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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Seam sealing ground
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08/30/2023 11:14AM
Thanks! Good point about the seam where the mesh meets the awning and the tie up loops are sewn in. I need to seal that!

While I am at it, I think I'll go ahead and do the floor cloth seam, too. Might as well be thorough. But yeah, looking at the seam where the lower edge of the tent meets the sod cloth, it seems that gravity would have me covered there.
08/29/2023 07:05PM
I did not treat my sod cloth, didn’t even think to. I sealed the ground cloth before first use, so I cannot comment as to whether it would have leaked if not sealed, though what I can say is that I’ve slept in inches of water & it kept me dry. The fabric kind of floats, so the only way it gets water on top is if something is holding the edge down to allow water over the top. Be sure to seal the seam at the top of the screen/ridge line (especially at points where the tie up cords for screen are located) & the diamond patch in the middle of the roof well - after sealing all seams those are the only two spots which I had to reseal as they leaked (I should probably seal the diamond a bit more as it still lets a drip or few through, though it has been much less likely to leak since I’ve been using an 8x10 tundra tarp as a rainfly/awning).
09/18/2023 03:45PM
It seems the quad loop will need to be sealed from the outside to be totally waterproof. And definitely the seam where the door mesh tie-offs are is essential to seal unless you're sure you'll keep your ground cloth and gear out from under that area. I did not have time to seal that seam before the trip and I had many drips coming down from the tie off lines during a long steady (but gentle) rain.
08/28/2023 07:41AM

I have seam sealed the inside of my new Lean 2 tent along the main seam and quad loop that is overhead when inside the tent.

Should I be seam sealing the silnylon ground cloth that ships with the Lean? I wasn't planning on it at first, but now am rethinking that. I supposed it would have to be pretty hard rain and the Lean pitched in a bit of a depression to see much migration of water up through the ground cloth. But I don't control the weather and sometimes you have to pitch your tent in a suboptimal spot. Would rather be prepared.

Also, what about the seam where the sod cloth meets the lower edge of the lean? Pondering sealing that on the inside, though it may not be needed.

Any experience or recommendations to share?

08/28/2023 11:33AM
I asked this same question directly to CCS and this was the input I received:

Sod cloth seam: no benefit

Ground cloth: maybe limited benefit, and if done treat the top (not the underside)