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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Book Club :: Welcome!
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10/01/2007 03:53PM
I'm eager to hear your suggestions. I read several books on the border lakes area when I was much younger, but can't remember the names of the books or the authors.
10/01/2007 08:40PM
Hi everyone. I'm looking forward to this discussion. I haven't read any books about the BW but I found a couple on Amazon that I thought sounded interesting:

Boundary Waters: The Grace of the Wild by Paul Gruchow
The customer reviews are pretty old but very positive. It's non-fiction, essays about the BW.

Boundary Waters by William Kent Krueger is fiction about an ex-cop tracking a disappeared girl in the BW.

I'll read anything chosen but I think it might be nice to make our first book one about the Boundary Waters. The other books mentioned sound good too.

10/02/2007 05:34AM
I guess we need to figure out how to do this? What book do we want to read and how will we decide? We we have a lose schedule or just read and discuss as we go? Has anyone been involved in an on-line book club before?

10/02/2007 05:40AM
See my note above about my previous experience with an on-line book club. Someone needs to take charge and announce which chapters / pages art to be read by which date. The moderator needs to kick off the discussion with some comments. After a day or two or three of comments about the assigned reading, the moderator announces the next assignment. Usually, we'd read one chapter at a time. If they are long chapters, perhaps one a week. It will depend on the length of the book and the length of the chapters.

09/27/2007 08:36PM
I think this will be pretty cool. The first charter of this group and the early members will be to figure out how a book club should be run. Cheers, Adam
10/06/2007 08:04AM
I just finished the book and would welcome a discussion about it. Thanks for offering to moderate.

10/06/2007 06:32PM
"Into the Wild" works for me. I read it several years ago (but evidently I recycled it for something else at the used bookstore so I'll have to pick up another copy.)
10/06/2007 05:02PM
Yeah, I just read "Into the Wild" too...I'd be up for a discussion.
10/06/2007 07:57AM
I don't want to seem presumptuous, but I would be willing to moderate the first book if no one has an objection.
I picked up up "Into the Wild" in the Boston airport yesterday and read it on the flight home. It is not a boundary waters book but has been suggested by others, is a quick read, is a best seller and has been recently made into a movie.
Shall I start a new thread for reading it? Anyone else have a better idea?

10/06/2007 08:07PM

Thanks for getting this moving! Maybe someone else can start a thread on future books to read and we can get a list going of ideas.

I need to dig out my copy. I think it has been at leat 8 years since I have read this. Good book. I look forward seeing the movie after I re-read the book.

- Adam
10/06/2007 08:11PM

I also switched this group over to be self registration and to be publically viewable. Let me know if you don't feel this is appropriate either here or via email.
10/07/2007 09:21AM
I think the changes you made are great; maybe it will encourage more people to join.
I started another thread for "Into the Wild". The chapters are very short so I thought we'd start with the first five chapters.
I have no experience with an "online book club" so if anyone has other suggestions on how to proceed, I am all ears.

09/28/2007 09:59AM
Hi Chuck and Adam.

One idea is first agree on the book to read, then set up a calendar or weekly time on when we will have a conversation about certain chapters and parts of the book. Give everyone a few days to enter into the conversation before moving onto the next section.

We can then have separate threads started for each section we are discussing.

After the entire book has been reviewed we can give final thoughts and recommendations or not.

Looking forward to this.
09/27/2007 09:03PM
I'm here. A couple books I read a long time ago, but I enjoyed were Great Heart by James West Davidson and John Rugge and A Death on the Barrens by George Grinnell.

If this is only concerning the BWCA I'll have to think of a book.

I'm open to other books.

09/28/2007 07:09PM
I am truely looking forward to this! I'll be in Oregon on business the next week but I'll check back to see what book has been selected. I will also look for some interesting reading material while I am out there. A book that I enjoyed recently is True North by Jack Kupa. It's a blend of stories from the Bois Brule river and the BWCA that follows a seasonal progression.
09/28/2007 06:52PM
I just finished "The Voyageur's Highway" by Grace Lee Nute. It was written in 1941 is and interesting history of the region.

10/01/2007 09:40AM
How about "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer. It's got a lot of buzz since it has just been made into a movie. I just picked up a copy. I had previously read "Under the Banner of Heaven" and "Into Thin Air." Krakauer can really write.

10/01/2007 12:41PM
Are we looking for fiction, non-fiction or both? I have a number of books coming in from my library and they are non-fiction regarding the BWCA. I have not read any fictional books for the B-Dub, so I will follow a lead for now.