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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: I don't get it!!
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08/04/2023 07:22PM
UprightWatertight: "Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "
I agree with all the other commenters on this troll. He’s a tool, with a plainly obvious lack of knowledge on how the world/internet actually works. "

So much hate. I could give two shits what any of you tourists think of me. I was only saying that I’d never support a message board that is clearly well financed by ad revenue.

Plus I’m on my 4th or 5th profile due to being “moderated” for my opinions on mining and other topics not deemed appropriate by the likes of people that live nowhere near the place that I love and call home. If you don’t like my opinion, I don’t care, that’s what the first amendment is for. Unless you’re on a moderated message board that is……

08/05/2023 09:11AM
Buhlie: "UprightWatertight: "Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "
I agree with all the other commenters on this troll. He’s a tool, with a plainly obvious lack of knowledge on how the world/internet actually works. "

So much hate. I could give two shits what any of you tourists think of me. I was only saying that I’d never support a message board that is clearly well financed by ad revenue.

Plus I’m on my 4th or 5th profile due to being “moderated” for my opinions on mining and other topics not deemed appropriate by the likes of people that live nowhere near the place that I love and call home. If you don’t like my opinion, I don’t care, that’s what the first amendment is for. Unless you’re on a moderated message board that is……"


When a troubled youth shows up at one of your schools and spray paints profanity on a building, and you get called in to clean it up on a weekend, is that also free speech you enjoy promoting?

Captn Tony
06/15/2023 06:15PM
Deeznuts: "Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

Woooooow dude. Incredibly rude and disrespectful. Adam works hard to provide us the safety and civility on this site that we won't encounter elsewhere. You post on Facebook and it's like a pack of feral dogs.
Pretty much every single ad on this site is in support of local outfitters or businesses. If you don't want to donate, then don't freaking donate. But don't be a d*ckhead about it."

Pay the person no mind, it's just a troll!!
07/09/2023 02:13AM
Ordered some stickers.

We had a pretty big storm the other night. Leaving the next morning my mailbox was blown open. Got out of the truck to gather mail that was strewn around and found the brown envelope on the road. I think the thicker envelope y’all use may have saved the stickers.

We’ll see if they still have any stick left in them after a night in the rain!
06/11/2023 07:33AM
I am sorry Adam. I think we all fully appreciate your efforts in keeping this community up and running. With a push or click of a button we have magical instant access to this site and all its information. I don't think any of us take this site for granted. This site for many is a place to escape the daily grind I think we just forget that there is more to it.
06/11/2023 03:28PM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

For a second there I thought I was on some political forum not the That was about the stupidest post I've ever seen and certainly is inappropriate, unnecessary and uncalled for. Go away and don't come back!
06/12/2023 10:01AM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

Total d*ck comment. Please go away

06/14/2023 09:52AM
I DO get it, Adam.

Because this forum is accessed freely on the Internet and anyone can read the material, I think there are four types of members.

1. People who value this board highly, contribute frequently, and feel like we are a part of a community. Unfortunately, some of us (like me) are also sometimes forgetful and need a reminder like the one you posted, that while we may be contributing with our participation. . .we aren't helping to support the board and keep it going with our dollars. I am sorry that I needed a reminder. I don't care to have an automatic donation set up, but I do intend to donate at least once yearly, and it had just slipped my mind. I suspect most of us choose to have our names posted when we donate because we enjoy feeling like a part of the community, but there are probably anonymous donors in that group as well.

2. People who find the board somewhat valuable, who assess that value to themselves, and who might donate based upon that value and choose to remain anonymous. Their desire to contribute is based solely upon what the board can do for them, not what they can do to support the board.

3. People who find the board interesting and valuable to spend their time, but not their money. They may contribute in other ways, but they don't feel moved to contribute financially, or perhaps in some cases, they aren't able to do so even though they might wish it were otherwise.

4. The occasional skeptic who doesn't feel that any request for a donation is proper, who thinks (as one of the former posters did) that the site is adequately supported by advertising, and underestimates the expense, both time and resources, of you and the moderators.

I was sorry to see "past donor" by my name and I have corrected that. Thanks, Adam, for giving us
06/12/2023 12:16PM
MikeinMpls: "Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

Total d*ck comment. Please go away


There is a valid unknown inside the d*ck comment. How much ad revenue is generated? If it's a lot, I feel less compelled to donate. If it's not much (probably more likely based on the ads I see) then I'm more motivated to donate. But I really have no idea. I don't have any extra money to contribute to someone's passive income retirement plan :)

And when I do donate it's anonymously...
08/05/2023 07:00PM
admin: "Buhlie: "UprightWatertight: "Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "
I agree with all the other commenters on this troll. He’s a tool, with a plainly obvious lack of knowledge on how the world/internet actually works. "

So much hate. I could give two shits what any of you tourists think of me. I was only saying that I’d never support a message board that is clearly well financed by ad revenue.

Plus I’m on my 4th or 5th profile due to being “moderated” for my opinions on mining and other topics not deemed appropriate by the likes of people that live nowhere near the place that I love and call home. If you don’t like my opinion, I don’t care, that’s what the first amendment is for. Unless you’re on a moderated message board that is……"


When a troubled youth shows up at one of your schools and spray paints profanity on a building, and you get called in to clean it up on a weekend, is that also free speech you enjoy promoting? "

Nobody has any first amendment right to say or do anything in a private setting like this board. If the administrator or owner wants to block me right now, they can. It is not a public forum. It is a private place owned by someone just like a bar is where you and I can say what we want only until we get kicked out. It doesn't matter what I think or how right I know I am. If I've been kicked out of the bar four or five times, I hope it dawns on me that it's just not my place and I'll be less angry elsewhere.
07/02/2023 05:40PM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "
i'm guilty as charged , been a struggle lately , but will do what i can.
As far as this clown goes , he's just trying to get a rise out of people , a true internet Troll , talks about small donation given to this site , BUT looks like he has spent his fair share of $$$ on canoes and claims to have done over 41 trips. (more $$$) which i highly doubt , and cant add more then 17 comments since he signed on here. and 1 of them is this B.S.
Trolling Trolling trolling ;)
07/02/2023 11:04AM
All caught up. Thanks for the reminder of the importance to support this amazing site. Such a valuable resource.
07/02/2023 09:51AM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

I agree with all the other commenters on this troll. He’s a tool, with a plainly obvious lack of knowledge on how the world/internet actually works.
07/02/2023 09:44AM
Done via PayPal. Thanks for the reminder and for all the great help, ideas, information, and gear this site has provided over the several years I have been a member.
07/02/2023 12:08PM
scat: "Geez - Buy a t-shirt and a hat already.

I don't get it."

Good call Scat.... it was time for a new hat! Dave
07/02/2023 10:24AM
x2jmorris: "Done Adam. Sorry its been a while."

Same. Thanks for the site. Apologies that it's been a hot minute.

08/27/2024 01:40AM
adam: "I don't get it that thousands of people come to use this site every day and don't provide support to keep this place going. Thank you to the 1% which do provide support!

Make your commitment today"

Just remembered to renew my support for the year. Thought I’d give this thread a bump in hopes it might spur others to contribute to the site we all enjoy. Thanks again everyone for taking the time to share your experiences, knowledge, questions and enthusiasm for all things BWCA. I really appreciate being a part of this community.
06/18/2023 08:26AM
Check sent - still relatively new to the site so your reminder was helpful! Thanks for all that you do.
06/09/2023 10:27AM
adam: "I don't get it that thousands of people come to use this site every day and don't provide support to keep this place going. Thank you to the 1% which do provide support!

Make your commitment today"

Point well taken Adam! You have a great site and I know I can't help with some of the dog excrement you have to deal with. Thank You for what you do! Will mail my check in support today!
06/09/2023 11:06AM
This site was such a valuable resource as I prepared for my first canoe trip last September. I will always be a donor as long as I am still able to head out to the backcountry.

Thanks to Adam and all the folks on this site that graciously share their knowledge and provide encouragement to folks trying to get into backcountry canoeing!
07/05/2023 12:12AM
907Tundra: "Done. Thanks for all the hard work to provide a helpful, respectful and enjoyable forum. I really enjoy being a part of this community."

Ditto. Best forum on the net. It's added a great deal to my quality of life and maybe even extended it, given all the experience-based recommendations and risk management tips I've found on here. Miigwech/Thank you Adam!
06/09/2023 09:55AM
Done! Thanks for the reminder and all you do for the vagabonds like me on this board. I do get it. :-)

06/09/2023 11:10AM
Thanks for the reminder Adam. This website is such a valuable resource and a pleasure to be a part of. I don't use Paypal but I'm mailing a check today. Thanks for all you do!
08/27/2024 09:04AM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

Is this a joke?
06/15/2023 05:48AM
Done! Thanks!
06/16/2023 10:54AM
Done Adam. Sorry its been a while.
06/09/2023 09:17PM
Done, thanks for the reminder.
07/04/2023 05:54PM
Done. Thanks for all the hard work to provide a helpful, respectful and enjoyable forum. I really enjoy being a part of this community.
07/21/2023 05:43PM
07/24/2023 01:16PM
I see a Few members I don’t recognize donating. It’s good to see new blood in the game. Adam has done a great job with the site and any donations are well deserved. I’ve met some of my closest friends here. An incredible bunch…
06/09/2023 10:18AM
Done--thanks, Adam, for the Flying Moose decals, and thanks for keeping the site going!

06/09/2023 09:01AM
I don't get it that thousands of people come to use this site every day and don't provide support to keep this place going. Thank you to the 1% which do provide support!

Make your commitment today
06/09/2023 10:29AM
Done as well. Many a useful tip and stoke gathered from this site. Cheers.
06/09/2023 03:59PM
Check sent, I thought I had it set up for re-occurring renewal, but I guess not when I saw the Moose was gone by my name. Just as well, I am, not a fan of pay-pal anyway.

Thanks for all you do Adam
06/09/2023 05:44PM
Every year a new group of campers comes to age. Thousands of people from around the country visit this site to find out more about the BWCA.

The sulfide mining issue is not going away. Political adversaries tell the public that we want to eliminate mining in northern MN. People read about this and think we are a bunch of backwoods hillbillies against mining when this is not the case.

This site is a community of people that love the wilderness. While Adam, it is YOUR site, it is financed in part by the users. For the most part, we do a pretty good job at spirited debates about everything camping. There must be a way to permit the second biggest threat to the wilderness to be discussed. Censorship only creates stigma and misinformation.

I suggest discussing this with people to find a middle ground that permits us to talk about it. Sulfide mining near the BWCA will not benefit anyone or anything except those that make money from it.

I am not against mining in northern Minnesota.

Thank you for listening.
06/09/2023 05:12PM
Donated. Easily one of the best forums I am a member of.
06/09/2023 05:30PM
Done. Sometimes I just forget . . .
06/09/2023 08:32PM
MikeinMpls: "To me, this site is like a professional journal subscription."

Good way to evaluate it!
06/09/2023 08:37PM
Kanoes used to remind us. Someone should take the torch and continue to light the way rather than relying on Adam to do it.
06/09/2023 06:38PM
Done. Set up for annual contribution. To me, this site is like a professional journal subscription. Probably more valuable, and a lot more fun to read!

06/10/2023 07:56PM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

"Sure you do quite well" is an unfounded assumption with no knowledge or proof. How much do you think a business sponsor on this site actually pays? Nothing on the web we consume is free. Nothing. Never has been. We pay with our personal privacy and data or we pay with money. Even major ad-based sites don't make all their money from ads. They make it from harvesting and selling your data. This site appears to have relatively few sponsors, a modest amount of ads, no pop-ups and does not appear to sell us out to others.
06/09/2023 08:24PM
I made what I thought was a yearly donation in March and bought a shirt, but it isn't showing up on my profile. I don't like keeping up with monthly charges. Does it go away after a month if we just send money once a year?
06/09/2023 09:15PM
I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone.
06/09/2023 09:44PM
Done. Good marketing pitch :)
06/10/2023 06:15AM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

Woooooow dude. Incredibly rude and disrespectful. Adam works hard to provide us the safety and civility on this site that we won't encounter elsewhere. You post on Facebook and it's like a pack of feral dogs.
Pretty much every single ad on this site is in support of local outfitters or businesses. If you don't want to donate, then don't freaking donate. But don't be a d*ckhead about it.
06/10/2023 07:34AM
I always forget so I just set up a subscription for an annual donation.
Thanks for the reminder!
06/10/2023 08:24AM
It’s easy to forget, I have been one of those on and off supporters but not because there are years I appreciate this place any less. Will look into the annual renewing gift option.

This year the thing that reminded me was the fantastic new permit alert system that’s only available to supporting members. Made it a really easy choice. And it’s obvious that system took time and resources to build. Keep up the great work Adam!
06/13/2023 11:41PM
Buhlie: "I don’t get why people fork over their hard earned money to “support” you. I wouldn’t pay a cent to use this board. I’m sure you do quite well off ad revenue alone. "

I don’t donate to this forum out of charity and I don’t care how much ad revenue is or isn’t generated. I don’t care how much money anyone makes or has.

I donate based on the value I feel I have received. I donate so I can continue to enjoy this place and the information that flows through it.

06/14/2023 10:24AM
Geez - Buy a t-shirt and a hat already.

I don't get it.
07/29/2023 12:52PM
I'll admit I didn't read every reply on this thread; but it seems there a lot of advertising done on here.
08/02/2023 04:37PM
Harv: "I'll admit I didn't read every reply on this thread; but it seems there a lot of advertising done on here."

This point has been raised, discussed, and dismissed.
08/02/2023 08:49PM
I feel your pain my friend. We get thousands too on our dog sled ride website along with my photography website. Only about 3% actually contribute but it's still good to be out there promoting the good word. Soldier On!
08/05/2023 05:36PM
I'm in the same boat as a few others - thanks for the reminder. Also thanks for your hard work in providing a great site.
08/17/2023 08:35PM
missmolly: "Kanoes used to remind us. Someone should take the torch and continue to light the way rather than relying on Adam to do it. "miss him ;(
08/17/2023 11:42PM
Lets get this back on track and ignore the negative nancys. I miss Jan (Kanoes) as well. Still shocked that he's gone but he would have started this whole thread, I agree.
07/29/2023 09:49PM
Done! Thanks!
07/30/2023 06:51AM
Great reminder thanks
Just set up my annual recurring - "Set it & forget it"

08/27/2024 10:27AM
LaVirginienne: "Adam can you check on me? I think I’m current? How do we know? Thanks! Suzanne "

Hover your cursor over the Flying Moose and 'current' or 'past' donor status comes up. Also, the Flying Moose icon is larger for current donors.

08/27/2024 09:32AM
Guilty as charged, no good reason.

But I have made restitution!!
08/27/2024 10:17AM

08/27/2024 09:01AM
Adam can you check on me? I think I’m current? How do we know? Thanks! Suzanne
08/27/2024 04:56PM
I’m in.
08/27/2024 07:17PM
Rocking my hat right now! Could use a new sticker for the truck though..
08/27/2024 06:59PM
Setup the autopay and let it drip drip drip. This site does a whole lot of good.
08/31/2024 10:27AM
TrailZen: "LaVirginienne: "Adam can you check on me? I think I’m current? How do we know? Thanks! Suzanne "

Hover your cursor over the Flying Moose and 'current' or 'past' donor status comes up. Also, the Flying Moose icon is larger for current donors.


Also you can compare your donor logo to others. Smaller logo means you donated in the past, larger logo means you are a current donor/supporter.

08/01/2023 07:35PM
Done, sent mine in last week, thanks for the reminder.