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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Packing Checklist
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03/31/2016 02:18PM
Thanks for the compliment schweady!
The amount of gear and options available after several decades of collection make itemizing difficult, if not pointless, for me. The visual reference works for me and keeps up with gear changes and modifications. Probably not good for most packers, but is my method.

03/31/2016 03:25PM
quote ObiWenonahKenobi: "Another thread made mention of pre-trip checklists.
The Seagull Outfitters has a good checklist to work from.
You'll want to customize for your own needs.
But it's a good starting point - add what you want, delete what doesn't apply.
Ultimate Canoe Checklist

That check list was published in winter edition 1998 of the Boundary Waters Journal. I had to go and dig it out when I saw the topic. I used it for reference for many years when I was first starting out.

03/31/2016 03:30PM
quote butthead: "Having just added to the spreadsheat topic I'm up for adding my 2 cents.
Never been a list guy. Not exactly a solution, but my style is to photo and save for reference my packing. Photobucket packing book Q 2015.
Digital photography as a tool!


Ken I really like that.

03/31/2016 10:36AM
Having just added to the spreadsheat topic I'm up for adding my 2 cents.
Never been a list guy. Not exactly a solution, but my style is to photo and save for reference my packing. Photobucket packing book Q 2015.
Digital photography as a tool!

03/31/2016 02:08PM
quote butthead: "Having just added to the spreadsheat topic I'm up for adding my 2 cents.
Never been a list guy. Not exactly a solution, but my style is to photo and save for reference my packing. Photobucket packing book Q 2015.
Digital photography as a tool!


These are great. I imagine that you could add captions to itemize the contents of the images, too.

03/30/2016 03:26PM

We have dedicated topic sections on this website for just about everything. But, there's none called PACKING LISTS, where people could reference various lists like this and comment on them. That makes no sense to me. I mean, we have biking, movies, etc. Why not a packing list topic section?

03/30/2016 03:48PM
I have to confess I get a little bit of a kick out of he idea of shaving off ounces when it seems a large majority have no issue with hauling in several pounds of alcohol in one form or another.

To me that is useless weight. But I'm not a drinker.
So again - priorities play a huge roll in what goes on the list.

Now that I think about it - maybe saving weight to make room for booze is the whole strategy being employed. LOL

03/30/2016 11:54AM
You must really like Bungee Dealee Bobs (BDBs) as you have them mentioned 4 times on your list.
03/30/2016 12:04PM
quote OldFingers57: "You must really like Bungee Dealee Bobs (BDBs) as you have them mentioned 4 times on your list. " Repeated mention was mostly a joke for the couple going with us in September, but yeah, I do love the BDBs :-)) Tend to end up stashed all over the place - packs, pants pockets, bow/thwart bags, hammock stuff sack, etc.
03/30/2016 02:07PM
Thanks for providing your list Obi...nice to see how other people prepare for a trip and the potential gear to bring.
03/29/2016 10:11PM
Who remembers which pack the kitchen sink is in? Never leave home without it.
03/29/2016 11:54PM
Based on everything else in the list, I would have expected a trowel to be listed. I guess if you are thinking the BWCA is your destination, you don't need one ... and else where, I guess you could dig a cat hole with a stick, but even backpacking, I always took a trowel.

03/30/2016 07:54AM
I added a small plastic backpacking trowel to my list as well.
Complete with a Bible reference engraved on it for operating instructions - Deuteronomy 23:12-13
"Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement."

Gus McCrae
03/30/2016 08:49AM
Would anybody be willing to post their shortened list?
03/30/2016 10:36AM
quote Gus McCrae: "Would anybody be willing to post their shortened list?"
• 2x pants (preferably convertible)
• 2-3x socks
• 2-3x wears
• 2-3x performance shirts (long and short sleeve)
• Boots
• Camp shoes
• Hat(s) (I take a ball cap and felt fedora for rain)
• Raingear / Shell layer
• Insulating layer
• Toiletries (baggie w/ brush and paste, nail clippers, meds)
• Gloves…fingerless ragg wool
• EDC knife
• Camp towel
• Booze
• TP (flattened in baggie)
• Bug dope
• Headlight and/or small tac light
• Compact camera
• Dry bag
• BDBs
• Readers (probably optional, unless you’re me!)
• Sunglasses
• 2x rods and reels
• Tackle
• 1 stringer per boat
• Spare line
• Pliers
• License
• Sleep/shelter system
o Tent or
o Hammock/tarp
o Bag or quilts
o Ground pad
o Pillow
o Candle lantern
• Chair(s)
• H2O filtration system
• Water containers (Nalgene or Dromedary bag)
• Tarp
• BDBs
Travel / Boat
• 2x painters per boat
• 1-2x maps per boat
• Map case(s) per boat
• Thwart/bow bags per boat
• PFDs
• Paddles
• BDBs
• Saw
• Hatchet
• BDBs
• First aid
• Emergency/repair kit (duct tape, zip ties, safety wire, extra batteries, etc.)
• Spare pack-liner (contractors trash bag)
• Cook set(s)
• Stove(s)
• Fuel
• Cooking and eating utensils
• Soap (good for bathing and laundry too)
• Food
• Gorp / trail snacks
• Staples / spices (lemon pepper!) / Crisco
• Packable cutting board
• Filet knife
• Several Kroger sacks for packing out trash

Grandma L
03/30/2016 11:57AM
I enjoy the lists - I will now have to compare with my own and see what I missed-or added. then do and Excel check and Knock out the dups.
03/29/2016 07:50PM
That is a huge list, but, a lot of the item you have on your list are 'Wants' not 'Need' items.

As the older I get, my 'Want' list keeps getting smaller each trip, and so my pack gets lighter each trip.

Canoe trips are expected to be more 'Wants' items, then say a backpacking trip. But after a few backpacking trips, a person learns how pack just what is needed, not what is wanted and have a successful enjoyable trip.

03/29/2016 07:38AM
You're missing the point. Obviously you wouldn't take everything on the list. The purpose of the list is to trigger a decision as to if that is something you need.

Delete the rest.

I've read this board long enough to see that any people take some stuff that I would never take. Everyone has their own priorities.

Please note, some of these items are "to do" items, NOT "to take" items.

The comments thus far just reveal that no one probably actually looked at the list, they just observed the length of the list.
Old Hoosier
03/29/2016 12:23PM
The list is always a helpful tool.

I have my own list from many years of paddling - but added the weight of every item (in ounces) so I can predict final weight.

And food is always the largest weight - other than boats.

The list makes it easy to say "yes" to add stuff, but the weight column always forces the hard decisions on what to leave behind.

Old Hoosier
03/29/2016 01:21PM

That's how I waterproof my e-book reader! LOL

I'm joking.
03/29/2016 01:56PM
I thought the condoms were for water:)
03/29/2016 01:59PM
2h. Make sure your credit card is either chipped with a PIN in it ( the two do not always come together). Your new cards will have a chip but take the extra step to put in a PIN.

Otherwise at gas stations or under circumstances where you don't sign you will have to go in and process the card differently.

and make sure you have let your credit card issuer know of your plans.Some will automatically deny international purchases if not notified ahead of time.

03/28/2016 09:49PM
Another thread made mention of pre-trip checklists.
The Seagull Outfitters has a good checklist to work from.
You'll want to customize for your own needs.
But it's a good starting point - add what you want, delete what doesn't apply.
Ultimate Canoe Checklist

I came across the original list years ago. I've altered and updated it for my own use as time has gone by. For example I don't take a book to read. I take a Nook E-book reader with an entire library. Here is the old list below for those who might be less computer savvy.

The Ultimate Canoe Trip Checklist

1.a. Refurbish wooden canoe paddles
1.b. Check camp stove and lantern operation
1.c. Lubricate and put fresh line on fishing reels
1.d. Purchase fishing licenses and trout stamps
1.e. Purchase canoeing maps*
1.f. Check out vehicles, racks, trailers, and trailer lights
1.g. Oil footwear
1.h. Make plans for eating along the way
1.i. Get current rabies certificate for pets going to Canada
1.j. Sharpen knives
1.k. Arrange pre and post-trip lodging*
1.l. Arrange for a rental car
1.m. Make flight arrangements to Minneapolis or Duluth
1.n. Reserve outfitting and launches
1.o. Get RABC permit for Quetico
1.p. Reserve travel permit*
1.q. Select your route and entry point*
1.r. Sharpen fish hooks
1.s. Repackage food and gear items to eliminate packaging and prohibited cans and bottles

2.a. Get live bait
2.b. Cooler and ice for travelling
2.c. Get fresh and frozen foods out of refrigerator
2.d. Spare vehicle and padlock keys
2.e. Vehicle insurance information
2.f. Health insurance information
2.g. Phone calling card
2.h. Credit card
2.i. Cash
2.j. Driver’s license
2.k. Identification
2.l. Fishing licenses
2.m. Reservation confirmations
2.n. Permit confirmation
2.o. Toiletries, clean clothes, clean towel, and dry shoes for return trip
2.p. Tools and jumper cables in car
2.q. Fill water containers
2.r. Leave unnecessary valuables at home
2.s. Leave itinerary and phone numbers with someone at home

3.a. Day pack, fanny pack, or thwart bag
3.b. HD trash bags to line packs
3.c. Stuff sacks and compression stuff sacks
3.d. Duluth packs or dry bags*
3.e. Back up maps and compass
3.f. Compass*
3.g. Map case*
3.h. Maps*
3.i. Map marking pen

4.a. Cords or bungies to lash in packs
4.b. Bailer
4.c. Seat pads
4.d. Rescue throw bag
4.e. Emergency whistle zipper pulls
4.f. Life jackets*
4.g. Spare paddle*
4.h. Paddles*
4.i. Yoke pads*
4.j. Canoes*
4.k. Duct tape*
4.l. Kneeling pads
4.m. Sponge
4.n. Cartop carrier, rack, or trailer
4.o. Bow and stern lines
4.p. Canoe cover

5.a. Camp pillows
5.b. Camp rope or parachute cord*
5.c. Vestibule
5.d. Ground cloths*
5.e. Stakes*
5.f. Poles*
5.g. Rainfly*
5.h. Tents*
5.i. Sleeping bags*
5.j. Mattresses*
5.k. Lantern, spare mantles, and fuel
5.l. Dining fly or tarp with grommets*
5.m. Camp chairs or butt pads

6.a. Spice kit*
6.b. Dish towels*
6.c. Pot scrubbers*
6.d. Cups*
6.e. Plates*
6.f. Utensil bag*
6.g. Utensils*
6.h. Frying pans w/ lids*
6.i. Pots w/ lids*
6.j. Measuring cup*
6.k. Bowls*
6.l. Water bottle for each person*
6.m. Water bag or bucket*
6.n. Water purification system
6.o. Silverware*
6.p. Potholders*
6.q. Biodegradeable soap*
6.r. Disposable lighters
6.s. Fire starter
6.t. Camp stove, fuel, and funnel*
6.u. Stove repair tools and kit
6.v. Camp saw*
6.w. Fresh food items*
6.x. Waterproof matches*
6.y. Reflector oven and baking pan
6.z. Dutch oven
6.aa. Aluminum foil
6.ab. Paper towels Extra zip lock bags Camp kitchen knife* Bear ropes* Trash bags* Frozen food items*
6.ah. Breakfasts* Lunches*
6.aj. Dinners*
6.ak. Beverages* Snacks* Desserts* Spices and condiments* Cooking oil*

7.a. Playing cards
7.b. Travel board games
7.c. Pencils and pens
7.d. Journal, notebook, or sketch pad
7.e. Paperback book
7.f. Fresh batteries, spares, and spare bulbs
7.g. Flashlight or headlamp
7.h. Binoculars
7.i. Bird and plant books
7.j. Hacky sack
7.k. Frisbee

8.a. Lens cleaners
8.b. Waterproof camera bag
8.c. Pocket tripod
8.d. Fresh batteries and spares
8.e. Fresh film
8.f. Waterproof camera

9.a. Filet knife
9.b. Tackle box
9.c. Rods and reels
9.d. Filet glove
9.e. Filet board
9.f. Ceramic sharpener
9.g. Stringer
9.h. Pliers or Leatherman
9.i. Fish batter and oil*
9.j. Fish locator
9.k. Spare batteries
9.l. Superglue
9.m. Spare rod tips
9.n. Spare spool of line
9.o. Folding landing net
9.p. Live bait
9.q. Pocket camera for catch and release photos

10.a. Waterproof boots
10.b. Gore-tex socks
10.c. Camp shoes, mocs, or sandals
10.d. Spare laces
10.e. Socks (wool or synthetic is best)
10.f. Pants (non-cotton is best)
10.g. Shorts
10.h. Swimsuits
10.i. T Shirts
10.j. Long sleeve shirts
10.k. Sweatshirts or fleece jacket
10.l. Briefs
10.m. Sport bras
10.n. Belt or suspenders
10.o. Bandanas
10.p. Windbreaker
10.q. Rain pants!!
10.r. Rain jacket!!
10.s. Waterproof cap
10.t. Cap with sun visor
10.u. Sunglasses
10.v. Gloves or mittens
10.w. Stocking cap
10.x. Spare Glasses in Case w/ strap
10.y. Pocket or wrist watch
10.z. Travel alarm

11.a. Toilet Paper
11.b. Toothbrush
11.c. Toothpaste
11.d. Floss
11.e. Hair brush or comb
11.f. Biodegradeable soap*
11.g. Towel
11.h. Sunscreen
11.i. Chapstick
11.j. Bug dope
11.k. Afterbite
11.l. Hand and body lotion
11.m. Pain reliever
11.n. First Aid Kit and book
11.o. Personal medications and medical information
11.p. Emergency coins and money
11.q. Pocket knife
11.r. Sharpener
11.s. Safety pins
11.t. Needle, thread, and extra buttons
11.u. Spare eyewear
11.v. Pocket mirror
11.w. Feminine hygiene products
11.x. Condoms

Brought to you by Roger Hahn of Seagull Outfitters
(Note: Items with an asterisk generally come with a complete outfitting package and are also available for rent individually. Keep in mind, you don't have to bring everything on this list)
03/28/2016 10:12PM
That's a lot of s***
05/09/2016 03:45PM
My version of a shortened list I sent to a buddy for a fishing trip in Sept:

• Wicking Underwear (2 Pair)
• Wool Socks (3 Pair, alternate wearing 2 pair daily and 1 pair to sleep in)
• Wicking T Shirt (2)
• Long Sleeve ¼ Zip (lightweight poly or merino)
• Jacket – Poly Fleece or Merino
• Rain jacket (Gore Tex preferably)
• Rain Pants (Gore Tex preferably)
• Boots
• Long Underwear Pants & Top (2 Pair poly or merino, you'll sleep in 1 pair)
• Hiking pants (convertible in case it’s warm enough for shorts)
• Wool or Poly Stocking Cap
• Waterproof wide brimmed hat
• Camp shoes (Optional - sneakers this time of year)
• Fishing Rods (2 or 3 for both of us)
• Tackle Box
• Sleeping Bag
• Pack
• Camp Water Filter & Cleaning Kit (I have this covered)
• Water Bottles (2 are nice, but 1 is fine)
• Piss Bottle (no need to leave the tent at night. Gatorade bottle is perfect. Don't confuse with bottles above!!)
• Camera (optional)
• Solar Charger (optional)
• Compass & Map (I have this covered)
• Weather radio (I have this covered)
• First Aid Kit (I have this covered)
o Ace bandage (2)
o Ibuprofen
o Pepto
o Band Aids & Gauze
o Triple Anti-biotic
o Antihistamine
o Super glue
o Quick clot & tourniquet
o Mole Skin
o Blister Pads
• Bug Juice (I have this covered)
• Knife and/or multi-tool
• Tarp (I have this covered)
• Tent (I have this covered)
• Stakes
• Air Mattress
• Stick Stove and fire makers (I have this covered)
• Kitchen (I have this covered)
• Bear Vault or equivalent (I have this covered)
• Head Lamp and extra battery

Food (I can go community or individual for all or a portion of the meals. I do kind of like sharing camp cooking for dinner at least. We’ll need to plan this out so we know what we need)
• 6 Dinners
• 6 Lunches
• 6 Breakfasts
• Snacks
• Ziploc Bags (2-1 Gallon & 2-1 Quart)
• Cigars
• Bourbon/Scotch
• Reading material (I take my Kindle)

05/09/2016 11:37AM
Always good to share lists. I shared mine with our group and one member pretty much blasted me for a couple days even though I stated I don't take everything on it and each person has their own preferences and priorities. I take what I like to take knowing I'm 2 tripping.

One thing I do (and most people probably do this too) - is I get a couple large plastic totes and I put the listed items in it weeks and months before the trip - some items never leave the totes. This way when it come time to load my packs I don't have as many things to find.

I keep my list on a notepad on my phone. VERY CONVIENIENT.
On my way home while the trip is still fresh on my mind, I always make notes on my phone about what was good and what wasn't - what I wish I had or forgot - or what I didn't need or had too much of.
This is VERY useful info 11 months later when it's time to pack!
Savage Voyageur
05/09/2016 12:59PM
And you wonder why I triple portage?
05/09/2016 01:04PM
quote krick: "Always good to share lists. I shared mine with our group and one member pretty much blasted me for a couple days even though I stated I don't take everything on it and each person has their own preferences and priorities. I take what I like to take knowing I'm 2 tripping.

One thing I do (and most people probably do this too) - is I get a couple large plastic totes and I put the listed items in it weeks and months before the trip - some items never leave the totes. This way when it come time to load my packs I don't have as many things to find."quote
I do the pre-pack too.

Grandma L
05/07/2016 05:35PM
I was just reading back a few posts - nice to see old posts from "Kanoes".
05/07/2016 10:02PM
quote butthead: "Having just added to the spreadsheat topic I'm up for adding my 2 cents.
Never been a list guy. Not exactly a solution, but my style is to photo and save for reference my packing. Photobucket packing book Q 2015.
Digital photography as a tool!


Loved the pics, where did you get the rectangular stuff sack? I've been looking for something like that
05/07/2016 10:12PM
quote Grandma L: "I was just reading back a few posts - nice to see old posts from "Kanoes"."
Thought the same thing...
05/08/2016 12:21PM
quote sdebol: "quote Grandma L: "I was just reading back a few posts - nice to see old posts from "Kanoes"."
Thought the same thing..."

Same here.
05/07/2016 11:32AM
My main goal over the last several years has been to SIMPLIFY trips. I used to spend way more time packing and unpacking than I did paddling and camping. It got a bit maddening. I was doing well with the simplifying until Helinox came out with a kayakable cot, chair, and table, but those items add so much comfort to a campsite.
05/07/2016 02:04PM
quote LilyPond: "My main goal over the last several years has been to SIMPLIFY trips. I used to spend way more time packing and unpacking than I did paddling and camping. It got a bit maddening. I was doing well with the simplifying until Helinox came out with a kayakable cot, chair, and table, but those items add so much comfort to a campsite."

Remember - it's not about comfort, LilyPond, it's about simplicity ;). Just keep repeating Thoreau's mantra: simplify, simplify, simplify.
04/12/2016 10:40PM
I sent my partner this list and he called me asking why the hell we had condoms. I told him it was Brokeback Mountain Boundary Waters edition!
04/13/2016 04:42AM
Since this came back up I will add I never go tent camping w/o ear plugs (the throw away foam type). I can sleep right thru a thunderstorm storm, snoring tentmate, etc.... no problem. Might consider adding those to the list.
04/12/2016 11:20AM
For a recent camping trip (car camping, but it can be customized to suit you) I used an app called "Camping Trip Planner" (Android). It was the bomb!

I can make many separate lists, so can customize for car camping, BWCA, packing for general vacations. I have an android-based tablet and this was really great and easy to use.
04/01/2016 09:09PM
quote ObiWenonahKenobi: "I added a small plastic backpacking trowel to my list as well."

IMO a plastic trowel in the BWCA is useless. Far too rocky there.
04/01/2016 09:16PM
quote jhb8426: "quote ObiWenonahKenobi: "I added a small plastic backpacking trowel to my list as well."

IMO a plastic trowel in the BWCA is useless. Far too rocky there."

the cheap orange one works just fine in quetico.
04/01/2016 10:19PM
speaking of lists. I have never embraced computer spreadsheets...they just seem cold to me.

about January I start a hand written list (number 3 Ticonderoga) at work and at home. both lists are always at hand and I write down things as I remember them. about a month out I compare them to the previous years lists. I rarely miss anything. my pfd for the woodland caribou trip was on the list, I just spaced it out for some reason.

I find this method much more personal and gratifying than just printing something off a pc.
03/29/2016 07:20AM
That's triple my an expedition....haha never brought condoms on a canoe trip :)
03/29/2016 08:36AM
Yes, it's a lot of stuff, which is a lot to carry over portages. It's good for new, inexperienced people to have a comprehensive list. But it's important to know that the more you don't take, the less you have to carry, pack/unpack, and keep track of it.

This one has a lot of preparation items on it that get short shrift on many such lists.

No, you don't have to take it all, but many people take most of it. And carry it across portages. It's good to let new, inexperienced people know you don't have to take everything on it. And if you don't, you won't have to carry, pack/unpack, and keep track of it.

I've never taken them either, mooseplums, but I'm sorry they've never been necessary. ;).

For new, inexperienced people who may be reading this, many people don't take lanterns (and fuel for it), an axe (don't believe it's on the list) or saw, chairs, pillows, the multitude of kitchen items listed, frozen foods, and other things like games and fishing tackle, which eliminates a lot of stuff. BUT, many people do take these things.

03/29/2016 09:18AM

As a new guy, this list is VERY helpful. Thanks! Every bit of information helps me understand and make prudent decisions. I'm going to compare this to the list(s) that I already have going and fill in any holes.
03/29/2016 09:32AM
When you publish a tome as a packing list (that is the title you gave the post), you should expect some ribbing.

03/29/2016 09:28AM
I was looking for the list of items to put in your first aid kit. Do you have a separate list for first aid kit items?

Bring extra FILM? Hahaha guess that should be changed to extra memory card!

03/29/2016 07:17AM
For those that just can't get enough of that walking back and forth over portage trails! wow.
03/29/2016 08:33AM
This is similar to the list that I give to any rookies that are going to be coming along. I tell them they need to pick those thing that the feel the need to carry, obviously the food and and group type things we figure out as a group. I will also star or highlight the very important item that need to go on every trip. My list is much smaller now that I have been going for a number of years and I make changes to the list according to any new gear or the season of my trip.