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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Fishing Forum :: Sunken island in a bay on Clearwater Lake
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02/17/2018 01:58PM
I'm always surprised by the sharing of information. Can't wait to hit the smallies. High on the yee haw factor
02/19/2018 03:22PM
I just found an online way to see depth maps. I thought it was pretty amazing... It is the "Chartviewer" on the Navionics site.


I checked a few lakes and it seems pretty amazing.

If you switch between the navionics and sonar chart options, it looks even more amazing.

Here is the section of Clearwater lake that is being discussed in another thread.

02/16/2018 04:09PM
What a great info!
I am planning this lake for June 5th, 6th. Thank you for this information.
Any other fish caught besides smallies?
Savage Voyageur
02/15/2018 05:14PM
Mad_Angler: "There is something on google maps/earth. I don' t know if it is the island or not but it looks worth checking out."

Yes I looked too, good call looking on Google Earth. Thats the one I’m talking about. Right in the middle of the big east bay.
02/15/2018 08:23PM
Savage Voyageur: "Mad_Angler: "There is something on google maps/earth. I don' t know if it is the island or not but it looks worth checking out."

Yes I looked too, good call looking on Google Earth. Thats the one I’m talking about. Right in the middle of the big east bay. "

Looks like it shows up clearly on google earth.

02/15/2018 09:18PM
brux, that spot does look worth trolling over for a look-see, but hardly what I'd label as "the middle of the big east bay." It's at pretty much the dead center of the length of the lake.

I'm more intrigued by another green spot further east that shows up at
48* 05' 17.72" N / 90* 16' 55.22" W.

02/16/2018 08:11AM
murphylakejim, that could very well be... we'll have to encourage Savage Voyageur to post his coordinates :-) Even so, that's not a spot where such a structure would be totally unexpected. Unmapped, sure, but I had already circled that area based on the map lines... a perfect saddle.

Savage Voyageur
02/16/2018 08:26AM
That’s the one, thanks Schweady.

Like I said just anchor right on top and cast to the depths. As you bring the lure back to you in the shallows they will hit it. I found out on this lake that if I anchor in deeper water and cast to the shallows, as I reel back I’m drawing the fish into deeper water. Sometimes Bass get spooked when being led into deeper water and break off the chase. When you lead them into the shallows they will hit it because they think they are safer.

One more thing Myceliaman, if you go you will need a few Mepps #2 or #3 in a silver blade and black and white squirrel tail. I had two 100 fish days on this lake with these. Bend the barbs down because the action will be fast.
02/15/2018 06:16PM
Is there a camp site within proximity? I see 3 camp sites quit close to each other 679,80,81.. Then the lake narrows and opens up to a larger portion of the lake just past site 682.
Savage Voyageur
02/15/2018 06:49PM
Do you have a GPS unit? If so I will get out my maps and post them. Just tell me your format, lat-Lon or UTM.
02/14/2018 02:25PM
Which Clearwater lake - Cook county or Lake county?
Savage Voyageur
02/14/2018 03:10PM
I have found it a few times. It has great fishing right on top of it. It is about 50 feet across it and about 2 feet below the surface. We stayed at Clearwater lodge and day tripped in boats/motor because my father in law was handicapped. It was the only way he could go with. When going across the lake I saw the water color change to light green. I looked at the map and it was deep water. They never charted the area correctly. I told the Outfitter owner at Clearwater lodge and he said, oh you found it. So he knew it was there too. It is located at the east side or the lake in the center or just as you come into the bay as I remember. Go past the palisades on the south side of the lake to the east big bay. A sunny day with polarized sunglasses will help find it. Paddle on the north shore and look south and you should see it. Anchor in the center and cast out to the deep and you will catch a load of Smallmouth Bass.
02/14/2018 04:07PM
There is something on google maps/earth. I don' t know if it is the island or not but it looks worth checking out.
02/14/2018 01:07PM
Reservations made been going over old maps and accumulating info on fishing Clearwater Lake. I've read multiple posts on a sunken island in a bay in Clearwater Lake. But the info was vague " the large bay" anyone out there know of this sunken island and its whereabouts?
02/14/2018 04:24PM
Mad_Angler: "There is something on google maps/earth. I don' t know if it is the island or not but it looks worth checking out."
When taken with the right conditions Google earth maps are an awesome fish scouting tool. I've found several spots using this method.
02/16/2018 06:43AM
Isn't this the spot?