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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: emails from members
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07/06/2023 04:18PM
Always happy to help and/or reply the "axe murderers" out there (inside solo term), and those who travel in flocks. Have had and still do regular contact for information.

07/06/2023 05:58PM
okinaw55: "Great community, absolutely.

People emailing me, I dont get many. I've had a few emails responding to old posts. I'd say though that meeting MikeInMpls through email has been an absolute joy. We both were brought to the bwca by Cliff Jacobson when we were kids. I didn't know him growing up but image the surprise when we found out we both graduated the same year from the same school. We still talk to this day."

Yep. Hastings High School, Class of 1983. We didn't know it at the time what a honor it was to learn from Cliff Jacobson. 90% of how I trip I learned from Cliff. I know you did, too, Dave.

07/07/2023 06:54AM
boonie: "Yep, I've had quite a few email exchanges with forum members."

So many great people on this site. I’ve been fortunate to meet some in person and so many that I hope to meet someday.
07/10/2023 11:06AM
I, too, have had conversations by email and met many others at Canoecopia and at Rockford wing weekends. Great site, great members and don't forget to donate to this wonderful site we all have.
07/05/2023 09:02PM
Great community, absolutely.

People emailing me, I dont get many. I've had a few emails responding to old posts. I'd say though that meeting MikeInMpls through email has been an absolute joy. We both were brought to the bwca by Cliff Jacobson when we were kids. I didn't know him growing up but image the surprise when we found out we both graduated the same year from the same school. We still talk to this day.
07/06/2023 07:19AM
YetiJedi: "Very kind of you, Bobber3, to be gracious in responding to folks and helping them. Count me as one of the grateful folks who appreciate the generosity of this community."
07/06/2023 03:57PM
thegildedgopher: "Many RABCs were issues with errors, sent to wrong emails, or not processed in a timely fashion this spring/summer. And CBSA unfortunately has some pretty serious communications issues. "
I'm glad you could call and get things worked out. Quite a change from earlier in the year when people were getting their RABC permit in a week or so!
07/06/2023 09:05AM
Agree... this is a great community of paddlers and I'm glad folks feel comfortable enough to reach out to others. Them canoeing folks are good folks! :)

Two quick comments...
First, if you don't have your email icon available for others to click and contact you (the little envelope below your name when you post) but you'd like it available, please click "Edit Profile" and unclick the box that says "Hide my email address from others..." (Don't forget to click "Save" when you're done.)

Secondly, regarding the RABC permits, one shouldn't have to call about the permit unless, after a lengthy wait, you still haven't received your permit and you're looking to check on it. Ordering an RABC permit is done quite simply online. I'm glad people like Bobber are willing and able to help.
07/06/2023 09:11PM
Yep, I've had quite a few email exchanges with forum members.
07/05/2023 04:28PM
In the last month, I've had three different members contact me by email asking for information on tripping/fishing and another three members asking for the RABC phone number.

What wonderful conversations, information sharing, and back and forth emails with great guys! It's amazing how much in common members of this board have with each other. We are definitely more alike than we are different. And it's our passion for the sport/hobby/escape that makes us a pretty good group to belong to.
07/05/2023 05:31PM
Hey, bobber--this post and the Quetico forum 'abandoned chair' thread really make me appreciate the community we have on!

Savage Voyageur
07/05/2023 06:04PM
Totally agree with you. I’ve made some good friends over the years from this.
07/05/2023 06:09PM
Very kind of you, Bobber3, to be gracious in responding to folks and helping them. Count me as one of the grateful folks who appreciate the generosity of this community.
07/06/2023 02:19PM
Thanks again for helping me out, B#3!

Jackfish— If only it were that simple. Many RABCs were issues with errors, sent to wrong emails, or not processed in a timely fashion this spring/summer. And CBSA unfortunately has some pretty serious communications issues. I’ll be filing my application in January this year to avoid the headache!
07/10/2023 02:55PM
I have certainly asked a few off board questions via email. All have been very gracious. I do think the is a great forum with great folks.
07/07/2023 04:22PM
I agree. What a great group. I keep in touch with a few members via email. Have even met a few in person.