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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Kanoes has Passed
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06/08/2016 07:16PM
I was messin' around on YouTube and saw that I had kanoes as a followed channel. Was nice looking back on some of those videos.
06/07/2016 06:43PM
I have not been around the site or boundary waters much in the last few years but will fondly remember my days bumming around the chat room with Jan and the crew. His wit, wisdom, and criticism all stick with me and I won't forget his strong sense of duty to speak up when he saw something wrong.

Paddle on Easy

05/26/2016 12:53PM
No way !!!!
I have not been here much lately. ...Totally shocked !
God bless him.
I'll miss you Jan. I think you still owe me a beer. Someday when I pull up at your camp, I'll take one.
05/01/2016 12:18PM
Wow, that really sucks. Never met him but loved his integrity and willingness to stand up and speak about what he believed. A terrible loss for this community and of course a much bigger one for his family and friends. My prayers go out to them.
05/01/2016 12:48PM
quote Basspro69: "quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"

+1 I've read posts from other board members who are no longer here and it kinda keeps their spirit alive within this cyber community. It will be very bittersweet to look at Jan's posts.

I had to go look at his Hunter Island trip report. I recommend that. It's an epic trip, a good, concise no-nonsense report, and it's Jan.
05/01/2016 07:02PM
RIP Jan. You will be greatly missed here by many. This is such shocking news. Our prayers go out to Theresa, kids, family and friends.
05/01/2016 09:48PM
Very sad. I never met the guy other than a few brief exchanges on this board. This board will never be the same.

05/01/2016 09:45PM
This is sad news. It's refreshing, though, to read all of the kind thoughts expressed here. We're all flawed, in one way or another. Jan was no different. While he came across judgmental, I do believe he was a thoughtful human being that cared deeply for others.

I first met him in 2009, when he invited me to his home for a beer and to talk canoes and camping. I asked if my young son could join me. He said "of course". To my surprise, he also invited Mr. Barley and Mooseplums. We had a great time - enjoyed a few brews and talked shop. Meanwhile, Jan's wife, Theresa, played Guitar Hero with my son. They also had a great time, and I thank her for that.

Jan and I are roughly the same age. It's sad to see someone die so young. I hope his wife and kids will be OK. I'm sure they will miss him. My condolences go out to them.

04/29/2016 04:04PM
It is with my deepest regrets that I must announce that Jan Johnson (aka Kanoes) has passed away. He died at home last night in his sleep. He is survived by his wife Theresa, son Nate and daughter Erin.

Jan and I first met in 2008 when he invited me to his home when I needed to have my canoe repaired in the cities. He was very gracious to provide a place that weekend for me and my daughter to crash. From that moment on we were instant friends and ended up paddling and portaging many wonderful miles together. We did a trip every year together since 2009 until last Fall.

Man, I can't believe you are gone. I know you wanted to take a break from canoeing and chose to sell some of your gear, but I always held out hope you'd change your mind and we'd get one last trip together someday. Sadly, that can't happen now. :(

Cheers to my brother and friend to all the beers, sunsets, portages, and paddling miles we shared together. Perhaps, we will meet again someday on a trip where the wind will be at our backs and all the portages downhill. :)

Luv ya my brother. You were a wonderful friend.

04/29/2016 04:33PM
So sorry to hear the news. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
04/29/2016 04:33PM
Thank you Dan. I've been fighting for the words to present this today and I've been failing. I'm kind of numb. I will miss my brother Jan. My prayers and thoughts to the family.

Paddle on my brother
04/29/2016 04:37PM
A real loss.

For those of you that didn't know Jan personally, he was nothing like he appeared here at times.

He was a kind and very giving man.

He will be missed by many
04/29/2016 04:36PM
Beautifully said Dan.
I met Jan in chat. We chatted many many nights with the usual crew, and shared a lot of memories of trips, tips for future trips, and just general BS-ing.

Jan was an online "uncle" to me, and I am grateful that he literally took me under his wing at my first Wingnight last fall.

You'll be missed!

I drove home with my heart aching for Kiporby, Cowdoc etc who've tripped with him many times. I listened to this song, and it made me think of Kanoes.

Drink a Beer

Until next time... "PBS".
04/29/2016 04:38PM
Very sad news. A huge loss for the board.

Rest in Peace my friend.

04/29/2016 04:39PM
Yes it is a real loss for all of us. From chatting, mini wings, campouts and all of the bs'n over the years. May the wind be at your back bro.
04/29/2016 04:47PM
Whoa, that came out of nowhere! RIP Kanoes and condolences to his family. What a loss for this community.
Savage Voyageur
04/29/2016 04:45PM
This is so sad news. He gave so much to this place and he will be deeply missed. I can't count the laughs and good times I had with him at wing nights and online. Prayers sent out to his wife Teresa and family. Paddle on my friend.
04/29/2016 04:47PM
very sad. he went out of his way to make sure my kids felt welcome at wing nights. even sent me a private message that he would make sure others were on their best behavior and that he would make wingnights safe for the kids.
04/29/2016 07:09PM
Wow!! I'm at a loss for words. Very sad news. My condolences to his family. RIP
04/29/2016 07:11PM
Hate to hear of his death. While I never met him in person, I felt his posts were made with some thought put into them and looked forward to getting his take on a thread. My sincerest condolences to his family.
04/29/2016 07:20PM
Add my name to the list of mourners !

Always hate to hear of a paddler passing on ! We have all shared the same passion and love of being on the water !

04/29/2016 07:29PM

remembering the good times!


04/29/2016 07:31PM
My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Kanoes. I offer my prayers of comfort and peace to those he left behind.
Grandma L
04/29/2016 07:40PM
This is such shocking news. I have spent the past few hours trying to make sense of it. He is and will continue to be missed - that is for sure. My condolences to all, family and friends.
04/29/2016 07:48PM
I, too, am in disbelief. So sad. Jan will be missed.

My very first post to this board asked a question about kayaking in the Boundary Waters. Sensing a newbie, Jan kindly responded with an offer to sell me special kayaking maps for the BWCA ... at a premium price.

His humor will be missed.

04/29/2016 07:49PM
I never met him in person, but he shared a lot here and I feel like I knew him. This is really too bad.

I'm sorry for his family and everyone here who knew him a whole lot better than I did. Its a loss we'll all feel.

04/29/2016 07:56PM
As a new member I've appreciated Jan's many thoughtful comments. My deepest sympathies to his family.
04/29/2016 07:19PM
I have been in shock and disbelief since hearing this, but the reality is setting in as my eye well with tears. I feel bad as I just searched my email account and Jan emailed me a few times in the past few days about things on the site I should look at and the emails were filtered to spam and I didn't have a chance to thank him, nor to realize he was selling off much of his gear.

Jan had amazing energy and was not only a fixture at wingnights, but his welcoming, open, loving, and enthusiastic spirit helped bridged our community from the virtual to the real. He cared deeply and passionately about this group and site.

I can't remember exactly the first time I met Jan and that is because from the first time you met Jan to the last time, he greeted you with open arms and boisterous yells.

For those that don't know, Jan would buy and get paddles signed at wingnight in memory of other members who passed or had life struggles. I morn that there will be a signing of a paddle for Jan but no one is it more fitting for.

I think I posted RIP on facebook for Jan, but Jan and rest and peace isn't something I can accept. He is already up in heaven pulling together a wingnight with all the great members who have passed and pulling new people into the fold.

My heart felt sympathy for his family who will miss him the most.

04/29/2016 07:46PM
I am totally blown away by this. I don't even know what to say and am in disbelief. I never went on a canoe trip with Jan, but spent untold hours in the chatroom with him over the years. I always stopped at his place when I was passing through on my way home with a nice canoe find. We'd take it off my truck and examine it....brag about the good deal and drink Jan's beer. He was a very good host. I always use to think it was weird to have internet friends, but in many cases that's how we connect with kindred spirits and form non-internet relationships. He was much different in person than what most would gather on this site. I gotta say he was my friend. A couple pics of me sitting in canoes I've bought and posed for Jan in Jan's yard. Plus a great wingnight photo of him after he pushed oldscout's van out of the mud at a wingnight.

04/29/2016 07:59PM
Oh, Great Spirit,
whose voice I hear in the winds
and whose breath gives life
to all the world, hear me.
I am small and weak.
I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes
ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
and my ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make me wise so that I may understand
the things you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be superior to my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy – myself.

Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes,
so when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my spirit will come to you without shame.

- Chief Yellow Lark, Lakota, 1887 -

This site will not be the same without Kanoes.

Deepest sympathy to family and all who known him and will miss him always.
04/29/2016 07:55PM
This is shocking! I always looked forward to Kanoes posts. I didn't always agree with his abruptness, but I did appreciate his wisdom. Condolences to his immediate and BWCA board family.
04/29/2016 07:50PM
Jan was one of a kind. He was a major character of this board back when I first joined and though he ruffled a few feathers from time to time he had a heart of gold. Wing night is just not gonna be the same without him.

You will be missed by many brother. RIP.

Prayers for Theresa and his kids.
04/29/2016 08:03PM
quote bwcasolo: "wow, so sad,sending love to jan's family. just got home from missouri and read this, i am in sadness shock.
first time i met jan was at a wingnight and he handed me a ranger, it was my beer of choice as well.
paddle on my friend.

He did like that Ranger, pointed out to me that it was much superior to Rampant. THEN they put Ranger in cans, discussion was over. Very special times.
04/29/2016 08:06PM
This is sad and shocking news. We send our sympathy to Theresa, Nate and Erin, and our thoughts and prayers for all of Jan's friends and family.

The Spartans
04/29/2016 09:26PM
I can't believe this, what a shame, I keep hoping this is some kind of joke and that we will all get mad at him for it, I'd rather think he's a jerk and know he's still out there in some way than the sad alternative.

Jan was the first person to make an impression on me here and I was lucky enough to have met him on many occasions. I think everyone that knew him would agree if you hadn't met and spent time with him you really missed out. Kanoes and real life Jan were in many ways very different. You almost had to know him off the board to really get him on the board, if you didn't like him you probably never met him. While Kanoes could sometimes engage you in spirited arguments on the board he was the first person you would gravitate towards when you would attend a get togeather. Behind the scenes Jan was always doing good works, sending emails with wonderful words of encouragement and compliments and let's face it, the occasional apology :)

Jan, you were always my favorite character of, my heart aches, you will be missed

To Jan's family, you have my deepest condolences

04/30/2016 02:50AM
quote Grouseguy1: "Unreal. I've really loved his posts and willingness to share knowledge. Was he sick? What happened? This is awful.

Prayers to his family. This is a big loss to this forum. "

All I know is he recently posted on here about losing interest in canoe tripping, then started listing equipment for sale, and then we hear this news. One can deduce what might have happened, but it should probably be left at that without any further public speculation.
05/01/2016 09:10AM
I talked to his daughter Erin on the phone last night. She called trying figure out what I purchased from him with the check they received in the mail. She wanted to try and figure out what it was to get it to me but I told her not to worry about it.

She's been reading this thread and it's been very touching. She loves the story about Kendra's girls calling him Joanne :)
04/29/2016 05:00PM
A Great loss to all of us. I did not have the pleasure of meeting him but I have chatted with him on the site a couple of times. He had a lot of knowledge and wisdom. I give my condolences to the family. I will be sending prayers there way.
04/29/2016 05:05PM
This is sad news. I will be praying for his wife, children and family.

04/29/2016 05:03PM
I am stunned.
Peace and condolences to his family.
I never had the chance to meet him, and I will regret that forever.

But I always appreciated his input on this site. He helped me out with tips with private messages, too.
He was a generous soul.
I know he will be sorely missed.
04/29/2016 05:05PM
RIP Jan. We didn't always see things the same way but our mutual love of paddling was real. I enjoyed my times with Jan since the day we met in the early days of this site.

He may have been abrasive to some but his heart was big to all he met.

Jan will seek out Amok and they will toast the day. Trust me Jan has the passion to paddle again.

Like so many others I am numb today.

Till we meet again my brother, I'll think of you every time my paddle hits the water at the start of every trip.
04/29/2016 05:20PM
Wow. I'm shocked. Can't imagine this board without him. RIP, Jan! My deepest condolences to Teresa and the kids.

04/29/2016 05:14PM
Just because this has come up and will again, Jan could be a handfull at times. He was not bashful and he was very territorial about the community. He really, really cared that this place be the best it could be. Oftentimes that didn't come across in an ideal way, and he was usually quick to take responsibility, never ran from anything. I believe his motives were always pure even when his delivery could have used some polish. I consider him a friend, and a friend to this community, and once the adding and subtracting are done, we are less without him. Bless you Jan, and bless us all.
04/29/2016 05:19PM
Kinda hard to know where to Begin and End....So I will just say:
Remember to tell those in your family you Love them, and the friends you have that you Love them...because you might not get another chance. Jan, was a friend. He was a Great Husband full of Love for His wife and kid's. He talked about them a lot on the journey's.
I feel blessed to have been not only know him, but hangout with him.
Their are a zillion great laughs to remember, and some trying times on the trail, but at the end of the day, HE was ALWAYS there for anyone who needed a lending hand. That in itself, tells you just what kind of Man He was. RIP my Friend!
04/29/2016 05:28PM
Couple More Photos in honor of Kanoes

04/29/2016 05:31PM
After hours and hours of chatting with him online I always thought we'd actually meet and have a beer at some point somewhere. That sucks.

04/29/2016 05:29PM

Very sad news.

RIP Kanoes. You will be missed for sure.

I never got to meet you but may we meet someday on a lake up in the sky.

04/29/2016 05:40PM
Been numb myself all afternoon. It's seems so unreal. Prayers go out to his family.
04/29/2016 05:41PM

04/29/2016 05:38PM

Great Friend since we first met, he will be missed. Hope to spend a few campfires together on the other side!

Kenneth Martinson

04/29/2016 05:44PM
I am in disbelief, and I am really sad. To his family and friends, I am so very sorry to hear this news.
04/29/2016 05:49PM
My condolences and prayers. God Bless.
04/29/2016 05:50PM
He will be missed.
04/29/2016 05:58PM
very sad news, his humor and wit will be missed by all. whenever i was around him he was nothing but kind and gracious...
04/29/2016 06:02PM
quote butthead: " Great Friend since we first met, he will be missed.

Hope to spend a few campfires together on the other side!

Kenneth Martinson

Well put Ken.
04/29/2016 06:02PM
I'm a little in shock, he was a great guy, he made it down to see my wife when she was going through her cancer and to the benefit, when we came to are first wing camp out he welcome us with open arms, I will truly miss him, a very caring guy.

Prayers to his wife, kids and family.

When Ben, Kevin and I are in the bwca in two weeks we will have a toast for him.
04/29/2016 06:20PM
Jan's family has my condolences. Rest in peace,Jan. Marc
04/29/2016 06:19PM
There is simply no other way to say it... this is stunning news of the loss of a good man. Jan will leave a huge hole in his family and a huge hole here with his canoeing family. He will definitely be missed by many. Prayers for Theresa and the kids with my deepest sympathies.
04/29/2016 06:20PM
quote maxxbhp: "I consider him a friend, and a friend to this community, and once the adding and subtracting are done, we are less without him. Bless you Jan, and bless us all. "
Damn well said Bill.
04/29/2016 06:33PM
Prayers and Hugs to all who knew Jan. Paddle on my friend.
04/29/2016 06:36PM

I felt bad that he seemed to be souring on canoeing over the last year or so. But it seemed like he was looking forward to doing some new things. Sad loss for our community. God bless him.

04/29/2016 06:49PM
I am so very sorry. I loved that guy, and have never met him. We chatted a few times in the live chat, but that was it.
Damn, two great Minnesotans within a week.
I don't know what to say to you who knew him...
I am reeling.
04/29/2016 07:05PM
Very sad to hear he was a pillar in our community. RIP
04/29/2016 08:07PM
Never met him in person, and thought he was a little snarky when I started on, but over time I saw that he wasn't that way.

Liked his messages and advice. Big loss for us all.

RIP...hope heaven is as beautiful as the BWCA you knew!
04/29/2016 10:01PM
I've been away from the site for a bit and saw the bad news on Facebook.Jan told me that I helped him get up the nerve to take his first big solo.i know there are a lot of bad things going on in the world right now but this seems just a rotten and unfair thing to happen.
04/29/2016 10:01PM
Sad and shocking news. It's hard to know what to say.

I didn't know Jan well but he was one of the first people to greet me and my family at wing night a couple of years ago. And was incredibly good to my teenagers that weekend.

I bought some gear from him last year and it was a pleasure.

When I got home from work tonight I was planning to see what he had for sale...give him a hard time about selling things and tell him he should've had a combo mini wing/gear sale because it's always nice to have an excuse to gather members of this family. It seems unreal that I can't do that.

My deepest sympathy to his wife Theresa, his kids and all of his friends here.
04/29/2016 10:08PM
I can't believe that he is gone. The community is poorer for his passing. My condolences to his family.
04/29/2016 10:47PM
This song came to mind . . . although Kanoes did not build canoes he was one of the builders of this community:

See Ya Round The Bend
04/29/2016 10:55PM

Really sad and hard to believe. I never had a chance to meet Jan, but anyone who was a member of new him well. My condolences to his wife, family and friends. Rest in Peace Jan.

Hans Solo
04/29/2016 11:20PM
Before I clicked on the link I thought it had something to do with Jan's recent decision to retire from tripping. Shock. That is all I can say and feel.
My thoughts/prayers are with his family.
04/29/2016 11:29PM
I am stunned and saddened. My sympathies go out to his family and friends, of which there are many.

I was not sure how to take his posts at times but I realized that while abrupt or contradictory they were always well thought out in the way he saw things and I have to respect a person like that.

His knowledge and contributions to this forum have helped me in so many ways as I began and continued my canoe camping. If Kanoes posted something I was sure to read it!

I never met him in person but early on when I first joined here he saw I was from south central WI and he shared he was from North Freedom, near Baraboo, not far from me. There was a bit of a kindred relationship there that always made me feel if we ever met we'd have plenty to share.

I appreciate the stories and pictures people are sharing. Helps me to get to know Kanoes the person.

Rest in Peace Jan.
04/29/2016 11:55PM
Unreal. I've really loved his posts and willingness to share knowledge. Was he sick? What happened? This is awful.

Prayers to his family. This is a big loss to this forum.
05/01/2016 05:38PM
quote Zulu: "
I always thought one day he would surprise us and use a few capital letters in his posts.


If you go back and read his old trip reports, they had capital letters and punctuation like all of us were taught to use. The lack of those was an affectation that he decided to adopt later on. I think it became like a signature for him. I hadn't really thought about it until someone pulled up his Quetico Solo trip report from 2009 and I read it again last evening. It was a very good report, and (in my humble opinion) much easier to read than his later ones.
05/01/2016 05:32PM
Since I spoke with Trix the other day I've been trying to grasp the harsh reality that Jan is gone. I first "met" him in a chat in 2008. I was planning my first trip & he (& others) were a wealth of knowledge, experience and encouragement. After my first trip with my daughter I then decided I wanted to do a solo trip. Being it would be only my second trip ever I got a lot of comments that it was too soon. But, Jan was there, took me under his wing, encouraging and advising and I made that was the best thing I ever did.
I was blessed to have met him & spend time with him in person.
My heart is heavy and my deepest sympathies go out to his wife & kids and to all of us....his "canoeing family".
He is going to be GREATLY missed!!
RIP Jan....
05/01/2016 05:55PM
I never met him but had often looked forward to some kind of get together where I might have been able to. I have to admit that sometime reading his responses they seemed blunt and to the point but I guess I have posted ones like that too. I know Jan often made references to movies and so let me make a reference to Star Wars and say there has been a great loss in the "force". I know his input here will be very much missed. May God bless his family and friends at this time and help them find comfort.
Wow just think 2 great Minnesota losses, first Prince and now Kanoes (I hope my stab at light hearted humor can help to find a smile for those at loss)
05/01/2016 07:27PM
Rest In Peace Jan. You will be missed
Craig K
05/01/2016 07:34PM
WOW, that's some shocking news. My condolences to his family.

Jan is the reason I went to my first wingnight at Baker Park Reserve, I bought my first lightweight camp stove from him, I picked it up from him there. Talked to him many times at several wingnights since.
He will definitely be missed!
05/01/2016 08:20PM
Hard to believe. Sympathy to the family. Praying they have sweet memories to help them in the months ahead.
05/01/2016 06:47PM
quote VoyageurNorth: " A song in tribute to Kanoes - Jerry Vandiver song

I remember this song being played for a couple others we lost. Seems appropriate here too. Paddle true & deep Kanoes. "


Love that song!
05/01/2016 10:36PM
quote Hawbakers: "quote bapabear: "quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"

For sure. I see in his profile he joined here 2/21/2006. Rough figuring for that date and his number of posts he averaged 7 a day not to mention chat room. It's no wonder I feel the sense of loss - he was such a prolific contributor."

Think of the number of posts that were deleted. It could have been a bigger number! "

Jan would be more proud of these than the posts he's credited with. He had the heart of a debater and a lot of times when people thought he was arguing with him, he was just playing devil's advocate and making you stand up for your point. He made me so mad in chat one night I told him to go pleasure himself, and 3 days later we were talking about seeing each other at wing night. That man could sell ice to eskimos. :-)
05/02/2016 06:22AM
Such sad news!
I never got a chance to meet him, but always enjoyed his straight to the point responses. Sometimes harsh, sometimes sarcastic, but you always knew where he stood on a topic.

Thoughts and Prayers being sent to Jan's wife and family
05/02/2016 06:37AM
With his recent post on ending canoeing, I went back and read his trip reports, most I had read before. I wanted to get a sense of what was going on though I had never talked or meet the man. I enjoyed his writing and contributions to the board.

Very sad day for his family and friends. Rest In Peace.


05/02/2016 08:40AM

I was so looking forward to sharing my special out of the way places on the North Shore with Jan on his next step in Arrowhead recreation. I would have loved seeing his close up shots of tiny wildflowers and mosses in the Lake Superior area. I will truly miss him.

Thanks Theresa for letting Jan open your house to us crazy internet people. Thanks Trix, Bogwalker, and Adam for getting this very sad news out to me.

04/29/2016 06:07PM
Very sad. He was front and center to help me out on this site and was a wonderful mentor dueling my first plans for a bwca solo. I'll miss his wit and spirit.
05/02/2016 12:37PM
Sorry to hear this! Rest in peace, Jan.
05/02/2016 07:59AM

That was my first response...have been on a backpack trip with the Scouts so was away from the computer until this AM.

This is a major loss for the community. He was a true advocate for this site.

I wish I could have met him in person. When I used to frequent chat, he would always address me by my real first name (not username)...that I told him once! I asked him if he kept a list by his computer and he said that he did. It always impressed me that he put on that personal touch.

Have and will pray for his soul and for his family.

Jan you are missed.
05/02/2016 09:26AM
I've been away from this site for a while, and this being one of the first posts I read today was an absolute shock. He truly was a pillar of this community. RIP Kanoes - you will be missed!!
05/02/2016 12:35PM
Another one who did not look here for a few days. As a latecomer, not much I can add to this thread, but my condolences to his family on his untimely passing.

He was a wild card, a funny card, kind card, deck of cards, no two alike.
05/02/2016 09:41AM
quote Zulu: "

I really miss him."

Nice Pic Pat. Its a little depressing reading the names on the paddle..... more than a few of those fine folks have already left us and now Jan man too.

This news has put me in a funk all weekend, Jan was ALWAYS the first to yell your name when arriving to a get-together, and you could always count on a hug immediately following his boisterous notification of arrival.
Old Hoosier
05/02/2016 11:46AM
So sad and unexpected.

Prayers for the family as they deal with the sadness and shock.

Old Hoosier
05/02/2016 12:35PM
Jan was the first person to come up and introduce himself with a smile at my first Wing Night and made me feel welcome.

Can't process that he is gone... way too soon.

My heart goes out to his family.
05/02/2016 05:57PM
Condolences to his family and his paddling friends. I hope that everyone who knew him hear his voice in the sounds of a Rapids and see his smile in the sunrise of a quetico- bwca lake. God bless
05/03/2016 01:24AM
Wish more folks took after kanoes and said it how you really see it.

That's why I always had such high respect for Jan, whether we agreed or disagreed, I knew for certain he wasn't tossing a line to be grey or safe.

He spoke from his soul and didn't hold back and that's about the most American/Freedom thing I can think of.
05/02/2016 08:47PM
I just checked in for the first time in a few days. My heart is breaking, Jan was such big presence in this community. I feel blessed to be able to call him friend. My condolences to his family.

05/03/2016 08:35AM
I too was in disbelief when I read Kip's announcement on the 29th. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Kanoes. I did look forward to reading his posts. Kanoes had a way of letting you know where he stood on things. He also had a sense of humor that doesn't always come through in the printed word. He had an opinion on everything and wasn't afraid to let you know what it was.

I will hoist a Ranger soon in Kanoes name. Here's to you Jan and good travels on your next journey.

05/03/2016 08:52AM
I very much enjoyed reading Kanoes' posts. He generously took time to answer any question I had on any canoeing or camping topic even though I had never met him or shook his hand in thanks. There are some things I do, and some gear I bought, simply because I trusted his advice.

I was very sad to read of his passing and will miss his presence here.

Condolences to his friends and family. You had a special person to enjoy.
05/04/2016 10:45AM
On the night canoes passed, I was on the back deck smoking a cigar while I watched the night sky and looked for nocturnal critters. About 10pm, California time, I saw a light flashing though the branches of the trees to my right. I watched and saw a meteor climb into full view and pass overhead. It kept going until it disappeared below a low hill to my left. It was in view about 8 seconds. I could make out a shape, roughly dumb-bell.
When it had disappeared, I slid open the sliding glass door and yelled at my wife: "I just saw the 1st, 2nd or 3rd most spectacular meteor of my life."

Reflecting over the last several days, this meteor was number 1.

I can remember where I was at and what I was doing when I witnessed the other two meteors even though they occurred decades ago. I will forever associate this most recent meteor with kanoes' passing.
05/04/2016 12:31PM
quote onepaddleshort: "...pondering
how I can miss someone
I never met...

You hit it, onepaddleshort. Thank you.

05/04/2016 02:28PM
Just got the news thanks to a fellow board member. Can. Not. Believe . It. Tears dripping for Jerry's song again playing due to loss.

He will be missed immensely - we could always count on him for input and stories here. He was indeed part of the heart and soul of this site. Condolences to his wife and children - I cannot imagine.

I did know of so very many kind things Jan did. For him to unexpectedly cease to exist is mind boggling and scary.

4th death near me in 3 weeks. WTH?

Folks - LIVE. Just LIVE. We can't know when life will end and we must make use of today!!

RIP Jan. Such a loss.
05/04/2016 01:16PM

That Thursday night I drank the last Indeed Stir Crazy that was left over from a 6 pack I brought to his house a while back...

05/26/2016 04:19PM
Thought of Kanoes on Tuesday night eating Tuna Alfredo Parmesean with Frenches Fried Onions on top! It was a big hit. Thanks for the tip!

05/26/2016 04:00PM
Shizer. Pretty much at a loss for words. We had some agreements and disagreements in the past. We had at times chatted/posted like lifelong friends and other times probably wanted to ring each other's necks on a few topics/posts seeing eye to eye on some things and not on others.
I haven't been around contributing much the last year or two. I've dropped in and read topics and dropped a quick post here and there. It's sad to me because my lack of being around had a lot to do with Jan. I don't know what it was, what post, topic, chat or whatever it was that made me finally say screw this and kind of drift off into the still water.
I thoroughly can say I would have preferred to keep popping in like I did years ago.
It's sad because it just goes to show that stupid little things can cause tension and strife where it's not needed or warranted. It's things like that that make times like this even worse. Worse because I was lucky enough, fortunate enough to meet him a few times and I know what he was like in person. All I can say about those in person meetings is that, hell yes! He's one hell of a great guy to BS and tip a beer with. He's all the great things that I've read about in each and every post above. Friendly and as welcoming as can be. Very knowledgeable and always ready and willing to share that knowledge. Sometimes it was whether you wanted it or not. : ). Anyway, I enjoyed the vast majority of our interactions and in person meetings. Now, as they say, it's too late. Too late to see him again, to disagree, to agree, to laugh, to tip a beer. I'm sorry I never got you those venison sticks Jan, I know you liked them.
Well, it's sad news indeed. I write the stuff above as a lesson to myself and anyone listening. Don't let bad feelings get between people. I didn't drop out of my sometimes constant BWCA posts because I was mad or upset though. Just didn't feel the need to deal with the negativity that had arisen between us. I'm sorry that happened Jan because looking back it's obvious there was so much more that was good.
Yea, I know, I ramble. As we say in the Navy Jan, Fair winds and following seas. I'll put your name on the canoe for the summer just as I did for Amok.
Rest well and my condolences to his family and to All have lost one hell of a man.

05/15/2016 11:40PM
I never met him, but the news of a fellow paddler passing is a pain we must bear each in his own way. I pray that we all have the chance to enjoy life as much as he had seemed to.

Rest well and paddle on Kanoes.

You are missed
05/10/2016 10:08AM
I've been away from the site for quite a few weeks. This is sad news to come back to here. I never met him, but really enjoyed his posts and trip reports. Still young, not much older than I am. RIP
05/01/2016 12:56PM
quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"

For sure. I see in his profile he joined here 2/21/2006. Rough figuring for that date and his number of posts he averaged 7 a day not to mention chat room. It's no wonder I feel the sense of loss - he was such a prolific contributor.
05/01/2016 01:05PM
quote bapabear: "quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"

For sure. I see in his profile he joined here 2/21/2006. Rough figuring for that date and his number of posts he averaged 7 a day not to mention chat room. It's no wonder I feel the sense of loss - he was such a prolific contributor."

Think of the number of posts that were deleted. It could have been a bigger number!
05/01/2016 01:22PM
quote Hawbakers: "quote bapabear: "quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"

For sure. I see in his profile he joined here 2/21/2006. Rough figuring for that date and his number of posts he averaged 7 a day not to mention chat room. It's no wonder I feel the sense of loss - he was such a prolific contributor."

Think of the number of posts that were deleted. It could have been a bigger number! "

Hahahahahahaha, that's right. Plus me and Jan got sent to the principal's office one time, that was a month if I remember correctly. You can make and lose money or whatever, but experiences are yours forever. Miss him more every day.
05/01/2016 01:44PM
quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"
Jan was Babe Ruth
05/01/2016 01:57PM
A song in tribute to Kanoes - Jerry Vandiver song

I remember this song being played for a couple others we lost. Seems appropriate here too. Paddle true & deep Kanoes.
05/01/2016 02:38PM
I'm stunned and in total disbelief. He was a fixture on passionate about this site and his "internet family". It really wont be the prayers go out to his family and friends. RIP Jan.
05/01/2016 04:56PM
I also never had to opportunity to meet Jan, but will miss him here. Thoughts and condolences to his family and friends, RIP Jan.
05/01/2016 04:52PM

This makes me very sad. I really liked him. He was a great outdoorsman, craftsman, and he liked to help people.
I enjoyed his posts especially the back and forth with people who had contrary opinions.
He really had a big heart when it came to people and animals.
I always thought one day he would surprise us and use a few capital letters in his posts.

I really miss him.
04/29/2016 04:35PM
Very nice tribute Dan.

Indeed a sad day for our community. I was one of many newbies here that was welcomed and advised by Jan. He was a pillar of this community, helping many and supporting this site with zeal. Often criticized for his reminders for members to donate, he would shrug it off and take up the torch year after year. It is obvious by his participation that he loved this place, and the membership he referred to as "one big family." I will miss his presence.

My deepest condolences to wife Theresa and children Nate and Erin. My prayers are with you.
04/29/2016 04:39PM
I am in disbelief. Kanoes and I joined this site at about the same time, and to tell the truth I have to say I did not like him very much at first... he frequently called out members and said using Kevlar canoes was a dumb choice and Quetico was a terrible place to paddle, but he transformed himself over time and eventually became a leading member on this site with great contributions and someone I truly respected and liked.

I bring this up because first of all it would make him laugh and second of all it was a valuable life lesson for me. I used to think people don't change or grow over time but Kanoes proved me wrong. Thanks Jan! I will miss you, already do...

My thoughts and prayers are on the way to his family and friends.

04/29/2016 04:52PM
I'm still in shock. I was just thinking about him and some of the posts he made recently about not having the urge to go canoeing. I was going to give him some crap about his weirdness but that I loved him anyway! This hits too close, very unexpected. He was like a family member to me. I'm now grateful for having the chance to meet him and know who he was. I remember following his trek around the Hunter's Island loop on his solo.

Gone too soon. Paddle on, bro. I will remember your laughter!
04/29/2016 04:59PM
Never got to meet him..Too young.. Way too young...
We clashed at the start when I joined. Sometimes he was rude but the sort of guy I love to meet in person around a campfire

Now that will never


04/29/2016 04:56PM
He and Ken took me under their wings when I first got myself into this mess. I remember having a panic about some map issue, Jan said "Relax, you're not going to get lost up there". He knew where I was going and he was right. This is all so incredibly difficult to process. Jan was the guy who would be here forever. Quarter to the breeze, my brother, and go where it takes you.
04/29/2016 06:34PM
no, no, no ....
04/29/2016 06:39PM
RIP. Prayers for him and his family.
04/29/2016 07:00PM
When Ben called me early this afternoon I was in total shock and still am.
Jan is one of a kind and he will be missed huge.
I have enjoyed many a mini wingnight and our camping wingnights with him.
He has been one of the family and wing nights will not be the same without him.

He had a very genuine heart and a kind soul.

Paddle on my brother! Love you tons!

Prayers go out to Theresa and his family. RIP Jan.
04/29/2016 07:06PM
I clicked on the thread title wondering what funny little episode this would be. He passed what - ACA certification ? Moderator vetting? Then as I read Kip's words, I thought, "This isn't April first! What's going on here?

I am so very sorry for his friends and family. Gone too soon.
04/29/2016 07:17PM
If is a family (and it is) Jan was our big brother. Not because he was older but because he was around pretty much from the start. Sometimes he would tease you like q big brother. Other times he was supportive. He will be missed in many ways. My prayers go out to all his loved ones.
04/29/2016 07:24PM
He & I were just chatting last night about some eVent bags he wanted to sell.

Its hard when you meet people on here, listen to their wisdom & learn from them. His wisdom will be missed

Prayers to his wife and children
04/29/2016 07:39PM
wow, so sad,sending love to jan's family. just got home from missouri and read this, i am in sadness shock.
first time i met jan was at a wingnight and he handed me a ranger, it was my beer of choice as well.
paddle on my friend.

05/01/2016 10:11AM
Erin, your dad was one of a kind. Thanks for sharing him with us and I hope you can find peace in all this. Give your mom a hug from us... A big one as there is a lot of us.
05/01/2016 10:16AM
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Also to the family here. Is anybody able to post the Obit on the site? Peace be with you all.
05/01/2016 11:14AM
Just got home from an early trip up to Lac La Croix. Wow. Jan came up to me at my first wing night, friendly as all could be and I knew this was a good group. Crusty but deeply caring and missed indeed. He was and organizer and an instigator, skills balanced well with a cold one in hand. Missed indeed.
05/01/2016 11:12AM
quote nctry: "Erin, your dad was one of a kind. Thanks for sharing him with us and I hope you can find peace in all this. Give your mom a hug from us... A big one as there is a lot of us. "

Ditto on those Hugs! Jan was a big hugger and we want to give all those hugs back to your family.

He will always hold a special place in our hearts. He was family and loved by many. Our thought and prayers are with you and your family.
04/30/2016 12:02AM
Wow, just kinda stunned. Never met him, but "Talked" in e-mail. I bought a few items from he and he from me over the years. Seemed like a great guy. He will be GREATLY missed here. Thoughts and prayers to his family. RIP Jan.
04/30/2016 03:32AM
That news is simultaneously tragic and surreal. I wish he had wound up with the time for his next great adventure, which last year was traveling more and spending time with his son, if I remember correctly, who had moved away from MN. I can barely imagine the whole this leaves for his family.

I only knew him online and he was an interesting guy. Yes, he could be moody but he was also full of knowledge. I enjoyed how he was firm in his ways but those ways could change. The Taj 3, wood paddles, hard sided bear barrels and, I guess before my time, non-Kevlar canoes went by the wayside. Because he was such a knowledgable canoe camper, I took some pride in using Zaverals and Ursacks before him.

For now, I'm just stunned and offer my thoughts of strength for everyone who will have a hole in their lives. A hole much bigger than the one we'll feel here. And that's pretty big.

I'm not a religious person, so I don't think about what comes after this life, but I'd like to think that someday Jan will meet that bear and they'll have a good laugh about sharing Jan's everclear.

04/30/2016 03:44AM
RIP Kanoes. Miss your posts already. Prayers to the family and many friends on this board..
04/30/2016 04:32AM
A few more pictures....

04/30/2016 05:33AM
quote Grouseguy1: "Unreal. I've really loved his posts and willingness to share knowledge. Was he sick? What happened? This is awful.

Prayers to his family. This is a big loss to this forum. "

No, he wasn't sick. He went in his sleep. Not sure but sounds like it could have been a heart attack. Not confirmed yet. But it is a big loss for us all.
04/30/2016 05:34AM
Never had the pleasure of meeting Jan in person but did get to chat once in a while. Thoughts and Prayers to all. RIP my brother.

04/30/2016 05:48AM
Shocked and numb..............
I checked in this morning and saw this thinking it was a sort of joke. Looking forward to a chuckle I read that Jan had passed. I must have read the words a dozen times before the weight of his passing settled on me.
We chatted many a night from music to canoe trips and I always looked forward to seeing him when I came thru the area. He had talked about losing the passion during the winter and even talked about him and his wife coming east for few days to play in the salt water a bit.
Its times like this that no matter how hard I try words can't convey the sorrow of his passing.

04/30/2016 06:07AM
The thought of never again hearing Jan's unique laugh from a mile away is tearing me up right now, there was no mistaking it. So glad to have known him but so sad that there are so many that will never get to.
04/30/2016 08:11AM
Thoughts and prayers go out to the family .
04/30/2016 08:04AM
As may of you, I'm not sure what to say.

Life is too short.

May the blessings of the Lord give your family and friends comfort. May he pave the way with calm winds and waters for you as you end one journey and start another.

God Bless.
04/30/2016 08:20AM

Paddle on Kanoes, paddle on.
04/30/2016 08:24AM
Kanoes is truely a person we will all miss and was a person who contributed much to the canoe-camping sport. Paddle on,we miss you.
04/30/2016 08:46AM
Wow, this is so to tough to read. I only knew Jan through chat board and Wing Nights. He always remembered my first name, which I always though was pretty cool of him. He always welcomed me and my sons with a hug and a smile when we would meet at Lake Rebecca.

I will miss him.
04/30/2016 09:14AM
Although we have moved from MN and now spend less time in the BW, The memory of meeting him and the pain of the loss to us all will forever be with us on future trips.
04/30/2016 09:35AM
Well his journey is over
A new day has dawned
Paddle on

To new vistas eternal
With the wind at his back
Paddle on

Those who knew you on earth will miss you
May new shores and waters kiss you
Until someday we may be with you
Paddle on

Rest in peace Jan (aka Kanoes). You will be missed. Paddle On
04/29/2016 08:19PM
Never met Jan, but talked with him in chat several times and we always had a good laugh. I admired the man, going solo on so many trips like he did, he will be truly missed. Paddle on Jan.
04/29/2016 08:14PM
What a sad day for all of us. I never had the opportunity to meet Jan in person. However, he was very generous to me. He offered a free alcohol stove on this site. I wrote him and said that I would like to have it to show our scouts another way to cook on the trail. He sent it to me and asked nothing in return.

Jan's family and our family here are in my prayers.

Jan, May perpetual light shine upon you and I hope to meet up with you someday on the other side of the portage.
04/29/2016 08:23PM
Goodbye my friend. I am sad. You will be missed.

Seasons in the sun

04/29/2016 08:34PM
Terrible news, prayers to family

04/29/2016 08:40PM
WOW. Not sure what to say. Jan would do just about anything for anyone. He had a huge heart. He will be missed by many. RIP Jan.
04/29/2016 09:04PM
RIP my friend.
Condolences to his family.
He was a friend whom I cherished.

04/29/2016 09:08PM
Wow, what a shock! So sudden, unexpected - I too am in disbelief.

My condolences to his family and to the many, many friends he leaves behind.
04/29/2016 09:06PM
I bought his Magic & had a Ranger Wed. eve with him in his garage, he said it was tradition at his place... I met his bride and dog, he spoke of many of you, of his canoe trips, this site, and his kids. Cheers one to Jan's my friends.
04/29/2016 09:18PM
Wow, I wasn't expecting to read this tonight. I know he was selling off some equipment (I sent him a check for something yesterday) but had no idea it was anything that serious.

I've never had anything bad to say about him, bought a tent from him a couple years back and always seemed nice in the chat. RIP Jan
04/29/2016 09:16PM
Sad,sad news. I loved his humor and his ability to speak his mind. He will be missed.

My condolences to his family and friends.

Smooth waters Jan.
04/29/2016 09:20PM
He will be missed. I never met him, but sure looked forward to and agreed with the majority of his posts. My condolences to his family and those of you who knew him.
04/29/2016 09:26PM
I finally made a wing night last fall and got to meet him in he is gone, dang
04/29/2016 09:19PM
I'm in shock. Tears are flowing. Jan was one of a kind and a great man. He came off harsh through the internet at times but he had a huge heart and was a kind and gentle person. He would have given the shirt off of his back to a complete stranger if they needed it.

When I first read the thread title I thought Kip was giving his Horseman Brother crap about giving up canoeing and selling his stuff. Ohh how I wish that was the case.

I've been trying to figure out what to type for the last 5 hours. He just emailed me yesterday about the pocket rocket I was buying from him and I sent a check and now he's gone.

Lots of people have mentioned how he made them feel so welcomed at wingnights. So true!!! At my first one in Rockford as I walked around the shed into the clearing (having never met him before) he starts screaming "ducks" and ran over to meet me. I felt like Norm in Cheers.

He always enjoyed the kids at the campouts and when he won door prizes he would give it away to one of the kids.

We lost a great one today.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Theresa and their family.
04/29/2016 09:39PM
I'm so sorry to hear the news about Kanoes. Even though I never met him in person, I felt like I knew him a little because of his active participation in these forums. My condolences to his family at this difficult time.
04/29/2016 09:46PM
Very sad. Thank you for letting us know. Sad that he passed. I enjoyed his candor and his stories. He was as much part of the comunity as the moose logo. I will truly miss him.
04/29/2016 09:53PM
I too am in total disbelief, I don't know if he new this was coming or not but he will be truly missed by many here. May he find peace and his family find strength through those here that will miss him often...
04/29/2016 09:54PM
I have had the pleasure of meeting Jan at several mini wings in the Twin Cities and admired his sense of humor and the intensity of his spirit. Thought sure we would have that opportunity again. When I read of his losing his passion for the BWCA I privately mourned for him. Still trying to understand what, if any connection there is between that and his passing, almost like he knew it was coming. A deep and shocking loss for all of us that has shaken me beyond the casual connection that we had. I hope somehow that Jan can see and understand the incredible impact and love that this community has for him and what an incredible loss this is. My deepest condolences for his family and those closest to him.
04/29/2016 10:00PM
I think it's all been said in the above posts but we will miss you around our campfires, Kanoes! I met him only once at a wingnite campout and he was definitely a kind, caring soul with a great sense of humor. Wind at your back and 5-star campsites forever.
04/29/2016 10:39PM
Oh my God, I was in chat tonight having not even looked at the board and there were so many people I hadn't seen in a long time, I was wondering what is so special about tonight. I had no idea, Im totally devastated there are no words !
04/29/2016 10:58PM
Had a good talk with him last night in the chat room. Tonight I'll play the music he recommended in his honor.
Rob Johnson
04/30/2016 12:31AM
He will be missed here. Thoughts and prayers to his family.
04/30/2016 12:36AM
RIP Jan, thoughts and prayers to your family and your friends.
04/30/2016 12:43AM
I never met Jan, but I felt as if I knew him through his commentary and education on this board. He will be missed.
04/30/2016 02:46AM
I am still stunned...I, as a green as can be noob, found this site ( and chat room with this crazy group of people ). Jan welcomed me and answered all my questions that I ever asked of him ( and others ).

Thanks to all who made this place so awesome! Because of Jan and this site, I went many times and will probably continue to do so.

Many a night in chat room have people spent, late into the night with all kinds of topics and Jan was there leading many a discussion. I always enjoyed the late winter night chats the best...I looked forward to them as they always lasted a while and many people would show up!

I spoke with him on Thursday night as did a few other members. I hung out till he signed off like I always have...

I did finally get to pull off a wing night last fall and meet Jan! It was great fun as I also got to meet others!

Dang.... :(

Adios amigo...

04/30/2016 11:34AM
My first thought was "That thread has got to be a joke." Then I clicked on it.

I regret that I never met kanoes in person. We always got along and while some say he could be abrasive, he never was with me. I offered views on economics and art in exchange for his advice on paddling and fishing. I think we both gained something.

I have been pacing back and forth between sentences.....still not accepting.
05/03/2016 04:48AM
Housty 9 called me at suppertime yesterday and told me this sad news, I was sick for a week and not near a computer. I wish there was something I could do or say to make things better. My heart is hurting and it's sort of hard to read any of his old posts, hopefully that will past, but not seeing any new posts will take a lot longer. My deepest regrets go to his family. His BWCA family will miss him dearly. His advice was always the best he could give...well maybe not the advice he gave me when I went to WCPP, he assured me that Bigfoot live there. I have to admit I did roll my eyes when I read that, but he was trying to help me out. The tent I bought from him last fall will always have a special meaning to me. Thanks Jan for being who you were. FRED
05/03/2016 01:50PM
struggling with what i could possibly add. kanoes and i signed up to join this community around the same time, and i'm sure that there was no way that either of us could have predicted what the next 10 years would bring. while i'm sitting here, wishing i could find the words, up pops a message from paypal that my automatic donation payment to has just been sent.

jan would want each of us to reach deeply.
set up a recurring donation to the site today

paddle on, my friend.

05/03/2016 03:45PM
As many have said, I came to this site back in 2004 looking for some info and never left. There are so many times that I have asked questions on the board and I truly value all the great responses from people who I don't know. However, once Kanoes had given his answer, I felt like I had things figured out.

Sometimes abrasive, always charismatic, I have learned a lot and been entertained by his presence here. Paddle on, my friend.
05/03/2016 04:52PM
to kanoes

early morning
too much coffee
sun is draping the spring cold
outside the glass

i sit here in front of a screen
how I can miss someone
I never met

for me you were only
words of advice
scattered trip reports
a few fleeting photographs

no tin cup evening cocktail
passed across the campfire
no laughter to echo across the dark water
yielding to the hum of your forest machine

only the burst of lower-case
electrons across the wires
late night chat middle-of-the-winter
schemes of summer

it was enough
like the window with the warmth
to the right of me now

as in o’keeffe’s, “ladder to the moon”
what’s unreachable now was unreachable then
yet as the stars give way to daybreak
they still glimmer beyond the sun

when tomorrow’s campfire flickers
when loons call to evening’s fading light
the returning stars shall be our handshake
voiceless friends amid the night.

05/03/2016 05:19PM
@ onepaddleshort

That is beautiful Shorty. You have talent my man.
05/03/2016 06:18PM
quote AndySG: "@ onepaddleshort

That is beautiful Shorty. You have talent my man."

I agree! Thank you for sharing Damn! Now I need a tissue.
05/04/2016 06:47PM
Condolences to the family. I enjoyed his posts and respected his experience and knowledge. RIP
04/30/2016 11:49AM
Find peace in the next journey and be ready to show us the way. Will miss Jan.

04/29/2016 08:06PM
quote amhacker22: "I never met him in person, but he shared a lot here and I feel like I knew him. This is really too bad.

I'm sorry for his family and everyone here who knew him a whole lot better than I did. Its a loss we'll all feel.


Very well said as I had never met Jan in person either. Though through
what he shared here, some emails we exchanged and facebook, I concur with what others above have said about the size of his heart. He was
the first person on this site to give me encouraging words after my heart attack in the fall of 2011. Also, some years ago I purchased some gear that he was parting with and he sent a little something extra with it. It sure put a smile on my face when I opened the package. I still use that little something extra and will treasure it always.
Leslie and I send thoughts and prayers to his entire family and this paddling community here online.
Paddle on Jan. Paddle on................
04/29/2016 08:18PM

Our little community is missing a giant tonight. I too was shocked to hear this terrible news. My condolences to his wife, family, and other friends and loved ones.

04/30/2016 08:10AM
Wow, I'm in disbelief that he passed. Here he was just getting out of canoeing and selling his gear and canoe and now this. Hard to believe. He will be greatly missed here on the forums and in the BWCA.
Rest in Peace.
Arkansas Man
04/30/2016 08:29AM
Wow! This is very hard to hear!! Prayers for Jan's wife and kids, I know it will be hard for them. It will also be very hard for all of his friends here on the site! Jan and I were friends, I never got to attend a wing night with him, but he met my wife and I at Cabela's in Owatonna once with Brad (Mooseplums) and Gary (Savage Voyager) and we had a mini wing breakfast and visited for an hour or so before we headed north! Jan will be missed, but his presence will be here in the many memories he helped create!

04/30/2016 08:58AM
I was knocked down by learning of his passing. I first met him at a mini wing night at B-dubs. I never got to a full wing night with him. He made an immediate impression upon meeting him, as someone immensely fun and likeable.

For some reason, every time I would listen to Jerry's (OneMatch's) "Rocks and Roots", I always thought of him. At one point, the song goes, "Now when I die and meet my maker, I pray there's canoes up there...". In my head, it was always (and now, will always be),

"Now when I die and meet my maker, I pray there's Kanoes up there."
04/30/2016 09:12AM
I did not know Kanoes in any way other than reading his posts on this site. He was blunt, had snark, had truth and had humor. I appreciated all of that. Quite often, his devilish little jokes were hidden in the unspoken subtext of what he was posting and the kernel of truth attached to them made them all the better. In fact, moments before opening this thread and learning of his death, I was chuckling out loud at a recent post of his advising not to eat blueberries too close to camp.

I found him quite entertaining in that regard and counted it as one of the reasons I enjoyed being on this site. I will miss that.

R.I.P. to him and condolences to his friends and loved ones.
04/30/2016 09:55AM
Still use one of his suggestions when going solo. Use a wet bag with water in it trim out the canoe instead of a heavy pack or rocks.
Condolences to the family.
04/30/2016 10:13AM
Some different kind of thinking is a positive even when a minority opinion is expressed. Kanoes would make you think about your opinions which will cause change or reinforce the ones we have. Kanoes will be missed by me.
04/30/2016 10:39AM
Each of us desires to have a legacy of some kind.
Seems one of the legacies to be drawn from his life can be a lesson for all of us . . .
You never really know how much impact you may have on the lives of others.

I'm making a donation to in his memory.
04/30/2016 10:45AM
Jan Johnson

04/30/2016 10:51AM
the good times :)

04/30/2016 10:51AM
very sad news indeed, i never meet jan but had chatted on a couple occassions, i always considered him 1 of the pioneers of this wonderful bwca site. and loved his comments/post. prayers for his family. i know he'll be missed on this site.
04/30/2016 11:23AM
quote butthead: " Jan Johnson


nice job ken, very, very nice. reminiscing today.
jb in the wild
04/30/2016 11:21AM
This is a sad day for sure, Trix just let me know about Jan. He was opinionated, he was stubborn, he was obnoxious at times but most of all he was my friend. He will be miss and the world is a bit darker without his soul to help light it up.

You will be missed my friend.

And in closing I would like to quote Kanoe's most famous words or should I say word ............!!! CAR !!! those who know , know what I'm talkin about.

04/30/2016 11:56AM
If you spend time here, then you got to know Kanoes voice. This site and many of the folks on it clearly meant a great deal to him in his life. He will be missed.
04/30/2016 12:28PM
Very sad news. Kanoes was a pillar of this community, it won't be the same without him. Sincere condolences to his family.
04/30/2016 12:25PM
I've been waiting to write something to try and find the words to comfort his family and friends. The're really aren't any he died too young. We all remember jan in our own way. I met him at copia he was a friend from the first handshake, although I didn't get to see him much from the board it's like you've know him forever. Hopefully there's a bwca bulletin board where your at now hold a spot in the chat room for me. Goodbye Jan and RIP
04/30/2016 12:43PM
Not the news I was expecting when checking the forums today. Shocked, stunned and sad to hear this news. First my heart fealt prayers to his family. I only met him a cpl times but certainly his passion and wantingness to share this passion was apparent from our introduction. Paddle on Jan!! May the heavens offer you a endless supply of calm waters in the beloved boreal forests.
04/30/2016 12:37PM
For those that never met Kanoes I can only tell you that his personality was larger than life. You didn't have to wonder how he was feeling because he wore his emotions on his his shoulders. Anyone that has ever got into an argument or debate with Jan online and thought who is this guy, what is his problem, let me tell you this. If Jan saw you on the side of the road and you needed a heart to survive he would give you his. If you were in the woods and you needed anything he had he would give it to you without a second thought. I would like you to know that he did so much for so many here that you never hear about, but let me tell you he was a very giving person, and this was to folks that he hardly even knew, just Imagine how much he gave to Theresa and the kids and to all he called friend and family. Laughter is the symphony of the soul and Jan was the conductor here. I bet he has made me laugh 10 thousand times in chat and im so thankful for having met him, having laughed with him, he truly is one of a kind. He taught me a lot about camping, especially when I first joined this site. I had been camping for many years before I ever came here but he introduced me to so many things I didn't know, and im very greatful for that also. If there was a mount rushmore of BWCA.COM Jan would certainly be on it. He will truly be missed by me, by the other 3 hoaresmen, by anyone thathas been in chat with him, and by all who have ever come across him here.
May God Bless his family, and help them deal with this sudden loss. p.s. I cant think of anyone that loved this site more, Goodbye BFAM
04/30/2016 01:09PM
Didn't known him, but loved his posts and always respected his knowledge. My deepest sympathies to his family and all the friends who did know him.. God Rest sir Kanoes, you are definitely a hero upon this forum.

Above is a song by the Steeldrivers.
Where Rainbows Never Die. A song to find some solace on this sad day.
Leo66 - Jesse
04/30/2016 01:11PM
Never got to meet him but felt like I knew him some from enjoying his many posts on diverse threads. You knew there could well be a zinger, when you saw his byline. So many posts, here, that show what a broad country of friends he had (has)! My thoughts and prayers with the family.
04/30/2016 01:49PM
quote butthead: " Jan Johnson


Yes, well done, thanks
04/30/2016 06:52PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and all of his friends on here.
04/30/2016 06:49PM
quote ObiWenonahKenobi: "Each of us desires to have a legacy of some kind.
Seems one of the legacies to be drawn from his life can be a lesson for all of us . . .
You never really know how much impact you may have on the lives of others.

I'm making a donation to in his memory."

Obi, what a wonderful idea, VNO will too! I think that kind of tribute is something he would have had the "thumbs up" for, he was such an integral part of this board.

Met Jan (in person) a number of years ago, at a Wingding in Madison during Canoecopia. Had known him through the board but that was the first time met him in person. John & I got along with him from the start and enjoyed our short time visiting with him.

Our hearts go out to his family, to his friends and everyone who had a chance to meet/talk/text with him, he will be sorely missed!

04/30/2016 07:23PM
quote mooseplums: "remembering the good times!



He was always ready to lend a helping hand and this was what he got while pushing me out of the boggy parking lot a Wing Night Campout.

I will miss that character.
04/30/2016 07:05PM
Saw this when I checked in this morning & like many I thought there would be some sort of punchline. I never met Kanoes but I felt like I knew him. There was never a post started by him that didn't intrigue me. On this board there are definitely a cast of characters that inspire, entertain, & interest us but Kanoes was always on the top of my list. He was interesting, controversial, funny, knowledgable & irrevenant all at one time. I will always remember his encounter with an Everclear loving bear - his humaness was palpable in how he felt at that moment. He spoke his mind, he gave advice, & most importantly he gave himself to this community of canoe loving people. Today I shed some tears for this person I never met, yet felt like he was my friend.

My sincere sympathy for his family & his BWCA family here. As someone else said - paddle on!

04/30/2016 06:20AM
quote Ragged: "The thought of never again hearing Jan's unique laugh from a mile away is tearing me up right now, there was no mistaking it. So glad to have known him but so sad that there are so many that will never get to."

+1 agree.
04/30/2016 06:37AM
So sad. We keep the family in prayer today.
04/30/2016 06:24AM
I saw this last night before I fell asleep and like some others thought it was a joke about Jan hanging up canoeing. After thinking about it last night I'm still in disbelief but it almost seems like Jan knew something was up. When Jan decided to try some new adventures we all gave him a hard time, then out of nowhere the classified section was full of his gear and now this.

I feel that we have lost a huge part of our foundation at as Jan has left an impression on all of us. Everyone has a story of a way that Jan has touched our lives. His contributions will be deeply missed for a long time.

I was fortunate to meet Jan one time at a wingnite before Christmas a few years ago. Just like everyone else has said he met my wife and I with open arms.

Thoughts and prayers to the family and all those close to him.

RIP Kanoes. Miss you already.
04/30/2016 06:39AM
Shocked. He must have have had an idea. I only chatted with him a couple times and always looked forward to someday meeting him in person. He was a one of a kind character and will be much missed here. Prayers for his family and friends. God Bless.
04/30/2016 07:19AM
I thought about Jan all day after I heard the sad news of his passing yesterday. When I woke this morning… I’m still in disbelief!

When I told my girls, who met him years ago, they were heart broke and said “No, not Joanne!” When they were little they called him Joanne and he loved it!

Think of the impact he had on all of us! Maybe it was in chat, on trips, camping with him at Wingnights or just reading his posts here. He will be greatly missed!!!

I can’t imagine what his family is going through.
They had him a lifetime!
We had him a fraction of that time!
Thoughts, prayers, and my deepest sympathy goes out to his family!

Note name tag. : )
04/30/2016 07:29AM
RIP Kanoes.
04/30/2016 07:38AM
Shocked and stunned is an understatement. I never got to meet Jan, I hoped I would some day. Jan was one of the first personalities I followed on bwca. I enjoyed his sense of humor, curmudgeony snarkeyness, camping/canoeing advise, and his willingness to help a person out. Jan cared about doing it "right", although "right" might mean his way. I enjoyed that. Jan's advise also cost me some money. Because of him I own: a Bell magic, a zaveral paddle, a Taj3, keelezey guards, and more. I also drilled holes in my canoes for bungee cords and knee protection per his advise. I am in the process of researching a new camera, guess who I was following on that hunt? I will continue to glean knowledge from Jan's posts.
One of his most enjoyable threads was the one in which we could follow his Hunters Island solo. My son and I had already determined to paddle that route, Jan's trip made that goal even more desirable. He was one of the first to comment when I announced that my son and I had finished the loop.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, I am so sorry for your loss.
He will be sorely missed.
04/30/2016 02:08PM
I met Jan at the first ever wing night and numerous other events. What I remember the most was his laugh and associating peoples real names not just their screen name. The type of person that would push your vehicle out of the mud which gave everyone a great laugh. You will be missed.
04/30/2016 02:14PM
I met Jan at the first wing night. I tripped with him and Dan in Quetico and Woodland Caribou. I enjoyed his company at several wing nights and many nights in the Chat Room. The board will not be the same without him. I will hoist a drink to Jan tonight and wish my brother windless days and no rain on his next adventure. RIP Jan! Going to miss you.

04/30/2016 02:43PM
quote maxxbhp: "quote butthead: " Jan Johnson


Yes, well done, thanks"
04/30/2016 03:19PM
Meet him at dena houston benefit always thought i would have more to chat with but someone else needed him i guess. Have heard nothing but great things from people who knew him better makes me sad that i missed out on meeting someone so special RIP will see you one day.
04/30/2016 04:30PM

I'm stunned by this. I'm not a prolific poster but am here quite often and pay close attention learning a lot from many of you including Jan. It was apparent immediately that he is, well, "colorful" to say the least. Soon, I was a Kanoes convert just like many of you and really enjoyed all that he had to offer here. He and the rest of the H crew have been an inspiration to my solo aspirations the past few years.

Most recently, I came across one of his posts that showed the closeup of a frog - can't remember the post - but looking at the eye of that frog I was sure I could vaguely catch Jan's reflection and it meant something to me. It was already a cool picture but that made it awesome.

We are all leaves from the same tree, each being unique and special in form yet one and the same life. I am off into the Quetico Monday morning for 2 weeks and Kanoes will be with me.

Frog - Kanoes
04/30/2016 04:55PM
26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!
04/30/2016 05:19PM
I am stunned. I always enjoyed his contributions and his presence on this board. He will be missed. All my best to his family.

04/30/2016 06:01PM
I'm sorry to hear this. I was just on chat a couple of days ago with him. Never met him but he seemed very knowledgeable about our hobby. Again, I'm very sorry for his family and friends.
04/30/2016 06:24PM
I did not know Jan but I feel his loss. I have enjoyed reading his posts over the years and have learned a lot from him considering I have been camping/canoeing for 30+ yrs. He will be missed by all of us.

Many prayers and thoughts to his family and close friends. Gods Speed Kanoes

04/30/2016 03:22PM
I never had the pleasure to meet him...that said, it is sad to hear of the passing of him. My condolences to the family and friends. I too enjoyed his posts very much. His spirit will be in the waters we all love to canoe so much. Please raise a glass to someone who helped all of us enjoy the wild even more.
04/30/2016 06:52PM
This is indeed sad and unexpected news. Kanoes will be terribly missed by so many here. He has left an enduring legacy and his wisdom will be tapped by many others through his thousands of posts. RIP Jan.
04/30/2016 06:59PM
So sorry to hear...I thoroughly enjoyed his posts on this forum. Sorry I never got a chance to meet him face to face. We'll definitely drink a toast or two to him at next weekend's Rockford Wing Night!
04/30/2016 06:58PM
Sad to hear, he was a big part of this community with his wit, wisdom & saltiness. I hope he is reunited with his dear Kelly getting lots of doggie kisses in heaven. Peace, serenity & comfort to his many friends & extended family.
Dances with Sheep
04/30/2016 07:20PM
I wish I had a chance to meet him in person. Chatted several times and enjoyed each one. He was a good man. This site won't be the same without him :(
04/30/2016 07:05PM
Shocked by this news ... A pillar of this community. The comments are a testament to Jan's contributions and he obviously touched many lives, whether directly or indirectly. His contributions to me were indirect by virtue of seeing his posts here and gaining knowledge and some perspective. I did not get to meet Jan but and am sorry that I didn't have the opportunity. Many prayers to his family and friends. I bought some Ranger tonight in honor of Kanoes and I will pour an offering and toast the heavens in Jan's honor.

Bless all of you - hug the ones you love tonight and everyday.
04/30/2016 08:15PM
i just think it is incredibly nice all that the people here have said about Kanoes. Never met or spoke him (I'm a solo tripper, so I don't talk to many people - less is more), but I did pass by him once or twice in the aisles at Canoecopia, and recognized him from photos.

He seemed like a nice guy with well defined opinions about things and life, whether you agreed or not. It has been drizzling all day here, and I can imagine him under a tarp with an all-day cold drizzle, thinking, "It is getting brighter out West". Then, push on the bottom of the tarp to drain some water that has puddled, which usually ends up on your dry firewood pile. We all do that.

It stunned me that the last post I saw was Thursday night around 11:18 pm, and that he was no longer just a few hours later. Makes one think about things. There may have been more posts after that, but I'm not sure.

One lesson to be learned here is to make darn sure your estate planning/will are current, and in order. I'm not a lawyer or accountant, but my wife is totally organized about such things, and it really makes a lot of sense, even though it is a real pain in the rear end before the time when you have no choice in the matter.

A lot of people don't want to talk about such things while they are still around, which just leaves things to the wife, kids, probate court, attorneys, Fed IRS, State IRS, etc., to figure things out. You can do your family a huge favor by doing some planning, and they will certainly appreciate having your having done some planning when the time comes.

Not trying to preach here. I am just relating my experience with having my wife forcing me to do what really is best for all involved.

04/30/2016 08:42PM
This is sooo sad, I cant believe it :(
He helped me so much years ago when I was young to solo canoeing. RIP my friend who I never met, bless your family.
04/30/2016 08:44PM
Gulp will be dearly missed!

I haven't been around here as much lately but was stunned when I read a post a few days ago about Jan losing interest in canoe tripping. Then I saw all of his classified ads. I almost called him that evening to find out what was up...

I took for granted that we would get to paddle together sometime...


My sincerest sympathies to Jan's family and other blessed friends
Much luv bro
04/30/2016 08:56PM

Shocking loss. I met him only once. I was heading north on I-35 and had stopped at the Kettle River rest area. There were 2 rigs in the parking lot with canoes. I had one and he the other. He walked over to me and started a conversation. For awhile, we talked like we knew each other (I guess we did from, but the road seemed to be calling both of us (or was that the canoe) and we parted ways. It was a pleasure meeting him. My condolences to his family.
04/30/2016 09:59PM
Sad, and a shocker. I only met the man in person a couple times, but he sure had a large presence on this board. :(

04/30/2016 09:59PM
What in the actual $*&#?!!?? This is incredibly surreal and hard to believe. I don't usually check the board on weekends and now I kinda wish I hadn't.... wow.

My condolences to Jan's family. I wish I had the chance to meet him IRL.
04/30/2016 10:11PM
quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"

+1 I've read posts from other board members who are no longer here and it kinda keeps their spirit alive within this cyber community. It will be very bittersweet to look at Jan's posts.

04/30/2016 10:19PM
quote mooseplums: "the good times :)


Awesome !
04/30/2016 10:23PM
Very sad news. No other words.
04/30/2016 10:34PM
quote Basspro69: "quote HighnDry: "26,316 posts.

That's a legacy!"

+1 I've read posts from other board members that are no longer here and it kinda keeps their spirit alive within this cyber community. It will be very bittersweet to look at Jan's posts. "

He will live on forever on this site, as well as within the heart of his family & friends.
05/06/2016 06:29AM
quote Kendra: "Jan posted this about Bill (Kevlar) days before he passed himself.

quote kanoes: "we all lost a vast vault of knowledge when he left us, and lost a great guy period. I was fortunate enough to have met him."

Many of us feel the same about losing Jan!

Mini Wingnight going on with these two in waters we have yet to paddle!

Missing both of you! "

Very true Kendra. Thank you.

I'm heading to an area on my solo that both of them posted about quite a bit. Going to toast Kanoes and Kevlar.
05/05/2016 11:43AM

Haven't been on the site in a week, so I am just finding about this right now.

I am shocked. Floored. Jan was the only guy here I that talked to outside of the forum. When forming my first solo trip, I decided on the Frost River Loop because of his trip report.

Rest in Peace, Jan. You were a great guy and I'll miss ya.
05/05/2016 03:45PM
Jan posted this about Bill (Kevlar) days before he passed himself.

quote kanoes: "we all lost a vast vault of knowledge when he left us, and lost a great guy period. I was fortunate enough to have met him."

Many of us feel the same about losing Jan!

Mini Wingnight going on with these two in waters we have yet to paddle!

Missing both of you!

05/04/2016 08:52PM
quote onepaddleshort: "to kanoes

early morning
too much coffee
sun is draping the spring cold
outside the glass

i sit here in front of a screen
how I can miss someone
I never met

for me you were only
words of advice
scattered trip reports
a few fleeting photographs

no tin cup evening cocktail
passed across the campfire
no laughter to echo across the dark water
yielding to the hum of your forest machine

only the burst of lower-case
electrons across the wires
late night chat middle-of-the-winter
schemes of summer

it was enough
like the window with the warmth
to the right of me now

as in o’keeffe’s, “ladder to the moon”
what’s unreachable now was unreachable then
yet as the stars give way to daybreak
they still glimmer beyond the sun

when tomorrow’s campfire flickers
when loons call to evening’s fading light
the returning stars shall be our handshake
voiceless friends amid the night.
That was beautiful !
05/05/2016 01:11AM
My condolences and prayers. God Bless.
05/05/2016 08:17AM

I just came across this and am, well, a lot shocked. He was a good man, and will be missed by many. He wasn't always easy to get along with, but hey, neither am I. But I know he would do near anything if you were in need.

I only paddled with him once, on Prior Lake. That was a good day.

05/05/2016 09:23AM
Terrible news...

Had the pleasure of hanging out with Jan at a couple Wing Nights. I enjoyed our brief time together and understand why he will be missed.

05/05/2016 10:34AM
I know not everyone here liked Price, but Jan did. I realized that:

Prince was to the world what Jan was to this website.

"you've only been gone an hour, but it feels like a million days..."
05/05/2016 10:37AM
quote Basspro69: "quote onepaddleshort: "to kanoes

early morning
too much coffee
sun is draping the spring cold
outside the glass

i sit here in front of a screen
how I can miss someone
I never met

for me you were only
words of advice
scattered trip reports
a few fleeting photographs

no tin cup evening cocktail
passed across the campfire
no laughter to echo across the dark water
yielding to the hum of your forest machine

only the burst of lower-case
electrons across the wires
late night chat middle-of-the-winter
schemes of summer

it was enough
like the window with the warmth
to the right of me now

as in o’keeffe’s, “ladder to the moon”
what’s unreachable now was unreachable then
yet as the stars give way to daybreak
they still glimmer beyond the sun

when tomorrow’s campfire flickers
when loons call to evening’s fading light
the returning stars shall be our handshake
voiceless friends amid the night.
That was beautiful !"

Great job, that was another nice tribute!
05/04/2016 10:37PM
I have been away for a while and this is very shocking. I always enjoyed Jan's posts and advice. Prayers to all those feeling his loss.
