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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Fishing Forum :: Knots...
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02/15/2009 06:43PM
knothead? :)
02/15/2009 07:26PM
Thanks everyone.

02/15/2009 08:38PM
A piece of string goes into a bar. The bartender says," we don't serve sting in here." So, the dejected piece of string leaves. However he gets an idea. He gets a razor blade out and cuts up both of his ends, then loops around himself. He now goes back into the same bar. The bartender says to him, "aren't you that piece of string that I just kicked out?" The string says,"No, I'm frayed knot!"
02/15/2009 08:52PM
Thanks Kiporby,
That's the best link I've seen in a long time. Not only does it have great fishing knots, but every other knot you could want.
02/15/2009 06:34PM
If I'm tying to a lure that has a split ring on the eye, then I use a trilene knot. If there is no split ring and I want to impart a little better action, I use the rapala loop knot. For jigs, bare hooks, etc, I use a palomar knot. Just what I do, not claiming it's any better than any other way, but a guy with my screen name has to have an opinion on the subject.
Savage Voyageur
02/15/2009 07:34PM
I use the trilene knot for everything, it is fast and strong.
Bass Master
02/15/2009 02:37PM
I like a knot that homer circle came up with, its stronger than the clinch. Just look it up on google or something. Also should i use a leader because it makes the action crap, but i dont want a pike snapping it..
02/15/2009 04:00PM
Light weight cross lock snap on all crank baits that don't have the split ring attached to the eyelet. I.e. the floating rapala floating Pap
02/15/2009 07:03PM
Need a knot?

Look no further............
Fishing Knots
02/15/2009 10:32AM
Hello everyone.

Do you all usually use a loop/Rapala knot when you are tying to a Rapala style lure? I haven't in the past and done alright, but I'm wondering what you think. They are more time-consuming to tie, but I'd be happy to do it if it means a few more fish.

Also, do you usually tie directly to the loop at the end of the lure, or do you tie it to the metal circle (like the ones that the treble hooks are usually connected to) that is attached to it? I feel like a loop knot tied to the separate circle piece could work itself out. Would I be better off just attaching a swivel to the end of the lure and tying directly to that?


02/15/2009 01:17PM
i prefer to just tie this on. alot easier to switch lures. cross-lok
02/15/2009 10:59AM
I never use a snap swivel, it inhibits the action. Tie to the circle ring and not the nose of the lure. A regular cinch knot works best. Loop knot adds some action and is good for twitch retrieve, but is a hassle for what you get. When tying to the ring ,make sure the knot doesn't end up on the ring where both ends meet.
02/16/2009 04:55AM
When fishing jigs, you can increase your catches by making sure that your knot is located toward the back of the eye (toward the hook). This will allow the jig to maintain a proper position in the water. Just a small thing, but it really makes a difference. I once caught 2-3 fish to my buddy's 1 using the exact same jig/tail (before he caught on to what I was doing anyway). Tie it this way to start and then slide it back into position as needed.
02/15/2009 01:15PM
A Rapala knot is the ticket for any lure that doesn't have a split ring to tie to- gives the lure much better action.