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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Kashapiwi portage update
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05/07/2015 08:59PM
Good information. Haven't been that way since 2003. We paddled a little pond between the trails back then.
05/07/2015 09:58PM
Wow, In there before the Canadian portage crews! Earliest I went in was late May through that area, and yes the Portages vary each year.Did you encounter any ice?
As you were probably below freezing at night, what was the bug condition? Eyedocron
06/26/2015 01:28PM
Was through the portage June 13 and beaver has rebuilt dam. Rained enough that we could paddle to old portage on East side. Did not have to pole our way but if rain does not continue I could see it being a bit more of a challenge. So anyone planning should check water level and decide East side or West side. Hope water stays up and beaver continues to reinforce dam. Saw beaver as we contemplated which path to take.

05/10/2015 09:54PM
I was so hoping the whole bog was now paddle-able. Sounds like it's worse than it was before.
05/07/2015 06:35PM
Hey folks,

I just returned from my first solo trip from Bayley Bay into Kashapiwi. I am pulling together a trip report but thought that I'd give everyone an update on this portage as well as others in the area that I used.

The portage into Kash from the Side Lake direction is different from how it's depicted on the McKenzie map. It's actually split in two as opposed to one on the map: one very short portage of 2 or 3 rods located on your right. The trail climbs up about 10-15ft from the lake going over a granite bald-face rock ledge and then the trail disappears into the water of the swamp.

I was forced to put the boat back in, reload and paddle into the swamp for about 30 yards or so. The next section is again on the right and hidden back into the swamp. I found it by looking for where the forest descended into the swamp (the trail is right there). This trail climbs a short 10 to 15 ft again into the woods, continues for maybe 10 rods or so and then descends into a boot-sucking bog. Don't step of the barely-visible corduroy logs laid out or you may sink in up to your I found out.

The bog trot continues for about 20 or 30 rods until it rejoins the forest. From there it's a straight shot to Kash.

I looped out via the McNeice portage to Shaun Walshe, Yum Yum, Grey, etc. eventually rejoining my way in via North Bay. Most of the portages have at least some or alot of 12-16 inch blowdowns and deadfall. These are probably typical for this park or any park for early May. The portage crews obviously have not been through this area yet.

On my way out, I found the maintenance crew at the PP ranger cabin setting it up. They flew out the next morning in the direction of Cache.

Anyway, I hope that this information helps if anyone is going in that way soon.

05/07/2015 10:05PM
There was very little ice and snow pockets anywhere. I had to look carefully to find maybe 3 instances total. One or two of the bogs I crossed had a little bit of thin ice in puddles but that was all I saw. I can recall that Kash had one or two snowfields on the higher sections of the western shoreline. Each was maybe 20' x 5' but it's hard to know if my estimate is anywhere accurate. They were not sizeable and shrinking fast with the 60s and 70s degree temps during the time I was in.

It was tinder-box dry though and I didn't dare make a fire. It only made it down to 31 F one night which didn't feel that cold. The other nights were actually quite warm and comfortable but cool enough to chase away the 8-10 mosquitoes (yes, I counted them :) on my tent door.

I think in hindsight I would wait next time until the crews have gone through. It requires less effort to walk through a tree that has had it's mid section sawed out to make a path compared to trying to clamber over it. I didn't mention the numerous "nuisance" blowdowns of about 2-5 inches, mostly birch and beech that hung up the boat as I portaged.

I described to my wife and kids as something akin to "running into a large rubber band" and then bouncing back. That part was less than enjoyable.