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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Replacing a center seat with a carrying yoke on a Pelican RamX 15.5'
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06/22/2016 09:47AM
Tim, I hate to pile on but I agree it's a really bad idea to take that thing on a trip that requires carrying, and I personally wouldn't be comfortable relying on it in a remote setting like the BWCA. In any case, as has been said removing the center seat to add a thwart is a recipe for disaster. A few years ago I watched one of those fall apart in a straightforward class II (some would probably say I+) rapid. Granted it was being paddled by two big boys, but it quickly became a floppy mess. I join the others in encouraging you to rent a canoe for your trip and add that you might consider selling the Pelican for whatever you can. It just isn't suitable for anything other than lakes and ponds and easy rivers where walking out is a viable option. You can apply the funds to the canoe rental or if it's an option financially the purchase of a more worthy craft that will make you happy for a long time.
06/18/2016 11:44PM
Rent something else.
06/18/2016 08:29AM
Yes. That center support is structural. This boat was never designed for a portage yoke

When you take it out, the boat will fold up in the center. That tube is also structural but alone will not do the job.

Its a heavy poorly made beast for the BWCA but maybe you can tack on a yoke as the center seat is not quite at center.
06/18/2016 06:26AM
Good morning Everyone.

My wife and I are taking a trip up to the boundary waters this September. I found a Pelican 15.5' RamX canoe with paddles, car foam blocks, seat cushions, etc etc for a really good price. My job now is to replace the middle seat with a carrying yoke for our trip.

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I was wondering if anyone has experience with these canoes and what they think about the structural "bar" that runs between the three seats along the keel. The seats hold the bar in place.

If I were to remove the middle seat do you think I will be compromising the structural integrity of the canoe?

Any thoughts on supporting the bar while also having a yoke?

Thanks for any and all help.

06/18/2016 09:05AM
I've got a similar Coleman. If I were you, speaking from experience, I'd get a part-time job instead of working on that yoke and use the money to rent a canoe. I'm serious. The last time my Ram-x went to the bwca with us, there were six of us in three boats. We base camped and tripled up all week in the other two canoes so no one would have to paddle that thing. I like mine for fishing with an electric motor, but it has seen its last paddle. A bear to portage as well. Just one person's opinion, take it as you will.

06/21/2016 10:41PM
quote Jackfish: "Rent something else. "
I agree.

if you MUST take that boat, consider a two person carry. Two person carries are tough, but that boat weighs a ton. I'd put in two carry yokes, one behind each seat.