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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Entry Point and Road Closure Updates - 6/24/24
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06/26/2024 11:36AM
Some info of interest from VNO re current situation for the Mudro EP:

"Expect to park at either Nels Lake or at the end of the Cloquet Line (FSR 1036) near Range Lake.
(This reroute is only available during this special storm damage event and shall not be used for subsequent BWCAW trips.)

We are suggesting using Nels Lake for entry. This entry has a small parking area that the Forest Service is going to try to widen but please make sure that if you use this parking lot that others can turn around and get out.

Detailed maps and reroute assistance will be available at permit issuance."

06/26/2024 12:04PM
I tried to get into Nels Lake from Pickle about 3 years ago. I had my daughter with me and we were just day tripping and exploring. We couldn't find the beginning of the portage even after wading upstream...which was more like hiking up a dry creek bed with old beaver dams. Lots of growth on either side of the creek and very uneven footing. We turned around and went back into Pickle. I'll be interested to read about what it's like now in terms navigable water and/or portage location given the higher water levels. It should be interesting.

06/25/2024 02:34PM
How much parking is there at Nel's lake?
06/26/2024 12:57PM
schweady: "egknuti: "I take The Cloquet Line every fall to Range Lake and beyond. There is a parking lot and the trail to the lake is well traveled. You’d have no trouble following the portage. Part of the portage follows the old cloquet line then veers left to the lake. It is a lot faster way in if that’s what you’re after. "
Hmm. This gets it down to adding only 45 min to the entry morning vs the usual Picket Creek EP, however, trading 27 + 78 rod portages in for those 222 + 145 rod portagess will not make my wife too pleased. Less paddling, more portaging, but these "extra" portages do sound a bit easier than jerryr makes the Nels route out to be. Now, just need to figure out the drive to that parking spot... Looks like 88 to a right on Old Winton Rd to a left on Cedar Lake Rd and a right at the Y on the Cloquet Line. really shines when puzzling out situations like this.
Thanks, egknuti!"

Take a left where Samz Place is. I hope this works out for you. If not, my street cred will be shot.
07/02/2024 08:34AM
Following closely. I've still got some time before going in #23 first weekend of August, though.
07/03/2024 07:26PM

All entry points are reopened that were previously closed due to the heavy rain fall in the BWCA.

Some roads remain closed although the Grassy Lake Road to Mudro has been reopened.

Road closures

Visitors are encouraged to use extreme caution on canoe routes throughout the BWCAW and across the SNF. River and stream flows are fast moving with swift water and continue to rise in some locations; portages may be affected with flooding or more difficult to find. Stay within your skill levels and remain safe and flexible. If conditions exceed your group’s abilities, turn around and exit the area. Also, remember to always wear your life jacket!
06/25/2024 11:19AM
Same here. Amped to bring my boys for a little Walleye fishing

06/25/2024 08:52AM
To add on to ejsiljen's question.....

In looking at Google Maps, I see the Cloquet Line runs N/S to the east of Low Lake. Just North of Low Lake, on the map it shows Cedar Lake Rd. branching off of Cloquet Line to the west. Cedar Lake Road runs into N. Grassy Road about a mile south of the Mudro Entry point. However, Google Maps will not send you on Cedar Lake Rd.. Two Questions.....

1. Is this section of Cedar Lake Road navigable?
2. If so, could you take this to get to the entry point? I'm not clear where the issue is on Grassy Road. I'm thinking it's where it goes between Picket Lake and Mudro Lake, just south of the entry point. If so, I'm thinking you still couldn't get to the entry point. If that's the case, how would you access Mudro from the Cloquet Line? It appears to dead-end south of Range Lake. Not sure if you could portage into Range lake and then portage into Sandpit Lake to get to Mudro? If so, are there established protages between these lakes, and is it OK to park where Cloquet Line deadends?

We have an entry permit for EP23 on July 6. Maybe this will be a moot point and Grassy Road will be open by then. I'm concerned though, after seeing pictures of the excavator in the water on Grassy Road a few days ago.
06/25/2024 09:54AM
We are also heading in Thursday morning.
06/25/2024 11:53AM
Wonder what is going on at the island river and Isabella access, did the Tomahawk road wash out?
06/25/2024 06:44AM
Closures from the recent storms continue, however, a number of entry points are set to reopen tomorrow baring an updated order or entry point. Please be careful of washouts on roads, fast moving water, and high water in general. Keep those pfds on.

Continues to be closed:
Moose/Portage River North Entry Point #16

Set to Reopen tomorrow 6/26:

Trout Lake Overnight Motor and Day Use Motor Entry Point #1
Slim Lake Entry Point #6 - Washouts on access road may need to haul gear up the road the portage.

From Big Lake Entry Point #7

Mudro Lake Entry Point #23 and Mudro Lake-Restricted #22 - Note: Grassy Lake Road is still closed so entry may be done via Nels Lake or Cloquet Line.

Bog Lake Entry Point #67

Island River Entry Point #34

Isabella Lake Entry Point #35

Pow Wow Trail Entry Point #86

Already Reopened:
Stuart River Entry Point #19
Angleworm Lake Entry Point #20 and Angleworm Trail Entry Point #21
South Hegman Lake Entry Point #77

Closure Order from 6/24

List of Roads and Entry Points Currently Closed

Closure Map - note roads and entry points marked in red are closed.

06/25/2024 08:09AM
How will we access Mudro via Nels Lake or the Cloquet Line? Is there a preexisting portage somewhere between them?
06/27/2024 09:10PM
Pinetree: "Wonder what is going on at the island river and Isabella access, did the Tomahawk road wash out?"

Likely, but it reopened today. Yay!

09-09-24-05 – Emergency Closure Order, June Storm Restrictions, Exhibit A Superior National Forest Recreation Sites, Forest Roads, and Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Page 1 of 2 Update: June 27, 2024
06/29/2024 05:06PM
Some very welcome news for all Mudro permit holders, received yesterday noon from VNO:

"Good news! Engineering has done some amazing work and coordination with their contractor. They moved up the already scheduled project and the contractor was able to prioritize the repair by the Mudro landing. Grassy Road (FSR 459 and 457) is open. Travel advisory in place: Drivers should drive with caution and expect delays. Heavy equipment and single lane traffic"

And, something I had fully anticipated:

"Allie, Steve, & Amber went to check out that Nels alternative and it was not fun…"

06/25/2024 08:39AM
What I've head from the outfitter is they are old portages that may need some work. However when you paddle plan from Nels you can see a 160 rod portage into Picket lake then to the Mudro EP. The cloquet route looks much more undesirable. I'll be heading in on Thursday and have a better line on it.

Surely encourage contacting your outfitter for further details, as they are frequently talking with the Forestry dept.

06/25/2024 10:26AM
We will see you there.
We can endure the adventure together
06/25/2024 02:00PM
tazzeroo2002: " would you access Mudro from the Cloquet Line? It appears to dead-end south of Range Lake. Not sure if you could portage into Range lake and then portage into Sandpit Lake to get to Mudro? If so, are there established protages between these lakes, and is it OK to park where Cloquet Line deadends?..."
Yes, Cloquet Line dead-ends south of Range Lake, with little or no real parking visible on Google. There's a 222 r portage mapped to Range (probably very seldom used), then a 145 r portage to Sandpit Lake. Alternately, the Nels Lake route begins at what looks like a very small parking area, then 161 r and 11 r portages along the creek to Picket Lake and a carry across the road to the usual parking area and its 27 r portage to Mudro Lake and the 78 r to Sandpit. I've never taken either of these extensions to the Mudro route, so I'd second the suggestion of a discussion with your outfitter (or prayers for a timely and solid fix to N Grassy Rd).

We have a July 7 Mudro permit and tend to think we'd use the Nels option, though it adds around 2 hours to the morning's travel time.

06/25/2024 02:16PM
In the very early 80s we did the Nels to Mudro section a few times. The 160 rod portage out of Nels , if my memory serves me was a boulder hopping affair.
One of those you get your knees scraped up when you try to step between the boulders. It was a tough one but we survived to do it more than once.
06/25/2024 10:36AM
The Cloquet line after low lake is mainly single lane. I drove it last fall. This is the way I’d go if I had a Mudro permit. There is a portage into Range Lake.
06/25/2024 11:13AM
Our goal is just to get to Fourtown and set up camp to catch walleyes for a few days. I think we will stick with the Nels Lake entry point for now and just deal with the extra paddling and portaging. At least we get to go.
06/25/2024 05:46PM
schweady: "tazzeroo2002: " would you access Mudro from the Cloquet Line? It appears to dead-end south of Range Lake. Not sure if you could portage into Range lake and then portage into Sandpit Lake to get to Mudro? If so, are there established protages between these lakes, and is it OK to park where Cloquet Line deadends?..."
Yes, Cloquet Line dead-ends south of Range Lake, with little or no real parking visible on Google. There's a 222 r portage mapped to Range (probably very seldom used), then a 145 r portage to Sandpit Lake. Alternately, the Nels Lake route begins at what looks like a very small parking area, then 161 r and 11 r portages along the creek to Pickett Lake and a carry across the road to the usual parking area and its 27 r portage to Mudro Lake and the 78 r to Sandpit. I've never taken either of these extensions to the Mudro route, so I'd second the suggestion of a discussion with your outfitter (or prayers for a timely and solid fix to N Grassy Rd).

We have a July 7 Mudro permit and tend to think we'd use the Nels option, though it adds around 2 hours to the morning's travel time.

I take The Cloquet Line every fall to Range Lake and beyond. There is a parking lot and the trail to the lake is well traveled. You’d have no trouble following the portage. Part of the portage follows the old cloquet line then veers left to the lake. It is a lot faster way in if that’s what you’re after.
06/25/2024 06:03PM
egknuti: "I take The Cloquet Line every fall to Range Lake and beyond. There is a parking lot and the trail to the lake is well traveled. You’d have no trouble following the portage. Part of the portage follows the old cloquet line then veers left to the lake. It is a lot faster way in if that’s what you’re after. "
Hmm. This gets it down to adding only 45 min to the entry morning vs the usual Picket Creek EP, however, trading 27 + 78 rod portages in for those 222 + 145 rod portagess will not make my wife too pleased. Less paddling, more portaging, but these "extra" portages do sound a bit easier than jerryr makes the Nels route out to be. Now, just need to figure out the drive to that parking spot... Looks like 88 to a right on Old Winton Rd to a left on Cedar Lake Rd and a right at the Y on the Cloquet Line. really shines when puzzling out situations like this.
Thanks, egknuti!