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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Book Club :: Paddling to Winter
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09/12/2016 11:48AM
I'm about three chapters into Part II Winter. Once I started the book, I couldn't put it down. The only reason I did was because I fell asleep and now have to work.

In Part I, what is your feeling about the multiple times that they rides to their destinations? And how would you feel about having to spend so many (20?) nights to cross one lake (Lake Winnipeg)?

I'm jealous of all the great berries that they found! And really quite glad that all of the animals that they came across did not have a lot of interest in them.
08/22/2016 08:34PM
I would love to do an online book club! I just got this today from the Library.
08/02/2016 07:53PM
I have not read it, but it looks pretty interesting and gets good reviews. I can request it through my library. Would you like to do a bit of online book club?
08/31/2016 05:25AM
Sorry. I missed your earlier message. I will request it from my library today.
09/24/2016 08:23PM
I finally had time to finish the book this afternoon. Their winter in Wollaston sounds like an experience with plenty of ups and downs. I'm not sure that I could have handled the solitude while waiting for the ice-in. But it sounds like they really did get settled into the community by the time Charly had to go to his father.

It was nice to know that the trip still plays a large role in their lives and those of their children.
08/02/2016 08:35AM
I'm replying because I notice no one else has. No I haven't read this book. Would you recommend it? I'm a bit upset that this private forum has members that will not reply.
07/27/2016 07:19PM
Anyone read this book?

Paddling to Winter
09/26/2016 06:52PM
I thought it was interesting as well when Julie wanted to go camping by herself. I can imagine, as much as you love your spouse - you need some alone time now and again.

I wonder if they ever went back and finished their trip?
09/06/2016 10:27PM
Almost done. Its like one giant trip report. Very good!
09/18/2016 06:46PM
I'm glad you like the book. My apologies for taking so long to respond. Where are you at now? I was a little disheartened to hear they cut their trip short in spaces, and got rides. You?

I can only imagine paddling along Lake Winnepeg to be super boring.

Berries - upon berries - upon berries!!! YUM!
08/26/2016 08:18PM
Anyone else reading yet?