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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Book Club :: All Things are Possible... The Verlen Kruger Story:100,000 Miles by paddle.
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01/17/2015 05:54PM
I live in a town of 3,000. But with this library interloan online system I can look up and ask for books from different libraries...way neat.

dr bob
01/17/2015 09:16PM
Yes. I have twenty-nine libraries in eight counties in Northern Wisconsin in my system. Very cool.
01/16/2015 07:01AM
If you reading Beav's death march around Alaska and wonder about that canoe...this is the guy that made it....
He was a plumber by trade who put a paddle in his hands for the first time when he was over 40 years old....and then paddled the most crazy places. He made his own canoes to meet his needs and they are still made today.
The craziest thing is he never learned to swim....Cancer got him in the end but he tried to drown twice.

All Things are Possible The Verlen Kruger Story: 100,000 miles by Paddle

You may be able to check it out through your local interloan library.

Interesting winter reading..

dr bob

01/17/2015 01:56AM
Thanks for the heads up...and yes, I was able to reserve it through my library system. Looking forward to reading it..will help to take the chill out of the northern winter.