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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Solo Tripping :: Late August first solo?
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06/02/2015 08:30AM
Just realized I might get 5 days off before I head back to school and really want to make a solo. It would be the last week in August, what would be a good route for my first solo?
06/07/2015 06:56PM
Just did my first solo in and out of Sawbill. Having the campground and outfitter right there was awesome. I was up, packed, outfitted and on the water by 8:30 in the morning.

Housty's route was my plan B. I ended up going over through Alton and up to Wine, Mesaba, Dent, Trail and back.
06/02/2015 01:41PM
quote housty9: "Baker to South Temperance, Cherokee, Sawbill and back to Baker, nice route that will give time to fish and explore some."

Great route, I'd begin and end at Sawbill because of the campground and outfitter right at the EP.

06/02/2015 09:59AM
Baker to South Temperance, Cherokee, Sawbill and back to Baker, nice route that will give time to fish and explore some.