can you just lead or line the loaded boat; or is unloading and portaging needed?
05/05/2014 09:57AM
11.....Amazing Huh?
03/25/2014 02:08PM
Page 79 Just above the "fast water shoot" below Curtain Falls on Iron Lake.
03/25/2014 08:38PM
So the question is: Did you make it up the chute and was the water fast? I always figure one of these days I am going to dump the canoe in that chute. I watch two guys do just that 25 years ago and the chute has made me nervous ever since. I expect to hit it again heading upstream on June 5. Hope this is not my year.
03/25/2014 02:32PM
Nicely done, FG. I got my mag yesterday and have already admired your pic in print. :)
03/26/2014 12:17AM
We are headed there on June 10th.....
It doesn't look too bad, but we will portage around it again this year, why take the chance....lots of people have gone swimming here, lost lots of gear, and changed the their whole day and trip.
03/26/2014 10:23AM
When we were there a few years ago, we were all "prepared" (having read about the danger) but saw absolutely nothing to deal with and so we just paddled right up to the Falls takeout. Is it that variable??? --Goose
03/26/2014 10:37AM
It varies with lake levels. I've stormed right up it on most occasions and had to portage around it during a low water year. One year I found a tube of sunscreen floating just outside the chute. I figured someone dumped before I got there.
05/05/2014 10:56AM
In this case we portaged, there was no place to walk.
05/05/2014 12:05PM
quote OldGreyGoose: "When we were there a few years ago, we were all "prepared" (having read about the danger) but saw absolutely nothing to deal with and so we just paddled right up to the Falls takeout. Is it that variable??? --Goose"

Done it 5 times or more now and never had an issue, must have good timing. Never thought much of it until reading this thread--I'll keep my eyes peeled from now on.

What makes it so dangerous? What should I watch out for? Like is it worse in low or high water?

Good job FG--I just take it for granted you will have a picture in an issue :)