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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: PLB Rentals
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02/28/2021 12:55PM
I haven't ordered from them yet, but saw that fine print when I was planning a trip that needed a PLB (I had to cancel that trip due to the pandemic). I had planned to just order it to arrive 2 days early since any price increase was worth my peace of mind.
02/28/2021 12:37PM
Anyone have experience with renting PLBs from OER Outdoor? Their prices seem extremely reasonable. The fine print is what concerns me a little bit, it says they are not liable if it does not arrive by intended date (which with unforeseen shipping delays makes sense to an extent). Did they arrive on time for your trip, or at this price should I just set the start date as a day or two before leaving town and would that virtually guarantee their on time arrival?

02/28/2021 06:56PM
straighthairedcurly: "I haven't ordered from them yet, but saw that fine print when I was planning a trip that needed a PLB (I had to cancel that trip due to the pandemic). I had planned to just order it to arrive 2 days early since any price increase was worth my peace of mind."
That makes sense, probably what I'll end up doing. Might get the same extension on the back end too. Just in case we don't make it off the water in time for the ship date to avoid the late fee.