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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Fishing Forum :: Official word from the DNR
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06/11/2011 03:19PM
quote kanoes: "i can see a live bait ban coming within 5 years."

That would be the next step...

Thanks for the clarification jb.
06/13/2011 02:48AM
Neat idea, gsfisher! One more reason to carry a water filter.

What a goofy law .....
06/12/2011 11:47PM
Thank you for the update JB. So I had a thought, would it remove invasives to use filtered water for them after they are removed from the oxygen bags? Maybe we need to start planting that seed with the DNR to leave it as an option instead of just an outright ban on live bait.
06/11/2011 10:54PM
Gulp leeches work great and are easier to carry. Go with them.
06/11/2011 08:30PM
quote arctic: "Beats having more invasives in our lakes!"+1
06/12/2011 11:13AM
They are trying with so many invasive species this last few years. At least no anacondas snakes yet.
06/11/2011 03:09PM
i can see a live bait ban coming within 5 years.
06/12/2011 09:36AM
Thanks for asking for and posting that clarification JB. I have no problems compling with the new rule as clarified. Nothing beats a lively minnow in early Spring.
jb in the wild
06/11/2011 12:22PM
Well I wrote the DNR about the bait pail issue. Surprise they got back to me. Here's how it works.


How this works in the boundary waters is just as you described below. Take the bait in the oxygen bag as far as you can, once you open the bag to start fishing or put in lake water you will have to exchange the water when you go to a new lake. Before you go into the new lake dump the old lake water out somewhere on land and exchange with the new lake water. This is info I received from enforcement and our invasive species program staff. Sorry for any confusion, but thanks for your concern. Good luck fishing.

From: Johnson, Gerald J (DNR)
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:42 PM
To: Vanderbosch, Neil (DNR)
Subject: FW: New Bait Pail Laws

06/11/2011 08:20PM
I do have to give the DNR credit on usually getting back to people with questions like this. I have contacted them several times for various questions and they have always gotten back to me within a couple of days. Usually they differ the question to someone else in the Dept that is an expert on the topic I am asking about. MAny of their regulations can be confusing but it is nice that they take the time to answer questions.

06/11/2011 08:24PM
quote arctic: "Beats having more invasives in our lakes!"
Realistically, it's the best way to slow down their spread.
06/12/2011 11:13AM
They are trying with so many invasive species this last few years. At least no anacondas snakes yet.
06/11/2011 02:30PM
Thanks, JB!!!
06/11/2011 05:04PM
Beats having more invasives in our lakes!