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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Counting down to June 11, etc. . . .
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06/02/2014 09:35PM
Hope you have a good trip, OGG. I'm also planning a return along the Canadian side of Superior to the UP this fall, so I'll look for a trip report.
06/02/2014 06:56PM
Just put the finishing touches on my meals -- adding dehydrated veggies, hamburger, shrimp(!), to their individual packages and securing them in the "vault." My 2 packs are 99% packed -- Guide Pack weighing in at under 30# and the GG pack is a few pounds over that -- pretty light, but haven't finalized my fishing tackle yet. =) Got a call from the park the other day (lovely lilting lady Canadian voice) telling me that Beaverhouse rangers are no longer selling fishing licenses. (I got mine online last week, and will get my permit through Canoe Canada, but it was good to get a personal call.) This last week will probably drag by, but hopefully my house and yard chores will keep me busy until I leave town, probably next Monday, the 9th. Hope to see a few of you in the Beaverhouse-Quetico-Jean-Burntside (and back) area, June 11 - 22. I may take the long way home, traveling around Lake Superior through Canada to the UP then back down to Illinois, so if you have any "must see" spots on that route, let me know! --Goose
06/03/2014 09:00PM
Wow - you do pack light! Figure the fishing tackle will change that. Great stretch of the Q you're going through. Happy paddling. Hope the fish bite better than the bugs...
06/03/2014 09:30PM
Got the same call, good stuff.....Go get um Goose!
Have a great trip, we will be one day ahead of you on LacLacroix.