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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Entry Point Closures
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06/21/2024 06:10AM
Thanks for posting this!

06/21/2024 01:27PM
Temporary Repairs Allow Affected Visitors to Depart the Mudro Lake BWCAW Entry Point

Temporary Repairs Allow Affected Visitors to Depart the Mudro Lake BWCAW Entry Point

Duluth, Minn., June 21, 2024—Yesterday afternoon, temporary repairs to Forest Road 459 (North Grassy Road) were completed by contractors using heavy equipment under the guidance of Superior National Forest (NF) engineers. This allowed affected Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) visitors at the Mudro Lake Entry Point parking lot to safety depart with their vehicles and gear. The repairs are only temporary, this forest road and several others remain closed to public access. In addition, the Mudro Entry Point remains inaccessible with BWCAW permits suspended because the road access route could be washed out again at any time. A large amount of water continues to flow through area lakes, rivers, and wetlands making road repairs tenuous and temporary. As water levels start to drop, more permanent repairs can be completed, and safe access restored to affected areas.

Temporary repairs will also be underway today at the Trout Lake Motorized Portage so that visitors who are currently on Trout Lake with motorboats can be safely portaged out of the BWCAW to Lake Vermilion. Three to four groups are currently on Trout Lake and scheduled to depart today. Trout Lake is a BWCAW motor lake where 25 horsepower motors are allowed, and the Trout Lake Motorized Portage is authorized by Public Law 958-495. A private contractor provides motorized portage services authorized by a special use permit. These repairs will be temporary to facilitate the safe exit of visitors and the motorized portage is expected to remain closed this weekend and conditions reassessed on June 24, 2024.

Heavy rainfall from the June 18, 2024, storms have caused numerous washouts and flooding. Water levels on lakes, streams, and rivers continue to rise and are causing impacts in many areas. This is a dynamic and slow-moving situation and some forest roads that were passable yesterday are now impacted today. Forest Service official continue to coordinate with local, county, and state partners in this response.

Four additional BWCAW Entry Points were discovered to be inaccessible during the June 20, 2024, field surveys. The list of inaccessible BWCAW Entry Points has not changed since yesterday’s afternoon update however, this morning we have a map that shows these locations.

We continue to ask for the public’s patience over the next several days. Many BWCAW visitors have been calling district offices and wondering when entry points will be accessible again and, in some situations, we can’t exactly predict when this will occur. As entry points and roads become safely accessible, we will provide updated information.

Visitors are encouraged to use extreme caution on canoe routes throughout the BWCAW. River and stream flows are fast moving, and portages may be affected or more difficult to find.

Wilderness Entry Points

Due to washouts and flooded roads several Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) Entry Points are inaccessible by vehicles.

BWCAW permits have been cancelled through June 22, 2024, for the following Entry Points:

Stuart River Entry Point #19
Angleworm Lake Entry Point #20 and Angleworm Trail Entry Point #21
South Hegman Lake Entry Point #77

BWCAW permits have been cancelled through June 25, 2024, for the following Entry Points:

Trout Lake Overnight Motor and Day Use Motor Entry Point #1 inaccessible due to washouts and the motorized portage not being able to operate on the road/trail. Overnight paddle permits are still being issued and the canoe portage is open.
Slim Lake Entry Point #6 inaccessible due to washouts on the North Arm of Burntside Road.
From Big Lake Entry Point #7 inaccessible due to a major washout on the access road.
Mudro Lake Entry Point #23 inaccessible due to a major washout on the North Grassy Road.
Bog Lake Entry Point #67 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.
Island River Entry Point #34 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.
Isabella Lake Entry Point #35 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.
Pow Wow Trail Entry Point #86 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.

Affected permit holders have been notified. We will reassess conditions and access routes again on June 24, 2024, and determine if the BWCAW permit cancellations need to be extended.

Thank you for your patience.
06/21/2024 04:59PM
Road closure update if any?
06/20/2024 01:15PM
NOTICE-BWCAW Entry Point Closures

Due to washouts and flooding the following Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Entry Points are not accessible and have short-term closures:

Trout Lake #1 Day Use and Overnight Motor (motorized portage is not passable; paddle permits can still be issued)
Mudro Lake #23
Slim Lake #6
South Hegman Lake #77
Angleworm Lake #20
Angleworm Trail #21
Stuart River #19
From Big Lake #7

Affected permit holders are being notified via the Forest Service and will be informed of their options. These closures are subject to change and additional closures could be added due to quickly changing conditions.
06/21/2024 12:49PM
Thanks for posting this, Adam.

I wonder what "options" are available. Does anyone know?

06/21/2024 12:59PM
When they closed the western half of BW a few years ago and my Little Indian Sioux permit was cancelled, the "options" were, 1) don't go, or 2) work with an amazing outfitter who happened to be watching for permits becoming available at any other entry point for me.

I decided the day before to drive up and talk to the outfitter about my options. I arrived and they said this permit just opened five minutes ago, do you want it? I said yes and my boys and I adjusted on the fly. Plan B was going to be find somewhere to stay nearby and fish local lakes.

I'm sure this one is similar. Any open permits for any open entry point will be grabbed quickly.
06/21/2024 01:53PM
MikeinMpls: "Thanks for posting this, Adam.

I wonder what "options" are available. Does anyone know?


My permit was a mudro for 6/25. Got the call yesterday evening that it wont be opened back up. The options given to us were to look for another entry, or not go.

06/21/2024 04:11PM
schwartyman: "MikeinMpls: "Thanks for posting this, Adam.

I wonder what "options" are available. Does anyone know?


My permit was a mudro for 6/25. Got the call yesterday evening that it wont be opened back up. The options given to us were to look for another entry, or not go.


Got it. Sorry about that! I really am. I hope you manage to get to the woods in some way.
