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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Creek Hunting Report
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06/22/2014 10:19AM
Great explorations!
"3/Quetico to No Name via creek." -- Is that the creek to the first of 3 no-names north of the main E-W arm of Quetico?
What dates were you in?
Thanks for sharing! --Goose
06/21/2014 08:24PM
Here are the results of my exploration:
1/Cirrus Creek to No Name was impassable.

2/Sly Creek to Sly Lake was navigable for 1 1/2 miles to the end of the bog where creek narrows with alders- still a 1/2 mile to lake. There is a 3 1/2 foot beaver dam which helped.

3/Quetico to No Name via creek. I gave up after 1/2 mile and took portage and caught 5 large mouth bass.

4/Robin Creek is navigable for about 500 yards until rapids.

5/Conk to No Name west of Conk was navigable.

6/Ceph to Burntside was navigable.

7/Burnside to Albert had 5 small beaver dams in first 100 yards so I gave up.

8/Rouge to No Name was not explored.

9/Sturgeon to Walsh was navigable for about 1/2 mile.

10/Tubman Creek to Maxness is makable with two short portages.

11/Allan Creek was navagable for a couple of miles in lower part but after second long portage water ran out.

12/Creek to Berniece was not possible because of Allan.

13/Creeks to Ram and Antoine were navigable.

14/Stanton Bay to Stanton Lake was impassable.

06/22/2014 05:06PM
Yes it is the closest lake to Beaverhouse I was in may 29 to June 12.
06/22/2014 04:59PM
I'm very surprised that the creeks to Ram and Antoine were navigable.

07/09/2014 09:38AM
I'm also curious about the creeks to Ram and Antoine...what does "navigable" mean...paddling straight through, some liftovers, lining, etc??