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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Dan Cooke has passed away
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07/02/2024 12:06PM
An absolute icon in the industry. He’s on the Mount Rushmore of camping and canoeing personalities. Thoughts go out to his son Nathan and to Dan‘s whole family at this time. Today is a sad day indeed.
07/02/2024 12:22PM
Very sad indeed. He was as good as they get as a human being. He will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
07/02/2024 12:25PM
I can't even absorb this news right now.
Santa has paddled on.

please post memorial info when someone finds it.
07/02/2024 01:14PM
This is sad. A true loss to the community. Got a chance to paddle with him once a long time ago on the lake behind his house. He was a good man who made exceptional gear. He stood by his gear...

07/02/2024 02:04PM
Prayers for Dan & his family.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.

07/02/2024 01:59PM
I bought several packs and a tarp from Dan about 4 years ago. I was in Centerville at the time and he was just over in Lino Lakes. In order to avoid having him ship something 7 miles, I asked him if I could just drop by and grab them. I expected to just grab the gear and go, but he sat out front of his house and talked to me for about half an hour about my upcoming trip, some that he liked to do, and creative ways to hang his tarps in various situations.

He was just such a kind, down to earth guy and he'll definitely be missed. RIP Dan
07/02/2024 11:16AM
As I got deeper into this camping stuff, he invited me to his house to talk it over and show me gear. Who does that anymore?

Legend. I am so sad today.
07/02/2024 11:18AM
The canoeing world has, indeed, lost a legend. I am so saddened by his passing, but so happy that I knew him and considered him a friend. I'm especially glad that my wife and I were able to visit with him a bit at Canoecopia this past March.

His memory, and his gear, will leave a legacy of excellence. RIP Dan.
07/02/2024 11:30AM
Many of us will continue to take him along on our trips, ... packs, tarps, etc. RIP, Dan. My deep sympathies to Dan's family and friends.
07/02/2024 11:32AM
So very sad. Not only was he a truly nice man who gave so much to our community, but I truly admire the way he kept going through the loss of his wife and his cancer. You knew he was grieving and honoring his wife and had to be struggling with the cancer. But he managed to continue helping the rest of us enjoy the wilderness and went on some amazing adventures in these last few years. He really showed us how to live and I will deeply miss him.
07/02/2024 11:40AM
I only got to chat with him a few times, but what a humble and considerate man he was. Seems like he always took the time to answer anyone’s questions and he definitely made the canoeing world a better place. RIP.

07/02/2024 11:46AM
Saddened to hear this.
He and his wife helped design a pack for me, and I got to try out his winter camping gear. He was a genuine article.
07/02/2024 01:05PM
chessie: "Many of us will continue to take him along on our trips, ... packs, tarps, etc. RIP, Dan. My deep sympathies to Dan's family and friends. "
I think this says it best.
07/02/2024 01:41PM
I sure hope there are canoes in heaven, and I hope Dan and Karen are paddling one together.

Paddle in Peace Uncle Dan.
07/02/2024 01:45PM
He was a gracious man and a wonderful member of this community.
07/02/2024 01:56PM
Mocha: "I can't even absorb this news right now.
Santa has paddled on.

please post memorial info when someone finds it."

My thoughts exactly, Mocha. Thanks for those sentiments.
07/02/2024 06:48PM
It's a terribly sad day.
I hope to have half the adventure in my lifetime that Dan had in his.
07/02/2024 02:13PM
We lost a great one. Dan was very generous and kind. He made products not for the profit but because he enjoyed seeing people getting use out of something he created. He could have charged a lot more and did less work.

My thoughts are with his family and good friends.

Dang this sucks!

07/02/2024 03:37PM
Another Legend of the canoe world and BWCA is gone. So sad.
Met him soloing on Moose Lake once when there was a skim of ice on the lake. He might have been the first up the chain that year. Quite a pioneer and spokesmen for the BWCA.
He toured the world waterways like most of us just dream about


Prayers for him and family.
07/02/2024 04:39PM
Gracious, generous, genuine - a giant of a human being.
Rest in peace, Dan.

07/02/2024 06:46PM
What a Legend. He will be remembered.
07/02/2024 07:46PM
A very sad day in the canoeing world. I spent a couple minutes with him just pre-Covid when I picked up a pack from him. It would have been great to spend more time with him. I envy those who went tripping with him, l bet he would have been one hell of a trip partner!
07/02/2024 08:08PM
Met him once at MW Mountaineering. Great guy and a first rate craftsman. I feel very lucky to be using CCS gear, none better.
07/02/2024 08:39PM
Rest in peace Dan.
"A New Adventure is coming up / and I'm sure it will be / A good one." Sigurd F.
07/02/2024 08:49PM
This is heartbreaking news. My condolences to his family. He was a good man!
I will carry my CCS packs in his honor!

07/02/2024 09:29PM
TuscaroraBorealis: "Prayers for Dan & his family.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him. "

Savage Voyageur
07/02/2024 09:37PM
RIP Dan. As you paddle on my friend may the wind be at your back. Prayers sent to his family.
07/02/2024 09:51PM
Sad day for sure… his ingenuity sure made many of our lives better. And hardly a more humble guy out there. Thank you Dan…
07/03/2024 07:30AM
A life well lived, we will miss you Dan.
07/02/2024 11:18PM
So very sad to hear. I had the good fortune to visit with him at some wing nights and at MW Mountaineering. Always happy to talk and share his experience and knowledge. Will remember him every time we hang my tarp and load my pack. He was a wonderful person and will be missed.

RIP, Dan.
07/02/2024 11:18PM
I'm camping in the UP right now with my family, using five off his pieces, most bought from him in person. Rest in peace Dan.
07/02/2024 12:49PM
RIP Dan, one hell of a fine gentleman. From building me specialized canoe camping gear, to helping me get into his old employer for field trips tours with my students. He loved showing the students things that he was working on for Kurt.
07/02/2024 10:33AM
Sorry to see this post. RIP Dan
07/02/2024 10:46AM
Rest in peace Dan. You were one of the greats!
07/02/2024 11:10AM
What deeply sad news. He was a giant of the paddling community and will be sorely missed. Peace and condolences to his family.
07/02/2024 11:14AM
So sad to hear rest in peace

07/04/2024 09:17PM
He was a giver, creator and a gentleman. He will be missed.
07/02/2024 12:00PM
R.I.P. Dan …
07/02/2024 12:31PM
Sorry to hear this, RIP Dan, condolences to family.
07/02/2024 11:26PM
Sad. Cried a bunch today. Very grateful to have gotten to know Dan and especially over the past 2-3 years on a more personal one-on-one level. Especially glad he was able to make it to Canoecopia this year - it was “right” again after him missing a couple of them. Seeing him walk the showroom floor brought a simple smile to my face. And I am grateful he was awake 5 weeks ago when I stopped by his house for a very good 20 minutes of bonding and encouragement. Dan was a very kind and generous man who was a blessing to know. His quality gear will continue to join me on wilderness adventures, and so Dan will not be forgotten. Our paddling community lost a widely beloved member, and humanity lost a good man.

07/04/2024 11:12AM
RIP Dan,
I have and will for the rest of my travels toast you
whenever I set one of your tarp up overhead. They have saved
Me, loved ones and gear from so many storms!
Raising my coffee mug to Dan!
07/03/2024 06:20AM
I only met him one time at canoecopia many years ago. Great guy and I own and use two of his packs which are very high functional quality.

I remember his posts on this board. He was always very helpful and seemed like one of us, just a regular guy who loved getting in his canoe. A life well lived, I’m sure.
07/03/2024 08:07AM
jillpine: "Gracious, generous, genuine - a giant of a human being.
Rest in peace, Dan."

I like your description.

A good guy.
07/03/2024 09:25AM
RIP Dan. Your contributions to the paddling community will live on for many generations.
07/03/2024 11:47AM
Dan made paddling fun, enjoyable, easier, and possible for so many paddlers. Thank you Dan for your contributions. RIP Dan Cooke, you will be missed.
07/03/2024 08:38PM
I’m grateful for the support he provided to us all.
I can only hope he is in a better place.
07/03/2024 08:50PM

I really enjoyed his tarp demos and presentations. He was a great guy.
I’ll think of him every time I tie a Siberian Knot which he taught me.
07/04/2024 01:31AM
Although i only meet Dan once , i tear up hearing this news , Dan was doing a tarp tying session at MWM expo , He must of saw my interest as he seems to direct his talk towards me, He made an impression on me in a short time we talked for awhile afterwards, he is a BWCA legend , and will be missed by many. RIP
07/04/2024 05:08AM
Oh bummer
Glad to have met him
Proud user of many of his products
07/03/2024 08:06PM
Did not know Dan well … but he was always good to me. I hope he is reunited with his wife in heaven. He was an icon in the canoe tripping community. He left his mark and will surely be missed by many.
07/04/2024 02:09PM
Never really talked to him or met him, but his reputation is legend. Condolences to the family, and prayers that the many memories expressed here will be a source of pleasure in the days ahead. He was a remarkable man.
07/02/2024 02:40PM
Heartbreaking. Such a good man. Condolences to his family.
07/03/2024 09:17AM
A big loss for all who know and enjoy wilderness canoeing. He made our lives better.
07/02/2024 10:17AM
I just saw a post that Dan Cooke passed away last night. If this is true, it is a very sad day indeed.

07/02/2024 10:28AM
I saw that as well. He had a stong faith and was a great man. I'm praying for his family
07/02/2024 11:02AM
So sorry to hear about this. Like his gear, Dan was top notch.
07/02/2024 10:58AM
07/02/2024 10:59AM
Oh man. I saw the thread title and immediately thought the worst.
Damn nice guy. Huge asset to the outdoor community. He lived a good life and left a legacy we will not soon forget.

Every time I put up my tarp and I stay dry from the storm, I think of him and will continue to do so moving forward. RIP Dan.
07/02/2024 11:43AM

I shared many conversations with Dan while sitting in his workshop. His love of the wilderness and wilderness canoeing stands out, in addition to his kindness and willingness to share his wisdom and stories with friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers. I will be thinking of him all day.
07/02/2024 11:52AM
So sad. He was a talented, creative, & humble man who helped many enjoy canoeing more comfortably with his practical designs and unsurpassed workmanship. For many of us, whether humping across a portage with a light and sturdy pack, staying dry beneath a tarp in a downpour, or enjoying moments of bliss in a bug tarp at the height of bug season we have Dan to thank.
Hug the ones you love. Sending peace and prayers to his family.
07/04/2024 04:31PM
So very sad. RIP Dan.
07/02/2024 10:31AM
RIP Dan. Thoughts and prayers for his family.
07/02/2024 11:26AM
Hell of a nice guy and made superior products