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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: On Foot :: Border Route Trail
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03/21/2010 07:19PM
Is anyone up to doing the BRT in mid May. I'm leaving on May 15th and however long it will take (5 or 6 day). Could use 1 or 2 more.
03/22/2010 05:01AM
This year May is full, but boy would I ever like to go along!
Had this trip planned once and had to bail as my daughter had an abscessed tooth at the last minute.
Have a great trip!
03/22/2010 11:27AM
Ya, have a good trip. My buddies and I were planning a SHT trip for that same exact time, but it looks like I won't be able to get out of work.
03/22/2010 03:18PM
I'm going to be trail clearing that weekend and the next. Working Gunflint the 1st and the east end the following weekend. I'll either see you or you'll see my work. The wilderness section will also have clearing trips.
Here's a schedule of trail clearing.

Have fun. Spring trail clearing
03/22/2010 01:39PM
Me and Mountainrunner are starting May 1st...interesting. Planning for six days, five if we are both moving well. Also depends on how good of a job those jokers did clearing the trail last year. ;) Not sure how flexible his schedule is. Are you locked into the 15th?