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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Two more BWCAW rescues
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06/29/2024 06:35PM
NEIowapaddler: "It's almost like wearing life jackets increases your odds of surviving if you capsize..."

Exactly. I found for me that spending a little extra money to get a lifejacket that’s comfortable so that you hardly notice it is there. Then when wearing it it is not an annoyance and everybody’s safer.
07/01/2024 09:03AM
Curious as to what their options for self rescue were. Especially the second group that still had thier boats. Did they lose everything else? No paddles?

With the option of spot or other similar devices are folks much more likely to just hit the "save me" button?

07/01/2024 10:06AM
It’s possible they didn’t prepare for a scenario where they dump their canoe (in ideal conditions, you can get away with a lot—which I suspect is most folks BWCA experience). Or they did prepare, but still wound up in a bad position.

I think there’s a case to be made for contacting SAR even if you aren’t certain you need rescue. Hitting the SOS button doesn’t necessarily mean “come get me.” Most modern devices allow two-way coms so dispatch can triage the situation.

Immediately sending a few volunteers via canoe might well be the preferred response if there’s any risk of a more complicated rescue after dark or with other environmental or medical complications.

It would be interesting to look at detailed data on this. Higher rates of SOS calls may also mean fewer critical extractions or fatalities.
06/28/2024 10:08PM
It's almost like wearing life jackets increases your odds of surviving if you capsize...
06/30/2024 05:50PM
Well, it seems rescue stories are usually pretty boring when people wear their life jackets.....and that's a good thing.
06/29/2024 12:14PM
NEIowapaddler: "It's almost like wearing life jackets increases your odds of surviving if you capsize..."

06/29/2024 04:51AM
NEIowapaddler: "It's almost like wearing life jackets increases your odds of surviving if you capsize..."

06/28/2024 07:23AM
Two rescues on the same day on Bald Eagle Lake in the BWCAW. Luckily everyone was wearing life jackets and there were no fatalities.
Two Water Rescues BWCAW
06/28/2024 12:34PM
Bald Eagle can get some terrific waves, once coming out of gull lake once it was so windy and a few hours of daylight left, I tried launching solo but got blown back in. Thus, I pitched my one-person tent just off the portage to Eagle and camped. Early the next morning, I paddled out, but had a heck of a time until I got behind the island.

When wilderness canoeing, you have to know when to move on or when to fold 'em and stay put.
06/28/2024 03:25PM
I was grounded last year coming in and going out on Bald Eagle.