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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Wing Night South Proposal
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01/09/2012 11:23AM
Wish I could be there, but I have a Scout campout that same weekend. Hopefully I can meet some of you at the Rockford weekend in April!
02/26/2012 12:46PM
Dory and I will be there. Prelude to my first solo the following week. Can you say pumped? Lookin forward to meeting everyone.
12/22/2011 06:49PM
There are folks in Illinois who just aren't sure that the war of northern aggression is over....or which side they should be on...
I'm not sayin', I only sayin'......
12/25/2011 06:01PM
Great Darin. I was hoping you would see this.
12/24/2011 12:11PM
There's a good chance I can be there. Wife may or may not join.
12/17/2011 09:18AM
Since it is difficult for many of the "southern" members to travel to the northern wing night campouts, I'm proposing one near me in central Illinois. The location would be Jim Edgar Panther Creek WMA near Chandlerville, IL.

The website is mum regarding the group camping sites, so here are some pictures and a link to a video tour.
Gated entrance and driveway.
Tent area
Parking lot
Pavilion and pit toilets

Lake side fire pit

Lakeside canoe launch

Video Tour - JEPC East Group Camp

For now I would like to get an idea of how many folks would be willing to attend. Our best camping weather here is late May-early June, or late September - early October. I would avoid any weekend that coincides with other planned wing night events. If there is enough interest, I will set this up for either Spring or Fall, whatever is your preference.
12/21/2011 06:49PM
quote bojibob: "Since when is Illinois considered a Southern State?

I need to wait for the Southern-Southern Wing Night :-)


That was my first reaction also. We need a little "truth in advertising" here.
12/18/2011 07:58PM
You'll have to choose. My Scout weekends are April 20-22 and May 18-20 but don't just plan on me. I thought the Rockford spring weekend was postponed for Jackfish's Wisconsin weekend?
12/17/2011 06:05PM
Count me in! What a great idea. Thanks for thinking of this.
12/17/2011 06:04PM
I'm interested in a spring Ilinois wingnight. We loked at this once in another thread and I thought it looked pretty good. Start talking dates!
03/05/2012 05:34PM
bump it up
04/26/2012 04:45PM
Andy, what is the total head count for this? I will bring at least my self and one of my camping buddies and/or my 2 boys.
04/26/2012 09:28PM
As of now, I think I might even be able to make it for Friday night. Hopefully the schedule stays clear...otherwise it will be Saturday. But, dadgummit, I'll get there!
04/26/2012 09:56PM
quote jcavenagh: "As of now, I think I might even be able to make it for Friday night. Hopefully the schedule stays clear...otherwise it will be Saturday. But, dadgummit, I'll get there!"
Will be nice to meet a few people. Most people I know around here, when I explain what a 7 day trip consist of, say I am NUTS.. lol
jb in the wild
12/17/2011 10:52AM
Andy what a cool looking place. Hell Ya me and Diva would love to show up for that one. I only hope the day you choose works for us. Fingers are crossed.

Now good luck my Brother trying to find a date that works for everyone.

12/17/2011 10:53AM
Very nicely done. Looks like a cool place.

01/03/2012 06:42PM
quote OneMatch: "So is it definitely down for May 18?

Just checking to be sure. And thanks for being the go to guy on this Andy!"

Yes indeed! Reservations have been made. Fire wood suppliers contacted. Although I would REALLY like to see more members sign on. You're all invited.
02/24/2012 04:52PM
Lets get it on. I know we have alot more hoosiers that don't have much to do in May. Except maybe the Indy 500.Lets get together
02/24/2012 06:33PM
OKAY!!! And, I get to use this for my new project!! See my blog noted below.:)
02/24/2012 07:26PM
YES!!!!! And I posted to your blog Jim.
02/25/2012 10:59AM
This Indy area rez will be in the BW those dates. Sounds like a great time! Sorry I am going to miss it but the BW calls :-)
02/25/2012 04:59PM
Looking forward to this Wk end. The only difference between southern billys and their northern cousins is the northerners have a larger wood pile in their front yard.
12/22/2011 12:16PM
quote OBX2Kayak: "quote bojibob: "Since when is Illinois considered a Southern State?

I need to wait for the Southern-Southern Wing Night :-)


That was my first reaction also. We need a little "truth in advertising" here."

Ha! When I'm up near the BW, local folks I talk to ask if I'm from the south because I have an accent. Do I have an accent? They sure do.

So to them, my location is the South. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. And besides, for those living south of the of the Mason Dixon Line, this is South compared to the Twin Cities.
01/03/2012 06:03PM

Reading through the 2012 Roll Call thread, I noted some south of the Great Lakes folks who may be interested in this get together. Plenty of room for many more around the camp fire.

Bring the boats and the kids for some laid back outdoor fun and excellent comraderie.
01/03/2012 06:21PM
So is it definitely down for May 18?

Just checking to be sure. And thanks for being the go to guy on this Andy!
01/04/2012 08:09AM
Andy and everyone,

I am quite certain we will be there. Phantom is not on-call that weekend and since it's a month from the other wingnight campout near Rockford, it will work out. That is a very busy time for me, but I really want to see you there. ;-)
03/20/2012 11:15PM
I will have to try to make this as i only live 40 min from there. Also, if anyone is into archery, they have a nice archery range set up with raised platforms to shoot from. They have a few targets but sometimes pulling arrows is hard so i bring my own. They also have a trap shooting have to provide clays and a thrower.
05/03/2012 04:14PM
Had to search for this, so thought I'd bump it. The clock is ticking.
05/03/2012 06:10PM
Yanno what's funny.... During the "Southern Wing Night" I will actually be paddling a River in South Dakota that is NORTH of your location. So I hope all you Southerners have a blast :-)
05/03/2012 05:42PM
quote Chicagored: "Had to search for this, so thought I'd bump it. The clock is ticking."
Thanks Mitch. I'll be posting an update soon. Dang, only 2 weeks away. How time flies.
02/09/2012 05:55PM
Bring your vocals dude. Looking forward to it.;
02/09/2012 06:00PM
I'm excited....
12/25/2011 05:09PM
Count me in i live in southern illinois and for those who dont think its southern down here apparently they have never been in my neck of the woods. Most folks down here live by the philosophy Lee surrendered I didn't. Very right wing, very conservative, very Baptist, very much redneck. But i still love it because theres few folks sharing the water ways and the woods with me.

12/25/2011 07:10PM
quote maxxbhp: "Yeh, sometimes this geography thing doesn't shake out like you think it would. I lived in New Hampshire for about a year and a half back in the late 80s. Except for that indecipherable language, they're more southern than I am. But they don't eat squirrels, a few other things too....;-)"
Gadsden flag ring a bell from that there stretch of the woods?
12/19/2011 05:05PM
Hear my chime in. I could probably make a May 18-20 affair
12/25/2011 09:02PM
Big time
12/25/2011 09:50PM
quote maxxbhp: "Big time"
Lookin forward to meetin ya come May (and hopefully your wife too) and now back to the topic. Sorry Andy. So who else is commin?
12/18/2011 10:03PM
quote BillConner01: "You'll have to choose. My Scout weekends are April 20-22 and May 18-20 but don't just plan on me. I thought the Rockford spring weekend was postponed for Jackfish's Wisconsin weekend?"
This is my understanding, too. Andy, there is another thread, and jackfish's dates are may 4-5.

12/18/2011 07:24PM
Can't do May 4 weekend here. Can do the later ones, tho.
12/26/2011 12:34PM
I'm gonna make some beer, and since May ain't October or summer or Christmas, I'd entertain style suggestions EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. since this is sort of an eclectic group, I'm gonna make a honey half-wheat with Galena, Cascade, and Tettnang hops. That should cover England, America, and northern Europe, and the honey gives it a Mead connection.
12/25/2011 06:10PM
Andy for your count, Dory and I will be there (health permitting) and I'm going to plan my first solo for the week following. Looking forward to meeting some of you other rebel canoists.
12/17/2011 10:32PM
quote AndySG: "No boat registration rule as long as you register the boat per your home state's regs.

IL license required for fishing."

I'd just like to add a couple things to what Andy already hp restriction on Prairie lake, but a no-wake rule for anything over 10hp. Also, the Illinois DNR has kept this lake well stocked with muskies, and there's some healthy ones in there. Added bonus!
12/22/2011 01:06PM
Andy - it's your party - is this set for May 18-20? Probably less than 50% chance I can make it but will try to keep it on the agenda.

12/22/2011 01:17PM
I'm pretty sure I can make May 18 weekend. Not so sure about May5.
01/06/2012 06:21PM

@ Nojobro

Great news Nola! Thanks for making the trek. The kids will love this place.

@ OneMatch

Hope this date holds for you Jerry. You are bringing your git-box...right?

02/08/2012 01:16PM
19 days before we leave for Basswood.Don't know if I can handle that much fun in such a short time. :)
02/08/2012 10:17AM

Reservations have been made. May 18-20.
02/13/2012 10:45AM
02/13/2012 11:31AM
Thanks for the bump Bluto. Looking forward to meeting you and the Mrs.

Still hoping for more attendance from the Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas and Missouri folks.
02/14/2012 05:29AM
I got excited when I read the post and thought, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Then I remembered we lost the war and have become colonized by others.

Southern terms for our Northern invaders:

Half back- someone from Chicago, Detroit, New York etc. that moves to Florida and then moves half way back and ends up in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina etc.

Full back - Southerner who moved to the north, Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburg etc. and then moves back to Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina etc. and retires.

Quarter back - Someone with one of those cabins that they spend a few weeks a year in.

Post route - Person that buys 20 acres, of prime land on the trout stream and never does anything with it but post no trespassing signs.

I am sure you "Northerners" have a few things to say about us.
This is all in good fun so no one needs to get their knickers in a wad about this post.
y'all come on down and spend lots of money we sure do need it. I am going to tune my banjo as soon as I finish this post.

02/14/2012 08:34AM
Funny stuff G-boy. Now suit up and become a......

Flanker Back: A person who travels north of the Mason/Dixon line, make a flanking move into Central Illinois, raises hell at some Wing Night thing, and skedaddles back south of the line.
04/11/2012 05:49PM
quote Beaverjack: "quote OBX2Kayak: "quote bojibob: "Since when is Illinois considered a Southern State?

I need to wait for the Southern-Southern Wing Night :-)


That was my first reaction also. We need a little "truth in advertising" here."

To expand the truth, Kentucky was technically neutral in the conflict of northern agression. Despite that, the north sent an occupying force there and promptly began committing crimes against the citizenry and legitimate authorities. This swung the popular support towards the South in much of the state, with much successful confederate recruiting. So, I believe your map is realistically flawed."

I think you have your information incorrect. And when is this scheduled again? :)

History Channel
03/21/2012 01:18PM
Andy, this is also 8 days before we head up to Ely, MN for our trip this year. maybe some people in this group have done the Mudro entry point (23) going up to Fourtown and heading North/West.
03/21/2012 07:13AM
quote Aaron79: "I will have to try to make this as i only live 40 min from there. Also, if anyone is into archery, they have a nice archery range set up with raised platforms to shoot from. They have a few targets but sometimes pulling arrows is hard so i bring my own. They also have a trap shooting have to provide clays and a thrower. "
I was hoping you would see this Aaron. Please try to come out. It should be tons of fun.
03/21/2012 06:53PM
Aaron -Even if you can't stay late, you should come. Then you can ask around about Mudro EP. I've never done it myself, but...if you come on out, I'll tell you all kinds of lies about it!
03/21/2012 06:56PM
i wont be at this wing but i know that area. feel free to email me....but please, put something in the subject line. :)
Rapid Runner
03/21/2012 06:57PM
I've done mudro a few times. Got a few maps and spots marked :)
03/25/2012 08:02AM
quote OBX2Kayak: "quote bojibob: "Since when is Illinois considered a Southern State?

I need to wait for the Southern-Southern Wing Night :-)


That was my first reaction also. We need a little "truth in advertising" here."

To expand the truth, Kentucky was technically neutral in the conflict of northern agression. Despite that, the north sent an occupying force there and promptly began committing crimes against the citizenry and legitimate authorities. This swung the popular support towards the South in much of the state, with much successful confederate recruiting. So, I believe your map is realistically flawed.
04/17/2012 12:03AM
I am really looking forward to this Andy!
04/18/2012 01:05PM
quote Aaron79: "I am really looking forward to this Andy! "
Will you be camping Aaron?
04/18/2012 01:29PM
quote AndySG: "quote Aaron79: "I am really looking forward to this Andy! "
Will you be camping Aaron?"

No, not as of yet.
04/21/2012 09:57AM
Andy, I'm glad your first Wingnight made such an impact on you that you are now planing your own!

My only problem with this is, we may never see you again! : (

12/25/2011 07:42PM
Yeh it does. I don't know what those people's ethnic background is, but I can guarantee you it's a helluva lot more Celtic than it is Anglo-Saxon. They don't sweat the little stuff, but you cross that line and you've got yourself a problem...;-)
Rapid Runner
12/24/2011 10:41AM
im in.
12/25/2011 08:28PM
Kinda Northern Redneck?
12/18/2011 03:56PM
quote BillConner01: "Dates? DATES! How about Cinco de Mayo - May 4-5-6 weekend? Just pick some. I have a weekend a month with Scouts if I can get free - but if no conflict I will try to get to this one."

OK Bill. I will reserve it for May 4-5-6 weekend. No biggie, I can always change or cancel it.

BUT....we must have at least 10 adults in order to "qualify" as a group. So, who can definitely commit for May 4-6? If I can get 10 or more adults to commit for that weekend....then that WILL BE the date.
12/17/2011 06:37PM
Whoever lined up the photos with the descriptions, thank you.

More info......
Fees are $4.00 per night for adults...2.00 For kids...$40 minimum per night. I will cover the minimum and additional charges with a contribution box for those who wish to donate. Anything given over the fees will be donated to Amok's family.

No alcohol restrictions. Quiet hours after 10:00 PM but no one close enough to hear us.

No boat registration rule as long as you register the boat per your home state's regs.

IL license required for fishing.

Come one come all. Chicagoians, Madisionites, Iowainas, Indy folks, blutofish, arkansasman, ozarker, ozarkpaddler, gunflinter, boarhunter, bassnutt, myceiliaman, giddyup, and other southern folk please speak up.

12/18/2011 04:54PM
quote AndySG: "quote BillConner01: "Dates? DATES! How about Cinco de Mayo - May 4-5-6 weekend? Just pick some. I have a weekend a month with Scouts if I can get free - but if no conflict I will try to get to this one."
OK Bill. I will reserve it for May 4-5-6 weekend. No biggie, I can always change or cancel it.

BUT....we must have at least 10 adults in order to "qualify" as a group. So, who can definitely commit for May 4-6? If I can get 10 or more adults to commit for that weekend....then that WILL BE the date."

Isn't that a date being considered of the Wisconsin/Illinois wingnight? At Yellowstone state park?
12/18/2011 05:10PM
Considered yes...confirmed, no.

Confirmed dates I am aware of are:
April 20-22 for bobbwca's Rockford, IL Club Land
April 27-29 for Lake Rebecca, MN

Just to avoid confusion, would it be better if I suggested May 18-20. Its OK with me but that is getting into BWCA trip time.

So PLEASE chime in possible WN-South attendees.
May 4-6 or May 18-20? I need 10 adult confirmations for either date. Once I do, that will be the date.
12/17/2011 06:37PM
Oops! x2 post. How DOES that happen?
12/17/2011 07:55PM
Since when is Illinois considered a Southern State?

I need to wait for the Southern-Southern Wing Night :-)

12/18/2011 11:51AM
I'd like to think that I could do that if I don't have conflicts.
12/17/2011 08:07PM
quote bojibob: "Since when is Illinois considered a Southern State?

I need to wait for the Southern-Southern Wing Night :-)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....maybe me and you could meet at Lake Guntersville
12/17/2011 08:35PM
quote maxxbhp: "quote bojibob: "Since when is Illinois considered a Southern State?

I need to wait for the Southern-Southern Wing Night :-)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....maybe me and you could meet at Lake Guntersville"

Illinois is only half way for me. I like lake Guntersville idea.
12/24/2011 11:50AM
OK, so far here's a tally of those interested or committed and the preferred date seems to be May 18-20.

AndySG & Marsha
JB and Diva – Maybe
OneMatch - May 18
Maxxbph & Mrs Maxx – Maybe
CIRIOLIS & Maybe Mrs. C
BillConner – May 18?
giddyup – maybe evening visit only
bluto fish & Mrs Bluto – May 18
Nojobro, Phantom and family – Interested
jcavenagh – May 18
Rapid Runner
ChicagoRed & Maybe Mrs. C-Red

Based on the above, I will book this for May 18-20. So mark your calendars and keep me posted.

This weekend may also work well for the Chicago area folks, even those opting to attend the April 20 affair near Rockford. Why not do both (I plan to?) Come one come all!

EDIT: OK, went to reserve and found the East Group site taken for May 18-20. No problem since I reserved the WEST Group Site for May 18-20. The West site has all the amenities of the East site, but its more compact in size. May work out better for a smaller group.

I also added ChicagoRed and Myceliaman to the above list. This is gonna be SWEET!
12/17/2011 09:49PM
All bullshit aside, I'd like to see this work. And I need to get some beer cookin'
12/25/2011 06:40PM
Yeh, sometimes this geography thing doesn't shake out like you think it would. I lived in New Hampshire for about a year and a half back in the late 80s. Except for that indecipherable language, they're more southern than I am. But they don't eat squirrels, a few other things too....;-)
12/20/2011 05:38PM
Just let the wife and I know when it's finalized and we'll be there. We need a break. We leave for Basswood the 2nd week of June.
12/19/2011 01:10PM
quote AndySG: "Considered yes...confirmed, no.

Confirmed dates I am aware of are:
April 20-22 for bobbwca's Rockford, IL Club Land
April 27-29 for Lake Rebecca, MN

Just to avoid confusion, would it be better if I suggested May 18-20. Its OK with me but that is getting into BWCA trip time.

So PLEASE chime in possible WN-South attendees.
May 4-6 or May 18-20? I need 10 adult confirmations for either date. Once I do, that will be the date. "

So Southern Wisconsin is May 4-6 and I guess Rockford is indefinite. Based on another post, it would seem May 18-20 for Panther Creek. Or Andy in chat suggests fall as an option.

12/18/2011 07:52PM
Honestly, I just started a project in Arkansas, it's gonna rain once a week for 4 months, all weekends will be exactly the same for me. It doesn't bother me to pay up and hope for the best but I don't know if that helps you with the quota. Anyway, count me in dollar wise but you may have to stand up a cardboard cutout of a young Tom Selleck so it looks like I'm actually there....;-)
EDIT-the later date would be better for me, even though, like you said, it's gettin' into trip season. Also, I think I'll bring the boss with me. She needs a break in period, this would be perfect.
12/18/2011 12:41AM
I'm not sure I'd want to catch a big muskie if I were fishing from a canoe. and no swimming for me either. I like all my fingers and toes where they be. tyvm
12/21/2011 10:42PM
Any news on this? I am interested in meeting some of you southerners. Not sure we can come, but interested.
12/18/2011 02:50PM
Dates? DATES! How about Cinco de Mayo - May 4-5-6 weekend? Just pick some. I have a weekend a month with Scouts if I can get free - but if no conflict I will try to get to this one.
12/18/2011 08:04PM
Also Andy, if I can make it, I'll bring about 80 feet of Tyvek and whoever's there can cut what they want. That's all I have right now
12/18/2011 08:09PM
I might be able to come out for the evening festivities but I work every weekend so camping isn't a possibility.

12/17/2011 04:53PM
Well hell, that's not too far outta St. Louis, maybe 7 hrs from here, maybe less. I'd put some serious effort into that. The Fall date would probably work better for me, but I'll do my best no matter what

PS, that little pavillion looks like an insurance policy to me, really, really good lookin' spot
01/04/2012 08:22AM
quote AndySG: "quote OneMatch: "So is it definitely down for May 18?

Just checking to be sure. And thanks for being the go to guy on this Andy!"

Yes indeed! Reservations have been made. Fire wood suppliers contacted. Although I would REALLY like to see more members sign on. You're all invited."

Okay, It's in my calendar, thanks!
01/18/2012 10:47PM
Ok not only do we get to come, but we also get to take Friday off and have it count against sick time and not vacation. Brilliant. But we will first have to drive to Chicago for an 11am doctor's appointment for one kiddo and then we can drive to the campout.

Should be there around 5 or 6 pm that day.

And we don't have to feel guilty about taking kiddo out to school that day. Can't argue with the doctor. ;-)

The potentially bad part is having the little kiddo in the car for so long during one day. At least there's a break between drives.
01/19/2012 08:06AM
This sounds very tempting. Our family has an 18 mile canoe race May 20, and Mrs. canoe42 & paddlegal are the defending champions in the women's division. We might have to do race.
01/19/2012 08:27AM
Sounds like a plan Nola! See you at Copia.

Canoe42 - You are welcome come Friday night and pull out later Saturday. The ladies could practice their racing on the lake.
03/05/2012 06:40PM
Thanks for the bump Bluto. I've been busy getting my head together for Copia and the April Northern IL Wingnight. Can't wait to meet everyone at this one. It'll be here before we know it.
04/13/2012 10:32AM
Start = May 18, 2012 3:00 PM
End = May 20, 2012 2:00 PM

Any and all are welcome!
03/23/2012 11:59PM
quote Rapid Runner: "I've done mudro a few times. Got a few maps and spots marked :)"
me and my buddies will have to come over. We all live 30-40 min out so will probably just come home for the night, plus we are all "outfitter Junkies".. we dont own much camping equipment.
We will have some funny stories for you guys if you have read my trip report.

Also, if anyone wants to bring their BOWS, let me know, i will bring mine and we can do some shooting.. :)
Rapid Runner
03/24/2012 10:47AM
we are a little over an hour south, but i plan on staying the whole weekend. ill bring my maps.
03/24/2012 04:52PM
quote Rapid Runner: "we are a little over an hour south, but i plan on staying the whole weekend. ill bring my maps."
Good deal, I will bring mine so i can mark them.
What area do you live in? I live in Springfield.
Rapid Runner
03/24/2012 04:56PM
I live in Edwardsville/Glen Carbon.
03/27/2012 06:59AM
Kanoes, I sent you an Email a few days ago..just an fyi..
Thread bump.
04/01/2012 09:23AM
I am really looking forward to this now.
05/14/2012 09:09PM
Andy, somehow I'd never noticed that video tour before. Is that where we will be? I ask because I think in the video you said east group camp and in the other thread you said west.
05/16/2012 08:24AM
Nola....I originally reserved the East site but when the dates were changed to May 18 - 20, the East site was taken. So I had to take the West site. Both site have exactly the same amenities and are on the same road. The only difference is the West site is smaller but still plenty big for our group. There will be a welcome sign on the gate.