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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Fishing Forum :: Buying leeches
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05/29/2021 12:04PM
Any recommendations for buying leaches between Duluth and Beaver Bay?
05/29/2021 03:27PM
The Bait Box, Superior, WI. Right on your route.
05/30/2021 09:49AM
You might want to call ahead. I was at Fisherman’s Corner in Duluth yesterday and they were only selling by the dozen and 1/4 pound. They were taking pre orders if you needed a pound or more. No jumbos, but the larges I bought worked fine.
05/30/2021 07:51PM
We made a stop at the Bait Box and picked up on pound of mixed leeches for $30. He was down to about 5lbs left, said the supply chain is busted. According to the rest of the world, that checks out.

Leeches look healthy, hopefully they are the tasty variety.
05/29/2021 04:19PM
Excellent, thanks bobber!