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Does anyone have any recommendations on how to safely remove mouse urine smell from a tent? I have tried washing it with dish soap, using Febreze, and airing it out, but just can't get the smell out.
Saturate with a vinegar and water solution followed by a gentle cycle wash. Note: I have no idea if that will effect waterproofing, but I have done that with other outdoor gear before.
Walmart has a Zep product you might try.
Try Gear Aid's Revivex - formerly McNett's Mirazyme. It's an enzyme-based odor eliminator that's great for really stinky stuff. It works and we all have a lot of smelly outdoor gear that can benefit from a dunking in this stuff. Especially portage packs.
portagedog09: "Try Gear Aid's Revivex - formerly McNett's Mirazyme. It's an enzyme-based odor eliminator that's great for really stinky stuff. It works and we all have a lot of smelly outdoor gear that can benefit from a dunking in this stuff. Especially portage packs.
+1 This works really well on all kinds of stuff.
bobbernumber3: "I thought we were talking MOOSE urine...??"
It'll get rid of that too, but not the hoofprints on your back from being that close.....
Washing machine. Light cycle. Until smell is gone.
scented dryer sheets have been successful for lots of stinks. Pick a scent you can sleep with.
| Try again?
Not sure if it works on mouse urine, but we use a product called Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer for cat/dog urine in the house. It's also enzyme-based.
I thought we were talking MOOSE urine...??
I’ve never had a moose piss on my tent.
Many times tents stink because the polyurethane coating which is applied to the underside of the tent fly or inside of the tent floor is beginning to break down. Many people may notice a smell in the tent and liken it to urine. It is actually a chemical reaction caused by the breakdown of urethane.
The polyurethane coating on some of my tents, bivy bags and rain jackets has decomposed during storage producing a urine smell. I have had no success removing the smell. It is important to store polyurethane coated fabrics completely dry and in a dry cool location in order to prevent or delay the urethane decomposition.
This may or may not be the issue that you are trying to resolve but if so in addition to the smell the waterproofing is also compromised.
Savage Voyageur
Fill your bathtub with warm water. Put 2 gallons of white vinegar in and mix. Put your tent inside out and make sure everything gets soaked. Leave in tub overnight. Set up in your yard with the poles and hose wash off with a mild soap mixture. Then let dry in the sun. If indeed it is moose urine the vinegar will break down the organic compounds and it will smell great again. If it is the tent coating material breaking down it will be time for a new tent.