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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Fishing Forum :: FishGuts for Bait?
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02/09/2011 10:49PM
Whew! There for a minute I imagined you inviting FG to go water skiing.
02/09/2011 11:24PM
fishguts under a bobber? I hope I don't have nightmares.
tom m
02/09/2011 11:38PM
I used catch bluegills using bluegill guts when I was a kid. So yes that should work,
Is it legal?
02/10/2011 06:16AM
I have used a strip of walleye belly meat to tip a jig before, and that works well. I have since found out that it's illegal.
02/10/2011 08:01AM
I don't think it's legal in MN, but we used to do it all the time if the we ran out of worms. But it wasn't just fishguts. Eyeballs, whatever off of the small fish we'd catch off the dock. Of course, we'd just catch more small fish but it gave us something to do.
02/10/2011 09:31AM
I am not volunteering to water ski behind a canoe as bait for a big Northern Pike. I love to fish, but you have to draw the line somewhere. ;-)
Arlo Pankook
02/10/2011 07:44AM
Yeah, we used to tip our spoons with Pike belly when we were kids but it's not legal in Mn anyway.
02/10/2011 04:42PM
I think I've mentioned this before on another thread. I've had good success with tube baits, hollow swim baits or any baits that have a semi enclosed cavity, putting a gell coated fish oil supplement inside it. It puts out a thick fish scent trail that lasts longer than spray on scent products. It's real easy to carry a stash in a zip lock bag while in the bush. Also good for the inevitable hand burns one gets working around the firepit.
02/10/2011 05:16PM
In my neck of the woods fish gut bait is common practice for catfish. In fact, large gizzard Shad are netted, guts removed and frozen. You can purchase frozen Shad gut at many bait shops. When I was younger I tried it a couple times, but quit because the smell would linger on my hands for a week.
The Great Outdoors
02/10/2011 06:45PM
quote fishguts: "I am not volunteering to water ski behind a canoe as bait for a big Northern Pike. I love to fish, but you have to draw the line somewhere. ;-)"
Well, well, well, not much of a team player, are we??? :)
02/09/2011 09:28PM
After cleaning a fish does it work to put the guts on a hook and pitch it in the lake under a bobber?

PS: All apologies to fishguts :)