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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Going to McKenzie, Ferguson, and Kawnipi
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04/01/2015 08:16AM
Thank you Dances with trees and MP.

I'll touch base with the forum and tell you how it went.
High n Dry I look forward to hopefully seeing you out there.

You guys are awesome!!

02/20/2015 09:03AM
Hello HighnDry,

How was the river. Was it hard to navigate or just had more pull overs than expected. I was hoping to get to McKenzie after two long portages on the second day. I will be going at a steady pace, but keep it realistic.
02/20/2015 09:21AM
There are some stretches of the river with wet land on both sides of the river making poor camping options so consider that when deciding to pass on a suitable camp sight.

02/20/2015 10:13AM
quote MagicPaddler: "Highndry
There are some stretches of the river with wet land on both sides of the river making poor camping options so consider that when deciding to pass on a suitable camp sight.

Thanks MP. I need to start studying some maps!
02/19/2015 05:35PM
I had solitude on that route. Did not see any one till I got on Kawnipi. Took me longer to get down the river than I expected. I think it took me about 12 hours.
02/19/2015 06:17PM
quote MagicPaddler: "I had solitude on that route. Did not see any one till I got on Kawnipi. Took me longer to get down the river than I expected. I think it took me about 12 hours. "

Good to know MP. I was calculating at least one bivvy on that river even with an early start out of Cache. Important thing is probably to not rush it and just take what comes.
03/27/2015 09:40AM
quote DancesWithTrees: "I've done the Baptism entry 4 or 5 times, though none since around 2005. Been to MacKenzie twice, never made it to Ferguson though.

The NE corner of the park is by far my favorite. Least used, most wild part of the park. And I've always wanted to see Ferguson, in part because, look at a map of Quetico... the biggest chunk of land away from major lake/river/portages is basically the area bounded by Trousers-Cache-Mac to the east, Ferguson & Cache River to the south, Rawn/Buck to the NW. It should be the best "zoo" in the park, and Ferguson seems to cut right into it.

Advice on the Baptism entry (these aren't in order, just stream of consciousness here)...

1. Just finding Baptism Creek from French Lake is a challenge sometimes, it is actually kinda hard to find the entrance. If you have it GPS'd I'm sure you'll be fine though. If you don't, then you want to be very close to shore when looking for it.

2. Going up the creek to Baptism Lake is a funny thing, it can be done in just a few hours or can take all day, depending on a few factors. One is the water level, as you are going upstream, and if the current is strong you don't make much speed. Two is, there are occasionally one or multiple beaver dams you'll need to navigate. Three, if it's wet, a couple of the portages are quite slick and tough going (there is one in particular that goes up the side of a hill and stays on that bankment for a while). There are either 3 or 4 portages (or were), based on water level, so if you double-portage that takes time even with short ones. Basically, you might end up on Baptism Lake by 11am, or 5pm.

3. There is a great site on Baptism, marked as XXX on PCD. Recommended.

4. The Baptism-Trousers portage is so short that, if you are going with a group, you can literally just pick up the canoe loaded and carry it across without unpacking and repacking.

5. Trousers has a bunch of good campsites on the islands not too far from the Trousers-Cache portage entrance. Basically each island has one.

6. I probably don't even need to go into describing all the details of the Trousers-Cache and Cache-Lindsay(MacKenzie) portages, as anyone who reads the site enough knows the basics. They are among the longest in the park, to the point where double-portaging (IMO) is a huge mistake unless you have lots of time. But a few small notes anyway... The T-C portage is generally worse in terms of boggy/muddy mess factor. The creek crossing halfway through it, use a canoe as a bridge, that works quite well (the creek is surprisingly deep for as narrow as it is, just a warning). The Cache-Lindsay portage is a little longer but most of it is easier walking, though when I was last there, there was one section that had been dammed up nearby and the portage became a muddy, shallow creek - that may no longer be the case, not sure. Also on that portage, be aware that an old logging road crosses it, which actually looks wider and easier than the portage - don't go the wrong way!

7. Cache Lake has a nice campsite right on that point of the penninsula that sticks out from the western shore into the middle of the northern part of the lake. Entrance faces south near the tip of the point. There's supposedly another nice one on the island on the southern end of Cache, but I haven't stayed there.

8. Fishing-wise, Baptism was good for Northern, but didn't have much luck with any walleye. Trousers had some nice smallies near those island campsites. Cache has very good fishing though - I've caught and heard of others catching lots of nice Lakers, supposedly it's one of the best lakes in the part for those. And you can catch lots of good stuff near the mouths of both Cache rivers (the northern little creek that dumps in, and the bigger one that dumps out from the western shore).

9. Finally, in case you haven't read me write this before... do not be tempted to take the creek from halfway through the T-C portage - just stick to the trail. Trust me.


All great advice DanceswithTrees. Should be an interesting trip for those up us heading in that way. I'm waiting to see what water levels will be in early June. I've read and spoken to others about avoiding Cache Creek as a "shortcut" too! Definitely not to be attempted.
02/19/2015 03:28PM
quote Moosehopper: "Maybe we'll see you out there.
Thank you so much. We are heading in on the 6th of June and will be in for 14 days
What is your route?"

Just saw this. Probably will head in from French, Baptism creek to Trousers. Cache to the river and out to Kawnipi and loop back to Pickerel/French and out. MP did this last year and looks like a good route. May change between now and then but most likely that first week of June. Will grab whatever permit/day is available soon and plan on that since I'll be solo. Looking forward to it!
02/18/2015 01:58PM

I really hope to get a glimpse of these magical spiritual creatures.

Thank you for your help, I was reading on one blog that someone found a wolf den on Furgenson. That would be amazing!!!!
Are you heading into the north woods this summer.
02/18/2015 08:46AM
I did Eyedocron’s favorite portage a few years ago from Ferguson to the river. It was a little dryer year. We bushwhacked to the little pond on the Ferguson side eliminating the up and down. I think the bushwhack was easier. I remember it as a very tiring portage and in a wet year it would have been worse. The portage would be hard to find from the river side. I think the only campsite on Ferguson is the island sight. The beavers have raised the water level on Ferguson so ½ of the island is under water. Do your business off the island.
02/18/2015 10:59AM
Excellent Guys,

I appreciate the information. I was going to go in and out of ferguson via ferguson creek from Mckenzie. I just wanted to see if we could find some interesting animal sitings including some big northerns. We were going to loop around Kawanipi, and head back through Chatterton, Russell, Sturgeon, Dore, etc. I know this will be an amazing journey with my little man and pup. I was also looking at at least maybe looking at Zephira. We have time, and I drive a long way to see wilderness soooo.... Have you seen wolves in this part of the park?
02/18/2015 12:40PM
I have heard wolves from Cache. I think I came on one while carrying the canoe on the portage between Cache and Lindsay. I was walking along quietly and came to a sunny area and something took off. I got a glimpse of something about the size of a wolf leaving a vapor trail.
02/17/2015 11:31AM
June 6th going up Baptism creek to trousers lake, on to Cache, and then to McKenzie, Ferguson, Kawnipi area. We have 13 days, anyone have any advice about portages, camping sites, and or fishing. I have read most of the past blogs on this area I just wanted to squeeze out any more information that is out there. My son (who will be nine) is my faithful companion along with spirit our dog. We have time and have done some trips in the past. Love Quetico. Ready for some longer portages. and time to explore. I know there are two of the more wet and loooooooong portages of the park getting to McKenzie as someone said on the BWCA messageboard. I am just excited because I haven't been to this part of the park before. Look forward to the wild.
02/17/2015 09:23PM
If you really want to go to Ferguson, I will be happy to share a fishing secret with you. The one thing I will not recommend is to come to Ferguson or to leave via the portage to the River north of there unless you love many hours of waist deep muck. The last time I was there, I shared with my associates the wonderful comment that I will never be here again.
Coming in from the east is ready fine, but a bit of a dead in from that direction. Looks good to come in and then go off to the river. Resist this idea unless you enjoy self pain.
03/27/2015 07:59AM
I've done the Baptism entry 4 or 5 times, though none since around 2005. Been to MacKenzie twice, never made it to Ferguson though.

The NE corner of the park is by far my favorite. Least used, most wild part of the park. And I've always wanted to see Ferguson, in part because, look at a map of Quetico... the biggest chunk of land away from major lake/river/portages is basically the area bounded by Trousers-Cache-Mac to the east, Ferguson & Cache River to the south, Rawn/Buck to the NW. It should be the best "zoo" in the park, and Ferguson seems to cut right into it.

Advice on the Baptism entry (these aren't in order, just stream of consciousness here)...

1. Just finding Baptism Creek from French Lake is a challenge sometimes, it is actually kinda hard to find the entrance. If you have it GPS'd I'm sure you'll be fine though. If you don't, then you want to be very close to shore when looking for it.

2. Going up the creek to Baptism Lake is a funny thing, it can be done in just a few hours or can take all day, depending on a few factors. One is the water level, as you are going upstream, and if the current is strong you don't make much speed. Two is, there are occasionally one or multiple beaver dams you'll need to navigate. Three, if it's wet, a couple of the portages are quite slick and tough going (there is one in particular that goes up the side of a hill and stays on that bankment for a while). There are either 3 or 4 portages (or were), based on water level, so if you double-portage that takes time even with short ones. Basically, you might end up on Baptism Lake by 11am, or 5pm.

3. There is a great site on Baptism, marked as XXX on PCD. Recommended.

4. The Baptism-Trousers portage is so short that, if you are going with a group, you can literally just pick up the canoe loaded and carry it across without unpacking and repacking.

5. Trousers has a bunch of good campsites on the islands not too far from the Trousers-Cache portage entrance. Basically each island has one.

6. I probably don't even need to go into describing all the details of the Trousers-Cache and Cache-Lindsay(MacKenzie) portages, as anyone who reads the site enough knows the basics. They are among the longest in the park, to the point where double-portaging (IMO) is a huge mistake unless you have lots of time. But a few small notes anyway... The T-C portage is generally worse in terms of boggy/muddy mess factor. The creek crossing halfway through it, use a canoe as a bridge, that works quite well (the creek is surprisingly deep for as narrow as it is, just a warning). The Cache-Lindsay portage is a little longer but most of it is easier walking, though when I was last there, there was one section that had been dammed up nearby and the portage became a muddy, shallow creek - that may no longer be the case, not sure. Also on that portage, be aware that an old logging road crosses it, which actually looks wider and easier than the portage - don't go the wrong way!

7. Cache Lake has a nice campsite right on that point of the penninsula that sticks out from the western shore into the middle of the northern part of the lake. Entrance faces south near the tip of the point. There's supposedly another nice one on the island on the southern end of Cache, but I haven't stayed there.

8. Fishing-wise, Baptism was good for Northern, but didn't have much luck with any walleye. Trousers had some nice smallies near those island campsites. Cache has very good fishing though - I've caught and heard of others catching lots of nice Lakers, supposedly it's one of the best lakes in the part for those. And you can catch lots of good stuff near the mouths of both Cache rivers (the northern little creek that dumps in, and the bigger one that dumps out from the western shore).

9. Finally, in case you haven't read me write this before... do not be tempted to take the creek from halfway through the T-C portage - just stick to the trail. Trust me.


04/09/2015 12:38AM
Thank you again Dances with Trees (by the way love the name) and I appreciate all you knowledgeable advice.

02/20/2015 10:12AM
quote Moosehopper: "Hello HighnDry,

How was the river. Was it hard to navigate or just had more pull overs than expected. I was hoping to get to McKenzie after two long portages on the second day. I will be going at a steady pace, but keep it realistic."

Haven't done it yet Moosehopper - this will be my first foray into that area -- but I'll try to post a report afterwards.
02/18/2015 02:22PM
I am hoping for 2 trips about 14 days each.
02/18/2015 03:50PM
I'm looking to do one into the this area as well early June. Sounds like a great trip planned for you with your son, moosehopper!
02/18/2015 06:27PM
Maybe we'll see you out there.
Thank you so much. We are heading in on the 6th of June and will be in for 14 days
What is your route?