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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Creek Hunting
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05/13/2014 08:36AM
quote jdddl8: "Similar to last year I plan to take 2 solo trips: two weeks in late May & three weeks in August. My May trip is from Beaverhouse to Stanton Bay & in addition to fishing I will try the following creeks which might be passable because of the high water:
1/Cirrus Creek to No Name to Cirrus,
2/Sly Creek to Sly Lake
3/Quetico to No Name to the North via creek
4/Quetico to Robin via creek
5/Conk to No Name west of Conk
6/Ceph to Burntside
7/Burntside to Albert
8/Rouge to No Name west of Rouge
9/Sturgeon to Walsh
10/Tubman Creek to Tubman & Maxness
11/Allan Creek to Allan & Berniece
12/Creek from Berniece to Poobah
13/Creeks to Ram & Antoine
14/Stanton Bay To Stanton Lake

If anyone has done these creeks recently please let me know."

I've seen people post here that Sly is a tough haul, if passable at all.

The creek going west from Conk looked unpassable to me, but that was in the 90's. In that same area, you can avoid the Jean-Conk portage going northbound by running the small creek there. Won't work southbound, current is too fast.

Ceph to Burntside was passable when I was there, but again, a while ago.

My favorite creek in the park, as far as one not on a typical route, is the one that goes from Munro to to Unnamed to Kenny in the eastern part of the park. If you can fit that in somewhere, I'd recommend it.

05/13/2014 10:19AM
"Sly Creek" was not navigable when I was there a few years back. (see trip report) In fact, the part of West Bay of Quetico Lake where the "creek" enters is a bog. It may be more navigable in "high water" conditions than when I was there, but I seriously doubt that you could "paddle" to Sly Lake. I made it an estimated 1/2 mile into the bog (to a point past the "island" north of the water trail) when I became stuck. I guessed there was at least another 1 1/2 miles of bog before Sly Lake. Great place to visit, though. Good luck. --Goose
05/10/2014 04:44PM
Similar to last year I plan to take 2 solo trips: two weeks in late May & three weeks in August. My May trip is from Beaverhouse to Stanton Bay & in addition to fishing I will try the following creeks which might be passable because of the high water:
1/Cirrus Creek to No Name to Cirrus,
2/Sly Creek to Sly Lake
3/Quetico to No Name to the North via creek
4/Quetico to Robin via creek
5/Conk to No Name west of Conk
6/Ceph to Burntside
7/Burntside to Albert
8/Rouge to No Name west of Rouge
9/Sturgeon to Walsh
10/Tubman Creek to Tubman & Maxness
11/Allan Creek to Allan & Berniece
12/Creek from Berniece to Poobah
13/Creeks to Ram & Antoine
14/Stanton Bay To Stanton Lake

If anyone has done these creeks recently please let me know.
05/13/2014 09:10PM
Allan Creek to Bernice, etc. might be a tall order, as I've heard it hasn't been passable for a few years.