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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Novice: Need Answer on using Colman camp fuel in Isobutane canister?
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05/16/2024 01:47PM
I am aware of two stoves (MSR Wisperlite universal and Optimus Polaris) on the market that can use a canister or white gas (Colman camp fuel). I don't think you stove will be able to do that.
Stoves that burn white gas have a portion of the gas line that runs through/ directly adjacent to the burner to convert the liquid fuel to a vapor, and require a pre-heat burn to get the phase change going.
Canisters (propane or Isobutane) are under much higher pressure and that liquid is converted to a vapor due to the large pressure differential. Which is why the propane canister adaptor linked in the previous post can work on a stove designed for an Isobutane canister.
With out a place for the liquid to become a vapor the white gas will not work with a canister stove.
05/24/2024 05:29AM
The jet size is what drives the use of different fuels.
Whisperlite has different (Sized) Jets for Isobutane and White gas, as does Optimus, and Fire maple.
As has been said, a Liquid (White Gas) fuel stove needs a fuel line with the ability to change liquid gas into vapor. Isobutane fuel lines normally have a pressure regulator of some sort on them.

05/24/2024 08:38AM
JenRN: "Can anyone tell me if it is possible using an adapter to use the Coleman camp fuel for a camp stove that is made for a isobutane canister? (Specifically the Firemaple fixed star 1). We will be using an outfitter that provides a large canister of Coleman camp fuel, but I would like to use my firemaple stove.

I have a small refillable canister (for an MSR stove) that uses the Coleman camp fuel - wondering if an adapter will let me hook it to the Firemaple fixed star SAFELY.

Want to avoid having to bring different types of fuel.

Thank you! "

It can be done but I would not recommend it for a self described novice. There is a good chance of error in the starting of the burner (pre=heating that can quickly turn into a fireball), and the fact the air fuel ratios are different. The fact the stove is a "personal cooking system" make the use of liquid fuel even more problematic. Stay with canister isobutane. KenM
05/14/2024 09:26AM
Can anyone tell me if it is possible using an adapter to use the Coleman camp fuel for a camp stove that is made for a isobutane canister? (Specifically the Firemaple fixed star 1). We will be using an outfitter that provides a large canister of Coleman camp fuel, but I would like to use my firemaple stove.

I have a small refillable canister (for an MSR stove) that uses the Coleman camp fuel - wondering if an adapter will let me hook it to the Firemaple fixed star SAFELY.

Want to avoid having to bring different types of fuel.

Thank you!
05/14/2024 09:35AM
Fire maple sells one. I haven't used it myself but reviews look promising.

Firemaple adapter