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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: New CCS Gear - Outstanding!
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07/12/2019 07:40PM
Good to hear, I don't have a ton of their stuff yet but so far......a barrel harness, Pioneer pack, 2 thwart/map bags, and a tarp I believe. (probably forgetting something) No complaints about any of it
07/12/2019 08:50AM
CCS is American-made quality at it's finest
07/13/2019 12:36AM
Please stop bringing up Leans! I want one soooo bad. Love all my CCS gear.
07/13/2019 06:30AM
Got two Pioneer Packs last summer, one for each of my kids. I was impressed with them, they performed great. About time the little sherpa's started carrying their own weight.

07/13/2019 10:43AM
I have two pioneer packs, a 60L barrel harness with 3 zip sacks, two tarps, Lean plus 3, kitchen roll and a spray cover for my solo.

I can't get over how well thought out the designs are on these products (cinch straps, handles, pockets, etc.) and how durable they are.

But, the best CCS purchase to date is a new 12x12 bug tarp. It allowed about 10 of us to hang out comfortably in our camp chairs at a N WI state park a couple of weeks ago and saved my wife and I from the black flies in WCCP while eating our dinners.

Best. Gear. Ever.
07/12/2019 08:14AM
After about 15 years, I finally had the opportunity to upgrade some of my basic BWCA gear. Largely from information gathered from this site, I decided to go with top-end gear as this will likely be my last major upgrade until I retire from canoe tripping.

I ended up getting a CCS Pioneer pack and a CCS Guide pack to replace my older #4 and Hudson Bay Duluth packs, a CCS Lean2+ to replace an old REI Halfdome 4, and a 12.5' x 12.5' CCS screen tent (just as a new addition).

I was very impressed with the quality of the CCS gear, the designs obviously reflect an extensive depth of field experience as the items are ideal for canoe tripping. The packs are huge but can easily be cinched down if they're not loaded to the gills. The screen tent is awesome for use during the heavy bug season and it sets up pretty nicely when strung on a continuous ridgeline.

The Lean+ was a HUGE upgrade over my old tent. It sets up easily and is much more roomy than even a 4-person tent. It's best feature (to me) is that the entire front wall is screen (when it's buggy) or open - so with the right set-up the views from the Lean are awesome!

I was able to get absolutely top-quality gear and from a local business; I've found these are very important considerations as I've gotten older.