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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Glamping 100 Years Ago
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09/16/2024 05:23PM
That tent looks awful close to ones we used in Boy Scouts.
09/13/2024 11:35AM
Fantastic! Especially nice that they offered "heated privies" and "running water". What a neat display--thanks for sharing the photos.

09/13/2024 03:51PM
Awesome! Running water & heated privies, that truck is too cool.
09/13/2024 12:30PM
TrailZen: "Fantastic! Especially nice that they offered "heated privies" and "running water". What a neat display--thanks for sharing the photos.


I think heated privies will be my new criteria for glamping.

I think the canoe is a pre-fiberglass strip canoe and looked like it could be 100 years old. The truck was a Ford.
09/13/2024 11:26AM
I saw this vehicle and canoe at a giant outdoor retailer and immediately went to check it out. I wish the lighting would have been better for pics.