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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Permit Test
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09/07/2024 08:09PM
Both the Duluth cooperators have run me through the test each time I’ve picked up a permit in the last five years. Going in October saves more time for the woods. :-)
09/07/2024 11:20PM
On my 30ish trips I’ve only picked up at a Ranger Station 3 or 4 times and they gave me the quiz each time. Last time was 2021 and I had my then 14 year old daughter answer the questions and the Ranger said she did better than a lot of adults. In 2010 they chewed me out when I answered that you can only enter on your permit date because each area can only handle so many groups based on the number of campsites instead of answering because of the quota. LOL!

At outfitters I haven’t had it given as a quiz. I’ve had them read it to me with their added comments before I initial it, told to read it and then initial it, and just told to initial it.

I like getting to drive straight to the EP and filling out the self issued permit in October and April.

09/05/2024 03:51PM
Have never been asked any questions or given a quiz when picking up day motor permits from 3 different outfitters and the Gunflint district ranger station. Must only be for overnights.
09/05/2024 05:14PM
I worked at the front office on the Gunflint RD a few days last summer. We gave the test to almost everyone.

Funny I worked out of the Isabella Work Station for 3 years. When I transferred to the US Fish and Wildlife Service a year later I came back to the Isabella Work Station to get a permit out of the area. The admin lady who I worked with for a few years made me watch the video and take the test. I was a little dumbfounded.

@Mocha, FYI: I worked with the BW Rangers for the last two years and we never would stand around in the woods looking for violations. We also came across more than 9 people at portages a few times and no one I worked with was worried about it.
09/05/2024 08:12PM
I think I've always been asked the questions, at least since the videos became a thing. Definitely always asked at the Gunflint and Kawishiwi ranger stations. It's been a lighter, more give and take version at a popular Ely-area outfitter. They do more of a review than quiz. The strictest I ever had was a busy day at the Canal Park Duluth Pack Store. The young woman made me find my party from around the store to observe while she gave me the test. I passed but she looked at me like I should feel bad I wasn't better, like Sister Hermina from my childhood.
09/05/2024 10:58PM
It was not my first trip this year when I was given the test. When I was done and had been issued the permit, my tripmates said I sounded like a robot, answering each question with the prescribed response.
09/05/2024 12:43PM
Until this latest trip, I had always picked up my permit at an outfitter. Last week, for the first time, I picked it up at a ranger station. Before we were issued the permit we needed to pass an oral test about BWCA rules and practices that was given to us by the issuing agent. While I've watched the video many times, after dozens of trips, this test was new to me. Is this common when picking up the permit from a ranger station?

I thought it interesting that some of the preferred answers actually conflicted with each other. For example: I was asked what it means to "stay on a hardened surface". I interpreted that to mean that we should stay on trails and at the already established areas of the campsite. I was told that is the correct response as it's important to minimize our imprint on the wilderness by not widening the impacted areas.

Later, we were asked about proper gathering of firewood. I responded that we should gather only dead and downed wood. In addition, the agent emphasized that this wood should be gathered away from camp and away from shorelines. How is one to do this--or for that matter dispose of fish remains well back in the woods away from camp or trails--in compliance with the "hardened surface" rule?
09/05/2024 01:27PM
Yes. First trip of the year when picking up a permit at a ranger station you will watch video #3 and go thru questions about the rules.
09/05/2024 01:59PM
I've never had to take test...that I remember anyways.

I've picked up at outfitters, ranger stations, the SNF headquarters in Duluth over the last 25 years.
09/05/2024 02:26PM
I’ve been given the test every time I can recall when I’ve picked up a permit at one of the Ranger Stations, except when I earned the “already done it this year” card. I also had to do the test once when I picked up at Duluth Pack. Some speed through it a bit more, and some seem to take time to delve into the purpose more.
09/05/2024 02:20PM
as a retired outfitter, i will say that all permits issued included the quiz found on the back of the permit. we watched the video, then did the quiz, then went on to review equipment, food and route. if a guest visited more than once a summer, then no quiz but they still had to read it and initial each line.

not sure what the new way is with watching 3 videos before arriving. how does the permit issuer know that all members of the party watched the videos?

we were always asked why everyone had to watch the video and our answer was that everyone is responsible for what their party does in the wilderness. everyone shares in the fun, everyone shares in the fine.... there were very few fines.

it was part of the permit issuing process we took seriously because it was part of our cooperator agreement. if we violated the agreement we could be put on probation or lose our cooperator privileges and that would mean possibly losing lots of business.

i know we were more strict that some others but only because we used to get "watched" at various places like landings, portages... the usfs knows where parties enter and exit, if we had two youth groups in the same area, one going in and one coming out, they would stand in the woods and watch for the more than 9 violation. we'd argue it's impossible to know when someone is coming from the opposite end of a portage.... so many stories...

anyway, i believe everyone should be required to watch and sign their life away to get the permit. in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't take that much time, plus you already know its necessary so you plan your time accordingly.
09/06/2024 08:43AM
I’ve also been given the quiz whenever I pick up a permit at a ranger station. But on one trip this summer I picked up the permit from an outfitter and there was no quiz. The permit was issued by one of the “kids” working for them and she just had us watch the video while she printed the permit. Then there was no quiz or going over the rules or LNT, just sign here and have a good trip. This wasn’t an outfitter who knows me or the friend I was with and they had no clue as to our experience level.

I really feel the outfitters need to be as careful to review the rules as the FS (and many probably are). Less experienced people who don’t know the rules very well are probably more likely to get their permit from an outfitter since they often need to rent at least some of their gear and it’s more convenient to just make one stop. And they’re the ones who really need the reminders and education.
09/06/2024 12:09PM
yes: each year at the Tofte Ranger station, we were asked questions about the rules when getting our permits.
09/06/2024 08:27PM
Tofte and Grand Marais ranger stations have always asked us questions if it was our 1st visit for the season. Outfitters have never made me watch the video or asked me the questions when it became clear that we have done a LOT of BWCA trips, but I wish they would because I fear they don't reinforce the rule with enough people.
09/05/2024 07:02PM
Linden, this was back in early 1990s. The district ranger was the problem. He/she had a beef with our company and he did have a few rangers that were put on the west bearskin to rose lake area as that was and still can be a bottleneck due to all the directions people can come from to get there. We did have a lot of youth groups, some were troublesome. We ended up severing that relationship. The ranger got a promotion to Milwaukee. It was the wild wild east side back then :)