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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Dutch Hooks
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01/22/2012 12:02AM
man those look like a great idea! I am going to order some right now.
01/22/2012 01:26PM
I'm using mine with the 2.2mm zing it. I learned how to splice zing it, very easy doing searches on internet. I just told Dutch when placing order that I was using 2.2 mm and he made a slight adjustment for me. Just showed one of knot challenged trippers today, he was very excited that I wouldn't have to show him how to tie knots at every stop.
01/22/2012 02:16PM
Another benefit of Zing It that I like that I can create the eye splice and continuous loop without any knots. Both are extremely strong, I cannot pull them out.

At the tarp end I will use continuous loop to make a prussic knot. Pretend the reflective loop at bottom of pic is the tie out loop on my tarp. First make your prussic on the reflective line, then use a girth hitch to attach to tie out loop of tarp. Now once I'm out in the field I have no knots to tie and I don't have to worry about my Dutch hooks falling off because it is blocked on both ends of the line.

If my tie out line isn't long enough just untie the sheet bend, add length of cord long enough using sheet bends to tie. Sheet bend is a very easy knot to remember in the field.
01/22/2012 07:11PM
I've used Nite Ize figure nine and have liked how they performed. What I didn't like was having to remove them from the rope every time I was storing tarp in bag. The jagged little arm always wanted to grab something. I was looking for something that I could install on my lines semi-permanently and not have to worry about damaging my tarp. I believe Dutch Hooks and Flyz does this better than Figure Nine.
01/21/2012 11:07PM
Dutch Hook
01/22/2012 06:52AM
On dutches website their are some other equally nice hardware choices to make tarp setup easier too. All super light.
01/22/2012 08:12AM
I also got the Dutch Flyz, but haven't been able to use them yet. All the pieces are so small and smooth that I can store them with tarp and don't have to worry about snags. But because they are titanium they are very strong for there size. When they envelope arrived I thought he had forgot part of order, actually I didn't think anything was in it, but could hear two pieces hitting together.
01/22/2012 10:37AM
quote Lymphocytosis: "Beware that the hooks and flyz only accept very small diameter cordage. 1.8mm is about the high end of the spectrum. Mason line, Zing-it, and Dynaglide are all appropriate if pricey. They are so tiny they are very easy to loose in the leaves. I have a daub of blaze orange paint on all of mine.

If you guys have hammocks, as well, Dutch has other stuff to make rigging your hammock up much easier."

The hammock folk seem to have been using these things for years.
01/22/2012 10:27AM
Beware that the hooks and flyz only accept very small diameter cordage. 1.8mm is about the high end of the spectrum. Mason line, Zing-it, and Dynaglide are all appropriate if pricey. They are so tiny they are very easy to loose in the leaves. I have a daub of blaze orange paint on all of mine.

If you guys have hammocks, as well, Dutch has other stuff to make rigging your hammock up much easier.
01/22/2012 10:21AM
Not long ago, i picked up some Dutch hooks and flys. They are designed for use with 1.75 mm Zing It so they might not work with thicker rope. I'm not sure if they work with paracord for example. The attachment loop on the Dutch hook is tiny so you need a thin rope.

But, they are almost weightless and quick to use. I figured out how to make a loop at the end with a locked brummel in the Zing It. Amazing how light and strong this stuff is. My overstuffed rope bag is now a ziplock baggie.

I have not tested it yet, but i made a bear bag hanging kit from ZIng It, a climbing ring, and soft shackle carabiners (Zing It). The whole thing weighs about 6 oz and includes a total of ~200 feet of rope. I might pare that down after testing it. Compare that to ~3.5 pounds for the hanging kit at Piragis.

I have shaved some POUNDS from my kit by switching to Zing It and Dutch Hooks/Flys. But the Zing It is pricy and requires some new skills to use it at its best.

01/22/2012 10:51AM
The hammock folk seem to have been using these things for years."
That is how i found them, but they are ideal for ultralight and fast tarp setups in general.
01/22/2012 04:31PM
Nite Ize work well but they are boat anchors relative to Dutch Hooks.
01/22/2012 04:25PM
I use the Nite Ize Figure 9 rope tightener for setting up our tarp. Makes life a lot easier and comes in small or large sizes.

Nite Ize
01/21/2012 10:54PM
Found a new product to help with hanging a tarp quickly. While I know many useful knots to hang a tarp and could still use them if needed, most of my tripping partners don't. So most of the time they just stand around while I hang it. Now I'm putting these on the ends of my rope with a prussic knot at each corner of tarp. So everyone can just grab a rope, hook around tree, adjust tension at each corner until desired hang. No knot tying need. Prussic knots will just be girth hitched to tie outs of tarp, so they can be moved easily if needed. HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Dutch Hook

Each hook only weighs .4 grams, so barely adding any weight. They are designed for smaller diameter rope, so I'll be posting pics on how I modified them to work with my 3mm reflective rope. Very impressed with them so far.
01/22/2012 01:53PM
The eye of the Dutch Hook is big enough for my 3mm reflective line to fit through.

I then used a sheet bend to attach a small piece of Zing It to the 3mm reflective rope. The Zing it I put an eye splice into one end and and pulled other end into itself so if would not unravel.

I then put rope around tree and put eye of Zing it through the Dutch Hook. Very light, fast and simple.

I would use all Zing It, but I prefer the reflective line at night around camp. If I'm by myself I would probably use all Zing it for the weight savings.