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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: How much food fits in a bear vault?
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05/23/2024 01:32PM
One word of caution. Take the bearvaults or bearkegs out of the packs when in camp. They are designed so the bear cannot carry them off . For those that want to put a Ursack or bearvault in the 30 litre blue barrel, it defeats the purpose. Any bear can bit into the blue barrel or bite around the lid and haul it off.
05/23/2024 12:48PM

05/16/2024 06:32PM
We have taken BV500 bear vaults for years. What we find is that we need one container for each day, for breakfast and dinner, for 6 men. So we bring 5 containers for a group of 6 guys, ten meals.
05/22/2024 11:00AM
What's the best configuration if I still wanted to use my CCS 30L barrel pack with bear vaults? I see that the perimeter of the BV475 on it's side is close to the circumference of a blue barrel, but has anyone tried it? I could fit 2 of those stacked on their side, plus with a little extra gear.

The problem I still see is that each BV475 only holds 9.3L and I currently run into space issues with the 30L barrel. That is, IF it would even fit sideways. I would hate to no longer have a use for my CCS pack
05/22/2024 11:52AM
Why not skip the blue barrel and put the BV500's in a pack? I have several Sealline packs that will hold four BV500's.
05/15/2024 06:05PM
You can get 143 snicker bars in a BV500. Should be good for 2 weeks +
05/15/2024 11:49AM
My trip partner and I both use bear resistant canisters, however he uses a smaller canister than I do for the same trip. Comparison has shown that we both repackage our food into convenient portions for use and to reduce bulk, however he prefers less variety and quantity than I do.

I require about 1.9 liters of food per day. This equates to about 6 days worth of food in a BV 500. My trip partner only requires about 1.4 liters of food per day. This equates to about 8 days worth of food in a BV 500.
05/15/2024 02:25PM
schweady: "Great video. If only BV could go the other way, too, and develop a BV 550 or BV 600. No, most folks aren't going to bother repackaging their MH meal packs, but I have found that pricking a pinhole in the package, pressing/sucking out the excess air, covering the hole with a bit of tape, and redistributing the meal into a flat shape will allow even more meals to fit. Also, bear in mind (really, no pun intended) that other smelly items - soap, toothpaste, some medicines - need to go inside, also. And, as you use your meals, your garbage needs to go in there, too. (Although, my wife and I can fit all of our garbage for a 3-night trip into a quart-size ziplock bag. Just fold things flat. And, no burning!)

The problem is that when it is larger the bear has more leverage to break through it, so it has to be disproportionately thicker and heavier. There are several instances out there of BV500s being breached, so they may already be at the limits of that design.
05/22/2024 04:17PM
ockycamper: "Why not skip the blue barrel and put the BV500's in a pack? I have several Sealline packs that will hold four BV500's."

I'm talking about skipping the barrel and using the barrel pack, that I have only used twice, to hold two BV475. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
05/31/2024 01:05PM
This was a 6 days worth of food for me last summer. I’ve gotten better at packing and can squeeze 8 days in a BV for me now.

05/17/2024 09:34AM
billconner: "You can get 143 snicker bars in a BV500. Should be good for 2 weeks +"

LOL. But you do have a point. When I started doing solo trips and worked on efficient packing, I did a lot of learning about caloric density so that I could get the best balance of calories and nutrition in the lightest weight. Paying attention to how many calories per ounce my foods are helps me carry less volume.

05/15/2024 04:32PM
plmn: "The problem is that when it is larger the bear has more leverage to break through it, so it has to be disproportionately thicker and heavier. There are several instances out there of BV500s being breached, so they may already be at the limits of that design."
I'll have to agree with you on the probable protection limits of any larger BV designs. Maybe just wishful thinking as the larger sizes do improve the available volume per oz of container weight. (With all 4 models the same diameter, the covers must be identical, which probably accounts for a lot of that. On the other hand, why complain when you can just bring a second one? :-)

Using data from and HikingGuy's rather wildly subjective item capacity "findings":

6” high x 8.7” diameter, 5 L, 1 lb 12 oz (0.18 L/oz)
approx 4 meals, 4 bars

8.3” high x 8.7” diameter, 7.2 L, 2 lb 1 oz (0.22 L/oz)
approx 5 meals, 6 bars

10.5” high x 8.7” diameter, 9.3 L, 2 lb 4 oz (0.26 L/oz)
approx 7 meals, 8 bars

12.7” high x 8.7” diameter, 11.5 L, 2 lb 9 oz (0.28 L/oz)
approx 10 meals, 8 bars

05/15/2024 05:01PM
Also, has them at 20% off MSRP right now. eg. BV500 for $75.96. Crazy enough, they also showed no shipping and no tax even after I entered my MN zip code in the cart.

05/21/2024 02:15PM
billconner: "I can't get the FarOut link to work but iirc those 143 Snickers carry 35,750 calories."

What's it like when you eat that very last snickers? Must be like that last hot dog at Nathan's on the forth. Lol
05/23/2024 07:58AM
A1t2o: "What's the best configuration if I still wanted to use my CCS 30L barrel pack with bear vaults? I see that the perimeter of the BV475 on it's side is close to the circumference of a blue barrel, but has anyone tried it? I could fit 2 of those stacked on their side, plus with a little extra gear.

The problem I still see is that each BV475 only holds 9.3L and I currently run into space issues with the 30L barrel. That is, IF it would even fit sideways. I would hate to no longer have a use for my CCS pack"

I don’t know if this helps. I either turn the CCS barrel pack into a kids pack, day pack, or I put one BV500 and do as you said, stuff equipment/gear around the BV500’s. For the BV475 you should be able to stack 2 of then, then pack around.

If packing the BV in a regular pack they are best packed on top. They are dense in weight and packs are more comfortable when the heavier stuff is closer to the top.

05/17/2024 06:14PM
I can't get the FarOut link to work but iirc those 143 Snickers carry 35,750 calories.
05/21/2024 06:07PM
tumblehome: "billconner: "I can't get the FarOut link to work but iirc those 143 Snickers carry 35,750 calories."

What's it like when you eat that very last snickers? Must be like that last hot dog at Nathan's on the forth. Lol"

Can't even imagine.
05/22/2024 05:45AM
Just read of the Bearikade Expedition - 900 CI. 184 Snickers. Also over $400!
05/14/2024 06:41AM

Helpful video for home much food fits in a Bear Vault.

05/20/2024 06:09PM
So, I wrote to the bear vault folks about the possibility of larger capacity models and got a pleasant, but predictable, reply:

Q: "Would larger BVs be difficult to design to meet IGBC standards? If possible, many of us would love to see a BV600, or even larger. Currently, we need to be content with bringing multiple BV500s on our longer canoe trips into the BWCAW."
A: "There are technical limitations on the manufacturing process and design that compromise bear resistance once the canister exceeds a certain size. We have been exploring some options to provide additional storage space for canoe campers like yourself but do not have anything at this time."

05/15/2024 10:00AM
Great video. If only BV could go the other way, too, and develop a BV 550 or BV 600. No, most folks aren't going to bother repackaging their MH meal packs, but I have found that pricking a pinhole in the package, pressing/sucking out the excess air, covering the hole with a bit of tape, and redistributing the meal into a flat shape will allow even more meals to fit. Also, bear in mind (really, no pun intended) that other smelly items - soap, toothpaste, some medicines - need to go inside, also. And, as you use your meals, your garbage needs to go in there, too. (Although, my wife and I can fit all of our garbage for a 3-night trip into a quart-size ziplock bag. Just fold things flat. And, no burning!)