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06/06/2014 10:10PM
Amazing trip--never done the S-Chain before, always figured it would be too tame for us. And what can you say about Agnes? We found lake trout everywhere and huge cornices of ice on north facing cliffs and carried a 30-lb chunk back to camp to keep our food cold (it was very hot, sunny and glassy for the first half of the trip). Three of the four in our group turned 65 in April, and we have been friends and partners in adventures since grade school. The photo was taken 5/28/2014.

Some interesting trail improvements on the North Portage by the Boy Scouts (My buddies used the portage last spring and said they were new since then). It was still a sloppy mess, but beautiful with the sun just breaking through the trees after several days of rain (6/3). Bayley Bay was a beast--the wind already howling at 10:30 in the AM. Made for some exhilarating paddling but one rogue wave and we would have been in the water.

"Big Agony" portage between Meadows and Sunday Lake, 6/2/2014.

Poacher Lake waterfall at Sunday Lake, Quetico Provincial Park, 6/2/2014.

Ho Ho
06/07/2014 11:53AM

Cool. We saw a huge sheet of snow/ice at the north end of Agnes narrows back on May 19. It surprised us because it was not facing north, but rather south and west, on a steep surface - looked like a place that would melt early. I'm surprised there was any still there when you were there, even facing north.

Ho Ho
06/08/2014 02:26PM

I have to say, I really did not enjoy the Meadows portages when we went through on May 18. We traveled that day from Poacher to the south end of the Agnes narrows. I liked everything else about our trip, even though it was cut short after 3 nights when our dog got sick and we paddled out 21 miles the fourth day. But the Meadows portages I wouldn't have minded skipping.

I've never been a big fan of them, but this time I actively disliked them.

06/08/2014 06:11AM
North Portage - last one from Burke into North Bay? What changed?
06/09/2014 04:47PM
quote billconner: "North Portage - last one from Burke into North Bay? What changed?"

The North Portage is from Sunday Bay (off of Bayley Bay) to Sunday Lake. Some folks don't like it, but it's a nice short-cut to Sunday.
06/09/2014 08:46PM
quote Ho Ho: "
We traveled that day from Poacher to the south end of the Agnes narrows.

We were going to go to Poacher and ran out of time, did check out the waterfall which was cool--what did you think of the lake? Did you do the 331 rod portage?
06/07/2014 07:22AM
Glad you had a good trip, Springer. I'm looking forward to a more detailed trip report with plenty of your excellent photos.
06/07/2014 06:30PM
I think that's the same one.