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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: This Forum, vs Facebook groups,...
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06/15/2024 12:40PM
naturboy12: "Canoearoo: "The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it. "

There are two Facebook groups with very similar names. One is associated with this site. The other isn’t. Saying so in the wrong one will bring up those negative reactions. "

Its the one for here and people do react that way. BWCA group is private and for this group but most of the people don't know that
06/04/2024 12:33PM
HowardSprague: "naturboy12: "Canoearoo: "The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it. "
There are two Facebook groups with very similar names. One is associated with this site. The other isn’t. Saying so in the wrong one will bring up those negative reactions. "

Is the one from here called “BWCA Group”?"

Yep. That is the connected one. I have really gotten tired of the FB sites. It seems like most posts are either "How are the Bugs?", "How are the Bears", "Is it cold", or some troll saying something to start an argument.

05/30/2024 11:32AM
The FB site is inferior because many posters are basically transient, there are too many wrong answers about rules, and too much simplistic advice. Too many people post (or "like") without anything relevant to add. I gave up on it and trying to correct the misinformation because it just keeps going on. Then they even took down a couple of my posts for no good reason . . . I'm not spending time typing a detailed and informative post that can't be seen. And who knows why?
05/30/2024 12:28PM
boonie: "The FB site is inferior because many posters are basically transient, there are too many wrong answers about rules, and too much simplistic advice. Too many people post (or "like") without anything relevant to add. I gave up on it and trying to correct the misinformation because it just keeps going on. Then they even took down a couple of my posts for no good reason . . . I'm not spending time typing a detailed and informative post that can't be seen. And who knows why?"

I am on FB, but yes much prefer this to FB. Information is more accurate, easier to access, conversation is better. I trust the information more as well. Too many just post stuff as fact without vetting on FB.

06/06/2024 11:50AM
naturboy12: "Someday: "HowardSprague: "naturboy12: "Canoearoo: "The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it. "
There are two Facebook groups with very similar names. One is associated with this site. The other isn’t. Saying so in the wrong one will bring up those negative reactions. "

Is the one from here called “BWCA Group”? "

Just BWCA"

Unfortunately it's more confusing than that- "BWCA Group" is a private Facebook group page set up by Adam and moderated by some of this site's moderators. "BWCA" is a public group page not associated. And the links on this page take you to a public Facebook page, that is not a group page. That last one is more informational with very little comments and back and forth. "

Thank you for clearing up my mistake!
06/30/2024 12:48AM
Heyfritty: "NotLight: "But think about how much better facebook will be for you with AI, especially paired with your IOS or android AI enabled device that can harness all your location information and credit card history too. Can this site do that? Nuh uh."
How do I hit the Like button for this?"

How do I hit the ignore button so “they” do follow my every move.

I want to go into and be in the wilderness. I don’t want to know every rock and tree beforehand. I don’t want a bunch of followers on my adventure. Every trip is unique in its own way. No way to be able to “be” there on social media.
05/30/2024 11:29AM
Facebook has lost a lot of trust for me. It is a clear example of the rule, "If you're not the customer, you're the product." They sell your information, manipulate what you see, and bombard you with ads. The people on the site might have good intentions, and portions of it might be worth using, but most of it you are better off without. The part where they manipulate what you see when you are seeking information is the main part I object to.

This forum is paid for with donations and unobstructive ads that are primarily from outfitters, and the time to run it is all donated as far as I am aware. No one is seeking to profit here, so it is far more genuine and not tainted by other motives. Facebook just can't compare to because it's not about the money.
05/30/2024 07:11PM
timatkn: "boonie: "The FB site is inferior because many posters are basically transient, there are too many wrong answers about rules, and too much simplistic advice. Too many people post (or "like") without anything relevant to add. I gave up on it and trying to correct the misinformation because it just keeps going on. Then they even took down a couple of my posts for no good reason . . . I'm not spending time typing a detailed and informative post that can't be seen. And who knows why?"

I am on FB, but yes much prefer this to FB. Information is more accurate, easier to access, conversation is better. I trust the information more as well. Too many just post stuff as fact without vetting on FB.


I was there too, Tim, but I have better things to do. Rarely did anyone thank me or say the advice was useful. Because it's not organized, you just keep making the same corrections - over and over and over.

Maybe I've just been here too long and got too used to something better. I'm not big on Facebook anyway.
06/01/2024 01:09PM
The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it.
06/04/2024 07:16PM
HowardSprague: "naturboy12: "Canoearoo: "The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it. "

There are two Facebook groups with very similar names. One is associated with this site. The other isn’t. Saying so in the wrong one will bring up those negative reactions. "

Is the one from here called “BWCA Group”?

07/08/2024 10:53AM
The quality of content is superior here in my opinion, despite the activity being a bit slower. I'm a part of two BWCA themed Facebook groups and I cannot overestimate the number of "How were the bugs", "What's the best campsite on lake XYZ?", "What's the portage to lake ABC like?" posts that occur. It's daily. And I get it, I think the average member on Facebook is FAR less experienced and a lot more paranoid than here. It's really bad though, lots of noise, and little discussion about how to be a better paddler/camper/outdoorsman or woman.

There are also A LOT of arrogant, know-it-alls on Facebook (ya don't say?) whereas there's a higher level of class and competency here.
07/09/2024 09:15AM
Facebook is yucky
07/09/2024 10:50AM
MinnesotaJenny: "Facebook is yucky"

07/09/2024 04:18PM
MinnesotaJenny: "Facebook is yucky"

I deleted Facebook and Instagram in March of this year, had them since 2006 (I'm 36 now). I feel so damn good about it. I'll never go back, though I do miss FB Marketplace, I've had so many good finds on there. I just tell myself now that if I can't find it through other avenues, I don't really need it.
05/30/2024 09:22AM
That's good stuff. Agreed - this forum is awesome.
05/30/2024 09:53AM
HowardSprague: "
I like being able to search.

This is one of the worst aspects of FB taking over the role that forums used to play. (While FB has not 100% taken over they have taken over a lot)

I have done countless searches on this site with the

technique on google.

I also discovered the forum because it would rank high in google search results for some canoe related topic.

For whatever reason (business?), I have found FB not searchable.

05/30/2024 08:53AM
I really like this forum, (as well as loved the old CCBB forum when it was functional, more accessible,....and populated, LOL) though I do go on FB groups as well. I get the immediacy with which one can read and post stuff on FB Groups. But this is superior, IMHO.
I like the subject segmentation.
I like being able to search.
I like the ability to post with a "handle" name - though many of us know each other, sometimes you don't want or need to let the whole universe see your conversations .... sort of like 'Relationship George vs Independent George", if you will.
And I like the balance of people, if that makes any sense.
I swear, there are FB groups out there dominated by people set up in their starting blocks, waiting for a comment which - like a starting gun - lets them take off with a "you shouldn't do that! You're violating a rule!" comment. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those people pack out their urine in ziplocks and would admonish you for not doing the same.
Sure, there are some contentious arguments here (remember the Politics forum?) but this is really well-run (guess i should $upport more!) and we're not overrun by "I know it all - my way is the only way and there's no gray area" folks. I doubt there is a i wouldn't help out during a trip if they needed it.

05/30/2024 09:30AM
Yeah, my main problem with Facebook and other social media is that it is not organized. You may or may not see new discussions buried amongst all the ads and suggested posts. The discussions are nearly always very shallow because they don't stick around long enough to really get into depth. Searching can work OK but you end up with dozens of search results with little to nothing of value in them.

From Google searches finding what's here to the interactive maps to the depth of knowledge by so many posters this forum is an invaluable resource.

05/30/2024 11:57PM
But think about how much better facebook will be for you with AI, especially paired with your IOS or android AI enabled device that can harness all your location information and credit card history too. Can this site do that? Nuh uh.

05/31/2024 06:21AM
NotLight: "But think about how much better facebook will be for you with AI, especially paired with your IOS or android AI enabled device that can harness all your location information and credit card history too. Can this site do that? Nuh uh.


Meta AI has almost run me off of Facebook completely. I couldn't believe that they don't let you turn it off. No more simple searches. Big Brother knows best!

The only reason I use Facebook is the same as it's always been, to keep track of friends and family and vice versa. But even that is hard to do now because my feed is probably 5:1 ads and random "suggested posts". Sometimes I don't see friends' posts for days. It's impossible to just catch up with them because the order they show up in is now completely random and buried in clutter, if they even show up at all.

I guess I use Facebook Marketplace as well, which I do prefer to Craigslist because you can better tell if the sellers and buyers are legit by looking at their profile. Though I do tire of the constant "Is this still available?" messages.
05/31/2024 12:13PM
boonie: "timatkn: "boonie: "The FB site is inferior because many posters are basically transient, there are too many wrong answers about rules, and too much simplistic advice. Too many people post (or "like") without anything relevant to add. I gave up on it and trying to correct the misinformation because it just keeps going on. Then they even took down a couple of my posts for no good reason . . . I'm not spending time typing a detailed and informative post that can't be seen. And who knows why?"

I am on FB, but yes much prefer this to FB. Information is more accurate, easier to access, conversation is better. I trust the information more as well. Too many just post stuff as fact without vetting on FB.


I was there too, Tim, but I have better things to do. Rarely did anyone thank me or say the advice was useful. Because it's not organized, you just keep making the same corrections - over and over and over.

Maybe I've just been here too long and got too used to something better. I'm not big on Facebook anyway. "

Agree with everything you said. Yes...I've tried to just use FB as a place for friends and family to see what we are doing or for me to keep up with them. I really try to avoid posting much. You can go down the rabbit hole so quick. I've seen brothers stop talking to each other due to FB can be really bad.

It's an election year so my goal is to stay off certain parts of FB a lot the rest of this year.

It's really nice for a Scout Troop though. We have a troop FB page. We post all of the camp outs, service work, awards...the extended families really like to see the kids giving back to the community or being in the outdoors. Or parents can see how their kid having fun at summer camp.

05/31/2024 10:55PM
This is a true community.

Whoever said fb is transient is right. People scroll on.
06/01/2024 07:02PM
Canoearoo: "The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it. "

There are two Facebook groups with very similar names. One is associated with this site. The other isn’t. Saying so in the wrong one will bring up those negative reactions.
06/01/2024 07:58PM
naturboy12: "Canoearoo: "The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it. "

There are two Facebook groups with very similar names. One is associated with this site. The other isn’t. Saying so in the wrong one will bring up those negative reactions. "

Is the one from here called “BWCA Group”?

06/02/2024 08:05AM
HowardSprague: "I really like this forum, (as well as loved the old CCBB forum when it was functional, more accessible,....and populated, LOL) though I do go on FB groups as well. I get the immediacy with which one can read and post stuff on FB Groups. But this is superior, IMHO.
I like the subject segmentation.
I like being able to search.
I like the ability to post with a "handle" name - though many of us know each other, sometimes you don't want or need to let the whole universe see your conversations .... sort of like 'Relationship George vs Independent George", if you will.
And I like the balance of people, if that makes any sense.
I swear, there are FB groups out there dominated by people set up in their starting blocks, waiting for a comment which - like a starting gun - lets them take off with a "you shouldn't do that! You're violating a rule!" comment. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those people pack out their urine in ziplocks and would admonish you for not doing the same.
Sure, there are some contentious arguments here (remember the Politics forum?) but this is really well-run (guess i should $upport more!) and we're not overrun by "I know it all - my way is the only way and there's no gray area" folks. I doubt there is a i wouldn't help out during a trip if they needed it.

Yes, it is an excellent forum and I need to donate again asap. I don't use Facebook but I see all the issues mentioned and more just on some of the other paddling forums.

I think this site has excellent leadership (not missing in action when needed and not overbearing with leaders expressing personal biases and commenting on every post). The group is wonderfully like-minded and does a good job of owning and moderating the forum even without site leaders having to step in. The site doesn't seem to have folks that post 100x or 1000x more than average (which seems to turn sites into "take it or leave it" blogs). Folks seem comfortable with themselves and their experience and don't act like the forum is some sort of competition.

I love paddling and frankly it doesn't take much BS for me to turn my back on a forum if it detracts from my enjoyment of my hobby and I have been watching real paddlers leave forums due to the snipers or braggarts or off topic posts or flat out bad advice being given and one can actually see the downward spiral where forums get dumber and nastier as more paddlers decide to skip the BS.

I'm grateful for and I admire the leadership of the site owners and moderators and forum members.

06/02/2024 10:14PM
This site is so good that many of us donate $$ to make sure it stays viable. It's well worth it. The community here is unmatched by anything on fakebook.
06/06/2024 09:42AM
Someday: "HowardSprague: "naturboy12: "Canoearoo: "The FB group for this sight really gets upset when you point out that the FB group is for this website/forum. Also it is really hard to make friendships on that FB group. People are usually just flying into the group from their one trip and then flying out after they have tried it. "

There are two Facebook groups with very similar names. One is associated with this site. The other isn’t. Saying so in the wrong one will bring up those negative reactions. "

Is the one from h
ere called “BWCA Group”?

Just BWCA"

Unfortunately it's more confusing than that- "BWCA Group" is a private Facebook group page set up by Adam and moderated by some of this site's moderators. "BWCA" is a public group page not associated. And the links on this page take you to a public Facebook page, that is not a group page. That last one is more informational with very little comments and back and forth.

06/29/2024 12:27PM
NotLight: "But think about how much better facebook will be for you with AI, especially paired with your IOS or android AI enabled device that can harness all your location information and credit card history too. Can this site do that? Nuh uh."
How do I hit the Like button for this?
07/10/2024 01:49AM
Never felt comfortable enough to join Facebook and just last month deactivated and deleted Instagram. I don't miss it. I read a quote from a Mobile Strategist saying that one of the most profitable inventions of all time is called "infinite scroll." The ability of scrolling infinitely has been turned into a commodity so the thing that is being sold is your attention! That gave me pause.

Thanks to the OG/OP Adam! Thanks as well as Ben at Paddle Planner, Dan at BWCA Wild, Joe at Paddle and Portage, and the Tumblehome podcast boys Erik and Adam. I appreciate you all very much.