Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: New Prospector 14 Pack arrived
Author | Message Text | ||
sns |
Scoobs: "I can't imagine what it would be like packing a 22-25 pound canoe. I can only imagine it would be extremely delightful. " It really is. That said, your boat is some serious sexy. Well done! |
Scoobs |
Voyager: "Yikes! I just built 1 on their " build a canoe site", $6500, and I didn't get all the options. That's obscene! If you don't single portage, you'll need to trip with a pitbull to prevent someone from paddling off with it. Purtee!" Yeah! Their prices have gone up a bit. What boat and options were you building? One of the boats I built was an Prospector 14 (non-pack)... Pro14 - Kevlar Fusion layup Carbon Innegra H-weave (which I ordered on mine) Carbon Tech package (Carbon thwarts, handles, and seat) Multi-height seat pods Matching skid plates Kayak foot brace Universal mount package carbon yolk Total = $6,700 USD. The boat I ordered Pro14Pack Carbon Innega H-weave Carbon thwarts and handles matching skid plates universal mount package $4,195 - (now the same boat is $4,295) I mentioned this before - but I'd love David Yost and Ted Bell to produce a similar boat for Northstar - not necessarily in a Prospector design/shape - but something at 14' long and 30-32" wide, 1" rocker on bow and stern, 12 - 12.5" center depth. Offer in both traditional and pack boat options in their Star Lite and Black Lite layups with carbon gunnels. Optimal load to 350#'s. Priced at their $2,700-$3,200 USD? Maybe start with the Trillium Pack Boat, and modify from there. ...I'd have been all over that boat... Ted? If you're out there reading this - please make this happen. :) |
Scoobs |
FrankMCG: "Scoobs: "Voyager: "Yikes! I just built 1 on their " build a canoe site", $6500, and I didn't get all the options. That's obscene! If you don't single portage, you'll need to trip with a pitbull to prevent someone from paddling off with it. Purtee!" Thule. :) I have the Thule Portage clamps on my Yakima bars. The whole set up might be expensive, but it's rock solid. To me, that's worth the investment. |
Scoobs |
Kendis: "Scoobs: "After a three month wait, I was able to pick up my Swift Prospector 14 Pack at the "Baga" in Madison. Also had a Yakima roof rack installed, and brought the boat home. While the wait wasn't entirely unexpected, I still feel like the term "Finally" applies. LOL Yes. This particular layup color uses a very thin layer of gel coat over the kevlar-innegra. So yes, the fibers of the innegra are showing. I can't really say Nova Craft's Innegra layup will have the same pattern and grey color, but it could be similar. |
billconner |
Kendis: "billconner: "If I had bought new, I really liked the Canada Option for finish. Canada Option " I'm not from Canada but live on border, been going there for most of my 70 years, and Canoe there. Scratches are s fact of canoeing, though my Prospector has none so far, which I credit to getting in and out in knee depth water. Mostly, it's pretty and unique, and think how easily a rescue could identify it? |
dschult2 |
Hefty price increase indeed! I just priced my exact boat over on Swift's website and wowzer's!, I'm glad I bought my canoe when I did. It was a good 2 grand higher than just a year and a half ago. I feel bad for anyone looking to buy a Swift now. |
TuscaroraBorealis |
Kendis |
Scoobs: "Kendis: "Scoobs: "After a three month wait, I was able to pick up my Swift Prospector 14 Pack at the "Baga" in Madison. Also had a Yakima roof rack installed, and brought the boat home. While the wait wasn't entirely unexpected, I still feel like the term "Finally" applies. LOL She's a beauty. Happy paddling! |
MidwestFirecraft |
Scoobs |
portagedog09: "Scoobs - any chance you're in the Franklin area? That neighborhood in your pics looks very familiar. Would have emailed you, but don't see a mail link on your profile. Why yes. Yes I am. Added my website to my extended profile - you can reach me through there or send me a PM. |
billconner |
Scoobs |
justpaddlin: "Beautiful boat Scoobs! We have some moving water around here - but most of the tributaries are filled with fishing boats going for big steelhead and big brownies... |
Scoobs |
dschult2: " My boat has already been bumped by $300. Without the Yoke. Glad I ordered it last August - though I wish I had ordered the boat 18 months ago... LOL Knowing I was going to prefer sitting lower in the boat anyway, I went with the Pack Boat, rather than getting regular Prospector 14 with multi-height seat pods — which I highly considered when I first started my research. But as I built the boat on their website, the price was reaching well into $5,000 territory. Going with the Pro14Pack saved me a HUGE chunk of change. And that seat. It's :) Kinda wish Northstar made a competitive boat with the Prospector 14: A 13-ft, 6-in to a 14-ft boat around 32-in wide, with .75" to 1.25" rocker bow and stern. Doesn't need to be symmetrical hull like the Pro14Pack - Kinda thinking the Phoenix or Trillium Pack would be a good starting point. Had NS offered this boat around the price of the Phoenix, $2,700-$3,200 - I'd have bought it in a heartbeat. |
portagedog09 |
pd |
Copperdog |
Scoobs |
So when I was feeling quasi better yesterday, though still a bit hobbled, and it was reasonably decent out, I carried the boat out of the garage, and rigged it up to see how my fishing gear fit - and more importantly, how I fit with all of my fishing gear. Also wanted know if I could store everything I wanted within in decent reach. ...once I sat in the boat, I was really itching to get on the water... There's plenty of space in the back for a two small packs, or a big heft pack. And really, could stuff a decent sized pack in the front. This boat is a piece of cake to lift and carry at just a fuzz under 32#'s. I can't imagine what it would be like packing a 22-25 pound canoe. I can only imagine it would be extremely delightful. |
FrankMCG |
Scoobs: "Voyager: "Yikes! I just built 1 on their " build a canoe site", $6500, and I didn't get all the options. That's obscene! If you don't single portage, you'll need to trip with a pitbull to prevent someone from paddling off with it. Purtee!" Hi and thank you for sharing! What huge prices at all...Can you advise a budget pick? Yakima's stuff is so expensive All the best! |
timatkn |
I will be attempting to add the universal mounts to my carbon thwart soon and am super nervous. If I had the option to have them factory mounted I would have chosen it the same as you :) |
portagedog09 |
Awesome boat, BTW. pd |
Scoobs |
Boat loaded in Madison Boat in my driveway Boat sitting on the green water of our yard... I really like these universal mounts I probably sat in this boat for a good 10 minutes in my front yard. LOL ...Then picked it up, and portrayed it around my yard, up and down our hill the couple of times to get a feel for it's weight and balance. For a 31 lbs boat, it's much lighter and easier to pick up than I expected. I don't have a yolk yet. It carries nicely on my right shoulder my hand supporting the inside wall, and I can place the folded pack-seat on my upper back, behind my neck, and comfortably carry the boat. Not idea, but would be rather easy for long portage down a two-track. Though the front of the boat tips way up, so any branches hanging lower than 8 ft would certainly be a problem. Two of the big reasons I picked this boat - the comfy seat and the universal mount package. They don't disappoint. At all. I love that adjustable lumbar/back support cushion more than I thought I would. I can't wait to get this thing in the water. It figures the cold weather in SE Wisconsin has come earlier than last year, with the ponds and small lakes hardening up... at least growing their first layers of ice. BOOOOO! We're planning a trip to a cottage on a little lake in Tennessee in March, so I won't necessarily have to wait until April to get this out chasing the fishies... Heading to Loon Lake Lodge on the Gunflint Trail with the family in June. Lots of 2022 trips planned throughout the spring, summer and fall to Central and Northern WI. ....Ugh! The wait is already killing me. |
dschult2 |
Scoobs |
dschult2: "Congrats. You'll love that boat. Swift's are worth the wait and every penny. I have the same one with the same layup. In hindsight I wish I would have got the black decals like you did. They look sweet. Love the black skid plates as well. Even color matching straps." Was supposed to have black gunnels. Apparently there was a some communication lost between Rutabaga and Swift when they placed/received my order. While it irked me at first, I just don't feel like waiting any longer for a boat, nor do I want to seem so petty over the gunnel colors... but I did pay a LOT of dough for it. Once I sat in the boat in my front yard, probably a lot longer than I probably should have, I no longer cared what color the gunnels were. I just want to get this boat on the water. :) |
quark2222 |
Scoobs: "dschult2: "Congrats. You'll love that boat. Swift's are worth the wait and every penny. I have the same one with the same layup. In hindsight I wish I would have got the black decals like you did. They look sweet. Love the black skid plates as well. Even color matching straps." I think the gunnels looks awesome. Better than plain silver. My Wenonah has black ones, which I like, but the hull weave showing on your canoe really compliments the gunnel coloring and patterning. Tomster |
Tony |
Tony |
dschult2 |
Tony: "That's a great looking boat. I've been looking at the Swift canoes for the last year or so trying to save up money to maybe get one this coming year. I really like those thwarts with the mount system in it. Is that a special order item? You can order them with the Scotty mounts added just like your would any other accessory. But to be honest they are super simple to add yourself with a rivet gun. Thats what they use at the factory. I added them myself my Prospector and then you can have them exactly where you want them. |
Scoobs |
dschult2: "Tony: "That's a great looking boat. I've been looking at the Swift canoes for the last year or so trying to save up money to maybe get one this coming year. I really like those thwarts with the mount system in it. Is that a special order item? I've heard if you have the wood thwarts, it's easy to install yourself, but them installing on the carbon thwarts can be a bit more difficult drilling through (cracking?) the carbon... I just paid Swift to do it at their shop. If they goofed, and needed to replace a mount or a thwart, they could do right then and there. |
Scoobs |
Tony: "That's a great looking boat. I've been looking at the Swift canoes for the last year or so trying to save up money to maybe get one this coming year. I really like those thwarts with the mount system in it. Is that a special order item? Hi Tony, I just noticed Swift bumped their prices a bit since I last ordered. Even the cherry yolk was bumped $50 USD to $200. The carbon yolk was bumped by $200 USD to $700 USD. Which pretty much cements the fact I will be buying a cherry yolk next year should I need one. As Dan suggested above - even when I sit in the boat in the grass in the front year - it's worth every penny. LOL |
beanpole |
Beautiful boat. I'm part owner of a used (floor model) 16 foot Swift Keewaydin. After that purchase, I had to get a 12.6 pack boat. And yes. I sat in my backyard longer than I probably should have. |
Scoobs |
portagedog09: "Scoobs, sent you a note the other day via your website. 'Least I think it went. Just got it... Thanks. Sent a reply. :) Beanpole - I didn't think you could paddle lake? At all. Thanks for the tip. Sitting in one's yard in one's new boat, must be an innate ritualistic manner to break in a canoe. A good way to get a nice light coating of coal dust. LOL |
Scoobs |
On the windy paddles, I didn't get pushed around as much as I expected - which was a delight. It was still a bear paddling directly into the wind. With the wind, was an absolute joy. LOL ...Paddling perpendicular to the wind a non-shocking chore. My canoe weighs 31 lbs. The weight is a total non-issue - but I didn't have any long portages in hot weather. So that may change. :) Getting in and out of the canoe in ankle deep water = effortless. Getting into the canoe from a dock = adventure. I was rather hesitant, and dumped the boat. Lost my GoPro to the bottom the of the lake - which, after all the rain and wind, went from crystal clear to dark and murky. So quick back story of the lake when we arrived. It was beautiful clear, and fairly shallow for our put-in at the VRBO house. We were on the far northwest side of the lake, so it was typically calm, even on a moderately windy day. ...We had torrential rains hit in the late afternoon of the second day - and you could see the lake churning up. We ended up with flood warnings, and by the times storms passed, the long 950 acre lake, had risen 1 foot. That takes a LOT of water. The water also went from super clear, to dark and murky. So stepping off of ankle deep water was no longer an option, and the water line was perfect for dock entry. So I had to give this a try. ...with the GoPro running. My first try was an epic "roll-the-boat-over" failure. Thankfully water depth was only at 4 ft. My initial reaction when dumping the boat echoed back to Dan Schultz's YouTube Video in the BWCA with Ethan. ..."Well, that was no good". The worst part - I lost my GoPro, in the water - it must of hit the dock, and it popped off the rail-mount. stayed in the water (it was cold), but I couldn't feel it with my feet. I tried dredging the bottom with my extended fishing net, and nothing came up but rocks. So... I had to wait. And hope the water level would drop, and the sediment would finally settle. I jumped in the water the next day, and tried to feel around again. No luck - and now I started getting anxious, as we were leaving the next day. The day of our departure, once the sun was high enough to shine in the water, I walked out to the dock. The water level dropped a good 6" - still not to it's original level, but it was good enough - and I saw the two little grey lock rings or my RailBlaza mounts. I hopped in, grabbed the mount, and the GoPro came with it. ...that was 1 hour before we departed for the 11 hour drive back home. So glad I found this, and was able to recover the paddling footage with our kids. I'm glad my boat wasn't filled with my fishing gear when I dumped it. That would have sucked as well... The day I dumped the boat, and I couldn't find the GoPro, I did give the dock entry another go, and made it fine the second time - getting out of the boat wasn't a big issue either. I guess you really need to commit to getting your butt into the boat, rather than hemming and hawing. Definitely going to need more practice this type of entry. It pains me to think I could have started this journey 30 years ago - but I'm excited I finally decided to do this at 50+ years old. Can't wait to drive up the Gunflint Trail and get this boat in the water on a lake that doesn't look like a massive Condo-Canyon. On another note: When I first strapped the boat on top of the car, before we drove to Arkansas, either the rain loosened the front ties, or I just didn't do a good job. I didn't feel 100% comfortable driving with the boat, so tried to keep the speed to 70mph on the interstate. didn't take long, and the boat started inching backwards as we drove. After two hours of driving, I pulled over in Illinois, and retied the front. And because the boat slid back, the front - top strap had loosened considerably. The back top strap was still tight (thankfully). So I tightened the front strap again. We drove for another hour, the boat was still sliding back - so and I pulled over, re-tied everything. Really made sure the front tie was tight, and all the straps were nice and tight. From that point on, no issues. Drove about 70 the entire way to Arkansas. I Did a solid job of tying down the boat on the way home. I only checked the ties and straps when we stopped for gas - and didn't have to retie a thing. Drove 78-80 most of the way home - made home in 11 hours, whereas it took 13 hours to drive down (because of several stops, including a redo on the ties/straps). The Thule Portage Canoe Rack brackets were a Godsend. I'd have been a nervous wreck without those. They kept the canoe super stable. I can't recommend them enough. ...When I first drove my new canoe home from Rutabaga, the canoe was sliding back and forth on the yakima bars - and Rutabaga tied the canoe down for me. It was a total mess. |
Voyager |
timatkn |
T |
Kendis |
Scoobs: "After a three month wait, I was able to pick up my Swift Prospector 14 Pack at the "Baga" in Madison. Also had a Yakima roof rack installed, and brought the boat home. While the wait wasn't entirely unexpected, I still feel like the term "Finally" applies. LOL Is this a clear finish with Innegra fibers showing? Asking because I just ordered a Nova Craft with their TuffStuff layup and a clear finish that uses Innegra and I've been wondering exactly what it will look like in person. |
billconner |
scat |
Kendis |
billconner: "If I had bought new, I really liked the Canada Option for finish. Canada Option " I guess... if you're from Canada. How will you feel once the rocks scrape up the flag? |
Scoobs |
scat: "Scoops - Forget getting in the boat off a dock. Why would you do that. Get your feet wet and make a nice easy entry. Is this your first canoe you have owned. You’ll get used to having it on a rack and the stress will subside. That’s a lotta dough to spend for a canoe. Hope you enjoy it." The previous two days, the water was shallow enough where I could step in from the water, or even off a big rock that was peaking through the surface of the water. Had absolutely zero issues. Easy peasy. After a big rain storm, the lake rose 12 - 18" inches (no joke - never seen anything like this). The top edge of the Canoe was now inline with the top of the dock, so I wanted to give it a try. I'm 53. This could be the first and last canoe I buy, so might as well get what I want straight away, rather than work my way up the ladder. And yes. I love this boat. billconner: "If I had bought new, I really liked the Canada Option for finish. Canada Option " Absolutely love that decal. I could have also created a custom design for the bottom. My boat was expensive enough as it were, and that would have made it too much for my blood. Plus, it would have added about 2-3 lbs to the boat. Kendis: "billconner: "If I had bought new, I really liked the Canada Option for finish. Canada Option " I'm not from Canada, but it's a really cool design. Being that it's a Canadian made canoe, I'd get it if I didn't mind the additional cost and added weight. To me, it would be far more odd to a Canadian design on a Northstar or Wenonah - provided you're not from Canada... |
dschult2 |
rivets |
HoJaf |
Unfortunately, canoeing and kayaking are the only legal activities along Juniper Run (what else do you need?). If you looking for your own kayak roof rack for your car check here . The depth and breadth of the river vary widely, and it goes through several low-hanging trees in the first few miles. Because of the tiny canal and the nature of the surrounding topography, pull-off and take-out options are extremely restricted. Rafts, johnboats, inner tubes, and other inflatables are restricted in order to conserve the ecosystem, maintain public safety, and provide a more enjoyable wilderness experience. The lush, jungle-like woodlands that surround Juniper Springs and Juniper Run, as well as the river itself, are home to fauna that is rarely seen elsewhere. The albino gray squirrels observed near the Mill House, the otters that play along the borders of the spring flow, and the American eels that migrate out to the Sargasso Sea to spawn before returning to Juniper Springs to live are among the most intriguing occupants of our natural ecosystems. The canal broadens just before the take-out point at SR 19, encompassing wetlands rich with wading birds and fauna, giving a unique viewpoint on kayaking in Florida. |
Tony |
Scoobs: "Tony: "That's a great looking boat. I've been looking at the Swift canoes for the last year or so trying to save up money to maybe get one this coming year. I really like those thwarts with the mount system in it. Is that a special order item? That's a pretty hefty price increase on the carbon yolk I was actually thinking of going that route till I see the price. Thanks for all the good information |
billconner |
Did you get the foot bar/brace? Mine came with the kayak foot braces. I don't think I would have ordered them but getting accustomed to them. |
justpaddlin |
Don't you have any moving water (rivers) near you? I'm in SW Michigan and all of my local rivers are wide open. Gotta go load my boat now, I think I'll take my Swift solo. ;) |