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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Trip Planning Forum :: Tin Can Mike to Fourtown
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06/30/2022 12:14PM
No you can't get from TCM to Fourtown directly. Either via Mudro or Horse
06/29/2022 03:20PM
Is Mudro to Fourtown out of question?
06/29/2022 03:08PM
Hi Guys,

It looks like there are two ways into Fourtown.

One going north into Horse and portaging over to Fourtown.

It looks like however there might be a creek running out of Tin Can into Fourtown.

Is that correct? Can you get to Fourtown directly from Tin Can or do you need to go through Horse?
06/29/2022 06:04PM
There is no summer route directly from Tin Can Mike to Fourtown. There is a winter route marked on maps. I believe Fourtown is at a higher elevation than Tin Can Mike, so if a creek existed it would flow the other way
You need to go through Horse if you go that way.
07/13/2022 08:52PM
That field of pointy little rocks right before Fourtown from Mudro always makes me laugh. It's an are you kidding me moment. Also, I'm not sure if we haven't found the correct end of the portage at Fourtown, but it always seems like we are dropping the canoe off the side of a cliff. The hill going through Tin Can Mike is no joke, but it's just a hill. You can take your time on it. And going into Horse is nice if you can camp there.
07/17/2022 08:05PM
Freeleo1: " always seems like we are dropping the canoe off the side of a cliff..."
Every. Time.

07/01/2022 12:21PM
I would recommend any way other than the Mudro to Fourtown....those portages are 3 of the toughest in a row in the whole BWCA. Rocky and hilly. Even billy goats would avoid them!!!! LOL
07/01/2022 12:35PM
That middle longer portage is scenic but slick if wet.

Those shorter portages on each end though I think are the killers. Just a ton of ankle breaker rocks at the landings.

I agree, if you're somehow debating equally one way or the other....go Horse-Fourtown.